2009 FLORIDA S2k Supermeet!

I got you guys that are paid in on the main list

thanks for coming

registration closes the 25th at midnight....after that I HAVE to subit final counts for ordering

see you all there

I should be on the list..PM sent (or visitor message whatever thingie:biggrin:)
registraton is officially closed as I have to get final counts into the vendors today...if you do not see your name and paid next to it and you are coming please PM ASAP to get it straightened out
Ahhh I came back in town a week early.... and I missed registration deadline

Still you can show up, just, you'll not get the T-shirt neither the food + raffle + free Gas tank or carwash :D ... no seriously, it's OK, you will miss the goodies that's all, come by please, NSX's are needed!
Yeah, they have a big group drive through a nice route, their groups are going to be between 10-15 cars tops .. so, they might have like 8 groups or something, I am coming with the South FL kids so we might arrive around 10:30 - 11:00 .... we'll try to join the drive, although I believe that after 3-4 hs driving we'll be just parking and chilling after we arrive :)

I am interested in joining you guys. When is the drive? And can I just show up?
I missed the registration.

Looking forward to a nice drive this weekend. Weather should be perfect.
The drive is Saturday Feb 7 at 9:00am, mandatory safety meeting at 8:30. Everyone meets at the supermeet location. As for just showing up you may need permission since this is an organized pre-registered event. PM Primogen, or ask one of the organizers from www.S2ki.com. I hope you can make it. If you do, PM me and we can meet up and ride out together. I'm in St Petersburg.
I pmed him. Hopefully I can join you guys. And yes I will contact you if I am in for the drive.
