2007 European NSX event !!!

Hi NSX'ers,

Untill now there are about 5-6 cars who seem to be interested in the event. If this number doesn't go up to about 20 - 25 cars, it's not going to happen this year unfortunately. Not that 5-6 cars can't be fun, but it takes a lot of organising and for some parts of the event it's not efficient to have only a few cars joining.

I will give an update on www.nsxevent.eu around April 16.

I hope more people will show their interest in the event by mailing the form which is available from www.nsxevent.eu

CU soon and hope the event will take place this year.
It seems to me (cfr. other Belgian NSX-drivers) that the event is to "up-scale"
All we ask is a gathering of as many NSX-drivers as possible at one location, (like Spa-Francorchamps NSX-days) NOT a tour around Europe and attending an F1-event which will create problems such as parking our cars, traffic jams, high costs etc ...
A period of 1 weekend will be sufficient (friday arrival with party, saturday show and shine contest with a photoshoot and some laps at the (any) circuit, a short tour and in the evening party again ! On sunday departure after breakfast.
Simple, cheap(-er?), short !

Tell me if this idea is wrong or if someone else has another opinion please respond !?
But I'm also affraid there won't be any time left to organise such an event on short notice though ... :confused:

Just my 2C :redface:

btw ... i've returned the participation form a long time ago: no matter what the event will be, I'll be there !! :biggrin:
Much as would love the opportunity to spend a couple of weeks driving around Europe with the roof off, neither work or new baby in July will allow sich indulgence.

I therefore would echo BlueEyes' NSX proposal of a long weekend. Arrival at leaisure during the Thursday or Friday, event Saturday etc

Preferably in late Summer please.

I agree. I think it is too ambitious for a first event. A short (days) drive between two destinations seems best. So start in one town stay overnight, then a drive to next location. Stay over again, then lunch/depart for home.

Or stay in one small town, and make daily drives out to different locations, and back to base for overnight.

Big events need years to build up to. If the early ones are sucessful they will grow naturally.

I would like to attend the weekend main event no matter what else happens, but I don't think I can take a whole drive around France.
It seems to me (cfr. other Belgian NSX-drivers) that the event is to "up-scale"
All we ask is a gathering of as many NSX-drivers as possible at one location, (like Spa-Francorchamps NSX-days) NOT a tour around Europe and attending an F1-event which will create problems such as parking our cars, traffic jams, high costs etc ...
A period of 1 weekend will be sufficient
Simple, cheap(-er?), short !

Fully agree. Nothing more to add.

But I'm also affraid there won't be any time left to organise such an event on short notice though ... :confused:

Not for a small weekend in the second half of this year.

OK. Seems that the proposition for a longer event that just a few days isn't what Euro NSX'ers are looking for. I will think of some ideas this week and post them on www.nsxevent.eu.
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I totally agree with the last posts. Making something simple on a week-end only will be less trouble for everyone. A meeting somewhere on friday evening or even saturday morning, a cruise, party, track event on sunday...
Well hi again!

It's beeing loooooooooong time when I read last time this forum, Im beeing very busy...

My car is still on the carage and Im making with it some progress (interior & also new coil over setup)...
So maybe next year is best time for euro event... (to me at least)

Im possibly in this year happenings, but can't be sure yet.
The Europe event has been cancelled as the website states. So what to do? A small one/two-day meeting somewhere in Germany/Luxemburg/France/Belgium? Anyone even interested in this one without overloading the boat with things that need heavy preparation? A simple meeting with some driving, dinner and meeting.
The Europe event has been cancelled as the website states..

I was allready affread that was going to happen :frown:

So what to do? A small one/two-day meeting somewhere in Germany/Luxemburg/France/Belgium? Anyone even interested in this one without overloading the boat with things that need heavy preparation? A simple meeting with some driving, dinner and meeting.

Very interested ... but where, and who's going to take the responability of organising such an event :confused:
I was allready affread that was going to happen :frown:

I'm sorry to say me too.

Very interested ... but where, and who's going to take the responability of organising such an event :confused:

Well, I could do something in Switzerland but we've ruled out Switzerland because driving here is very restrictive and I don't want our Europe guests to loose their driving license for a while. Switzerland is also not in the center of Europe. If you still like to do it in Switzerland please tell me. If not no problem with it.

I've greatest respect for Dirk's preparation and ideas but I'll propose something different now.

I've seen that there is strong Belgium NSX community, see http://www.nsx.be/startpagina.htm who may be interested in organizing such an event, stress on SMALL event.
My suggestion of location would be Strassbourg, ok that's Luxembourg but it's a nice area.

Generally (and this literally really generally) WHAT DO WE NEED?

-a date fixed
-a meeting point = hotel
-a parking space for max. 50 cars
-a plan of the tour/activities
-a guy to coordinate the event
-nothing else to keep it simple

What is overkill for the first meeting IMO:
-race-track. I've greatest respect for this idea but this complicated the organizing by far. I'd suggest that we do a small meeting and discuss it this year on which track we go next year, ok? :wink:
-a Europe tour-plan as I think that people from each country will organize themselves and find a way to the event.

MY suggestions:

date: sept or oct 2007, saturday/sunday. Saturday arrival. Meeting time about 13:00. Not in the morning because some people may drive directly to the meeting. Sunday open end (everybody drives home whenever he wants to).

location: Strassbourg +-50 km? Leaves it the tour open for Black forrest. Could be another trip too except driving mainly on the Autobahn because that's boring IMO.

Activities: Visiting a museum or other technical stuff, depending on the interests people have. It could look like this: sa 13:00 meeting, 14:00 driving max. 3 hours/200 km to the first visiting point (i.e. museum). Driving to the hotel (must be organised) where we all spend the night. su 10:00 driving max. 3 hours/200 km to the next visiting point, then driving to the end meeting point where you can do some final pictures and say goodbye.

The preparation all depends on how many people will attend. So there must be a joining list here on prime or on Dirk's site. I know that the weather will be a critical point for some people (inclusive me) as it's no fun to drive several hundred km in pooring rain.

Some more detailled notes: The date will be fixed virtually here, the location too. There must a guy who's locally near to the meeting point to check out what place is ok for us. If some people arrive on friday it's in their responsability where there stay overnight. We'll vote on the first activity (sa) here on prime. Depending on what it is it must be organized or not. What we need mostly is the hotel we'll stay from sa to su because we need beds to sleep in and dinner to eat. :) Depending on the second actitity point it should be organized or not. (If we're 20 NSX's and drive to a hotel with a massive parking lot and 1000 bedroom's it's no need to prep it explicitly, a phone ring often clears the situation) For the several trips there must be a volunteer who makes himself clear where to drive through and will be responsible if we all find ourself in the desert. :)

You see that a weekend is complicated enough to organize.

So what you think about this one?
This post isn't going to help much, but in the UK we have managed to organise 40, yes that's 40 NSXs to a meeting in May. There's also a track session with about 15 cars taking to the track.

For the European event I'd still be willing to do a simple drive and stay over in a nice scenic area around Belgium/Luxembourg.

Be good to see my Euro-friends again no matter where it is.
This post isn't going to help much, but in the UK we have managed to organise 40, yes that's 40 NSXs to a meeting in May.

I don't know what you like to express by your statement? My points are exactly the points you have to think about to prevent it from a disaster, don't you think? For a ONLY-be-part-of-person it all looks very simple from the outside if you don't have to contribute anything at all. I'm not impressed by the amount of 40 NSX's at all because the underlying organisation is basically the same for 10, 100 or 1000 cars.
Unfortunately, once this event dropped to the idea of just a long weekend I feared this would be the end result.

I for one do not have the time to organise such events. The UK event has taken one key individual four months work to organise and co-ordinate and will represent around 10% of the UK's NSX that are still on the road.

If a weekend event is arranged I would still be interested. Even though Spa is no longer an event, a drive across Europe to somewhere in the region would be good.

regards, Paul
Unfortunately, once this event dropped to the idea of just a long weekend I feared this would be the end result.
The UK event has taken one key individual four months work to organise and co-ordinate and will represent around 10% of the UK's NSX that are still on the road.

Yes, I took the risk to propose only a weekend meeting. There are people who'd say a weekend is too long for them and other people (from very far away) who'd like to stay longer. For the laster ones it's open to them to stretch the time on the continent by grouping themselves together. If one's only staying one day he's not forced to take the second too. It's up to him to decide. So it's acomprosize. :wink:
The only two things people have to know is IF they come and If they stay overnight. The booking of the hotel is up to each's responsability. The only thing the organisator could do is finding out which hotel has enough bedrooms for all people or at least a restaurant for dinner for a get-together. If someone is NOT staying at the same hotel the organisator suggested, no problem. That keeps overhead massively down and won't someone's time like for the UK-event. If we have a difference of up to 2-3 people in booked and eating people in the restaurant that shouldn't be a problem for the restaurant I think.
Last Wednesday to Sunday I and a few friends went to the Grand Ballon in the Alsace. Sometimes we have 3 people sometimes 10 and everything in between.
The camping/mobile home park is north of Mulhouse, above Cernay near Wittwiller. 4 hours drive from Belgium.
We had no reservation because the mobile home park is empty this time of the year. No screaming kids, empty roads, no caravans on the roads, great weather.
€50 for 4 nights. Total.

Easy. Almost no planning.

We shop and cook there, or go to restaurants. Whatever we feel like.
We take a TV and DVD for playing of car and race/rally DVDs.

We drove, fast, around the best roads in Europe for 4 days. I used up my tyres and brakes. Great roads. Fantastic views.

There are enough great driving roads there for everyone. No cops. And some motorcycles to race against.

In the centre of Europe, easy for everyone.

On the way down, we stop for a few hours at the Nuerburgring for a few laps and lunch.

We have done this every year for 4 years. 2 times a year. In April or May and September.
So we will be doing it again in September, off season, with or without you guys.

Who wants to come? In any case I and a few friends are going so anyone who wants to go at the last minute can come too.
We will know the date in a month or so.
The list of cars going in September so far:
Lotus Exige
Lotus Elise (2)
Cosworth Sierra
Clio Sport
Porsche 944
VW Beetle diesel (!)

Everybody is a family person and has a good a job, average age is 40. No kids. Only bring your girlfriend if she doesn’t throw up in the car.
There is an excellent car museum in Mulhouse, worth a whole day.

This is the only way to make things happen because everybody is busy and needs flexibility. This trip offers the maximum flexibility. Some people can come for part of the time, a few days before, a few days after or any overlapping period.

post 20

post 14, 4th paragraph

post 51 and 55 and 145
I will look into it ... me and some other guys from NSX.be have a drive this weekend and I'll bring it up. Staying overnight in Luxemburg and driving the Alsace seems the best alternative to me, like Peter said.
We'll try to come up with something for September 2007, something to satisfy all of you. Luxemburg is not that far for us so we'll look into a hotel with enough parkingspace, a place for campers nearby (i'm not a kinda trailerguy so I prefer a hotel myself) and I'll contact Peter for a nice drive in the Alsace combined with visiting a museum or any alternative to please carenthousiasts. We'll keep it cheap and simple. OK for everyone ? :cool: