2006 has been a horrible year for me, and tomorrow may be the peak of it all...

30 April 2003
Indianapolis, IN
For those that don't know, I'll provide an abbreviated list of my year thus far:

-blew out the tranny in wife's car
-stepson rolled his jeep (1.5 hours after getting it no less)
-stepdaughter broke up w/ bf, and entire family was stalked for 3 months
-stepdaughter rear-ended guy when she hydroplaned
-stepson being charged with over 20 breaking & entering charges in three different counties
-1 cousin died from a drug overdose
-1 cousin has been diagnosed inopperable(?sp) heart disorder
-1 cousin (twin of heart defect cousin) is in rehab for alcohol
-mother had cyst removed from her cheek area. I believe it was benign though
-father lost transmission in his truck
-brother lost electrical system in his 3 week old wrangler
-dog had tumor on upper gumline (turned out to be an infection, but looked cancerous)
-uncle may lose house because it is tied to his business, and the state is shutting down the only road that goes by his store for 6 months or so next spring/summer
-wife has breast cancer

So, not that you're all caught up, here's why tomorrow is going to suck. Wife goes in for surgery to have tumor removed. They are screening for cancer spread at that time. If it has spread, she has chemo to look forward to. Due to the size of the tumor, and because of what the doc has said, I fully suspect that to be the case. So I will be spending all day tomorrow while the carve up my wife and try to rebuild her (she is having reconstruction done at the same time). While I'm sitting there worrying about her, my stepson will be sitting in court finding out how much shit he's in. It's a given he's going to jail. We just need to find out for how long. It seems he got a shitty judge who likes to make examples of people and gives very little. I'm guessing he's looking at at least 6 months, if not more. Add to this I've been working 13+ hours everyday except for the weekends (when I have been getting things settled for my wife so she doesnt have to worry about anything extra), and I am destroyed. I'm soooooo tweaked right now thinking about tomorrow. The way this year has gone, I'm waiting for the doc to say it can't be stopped and there is nothing they can do. I feel like shit (stomache pains, light headed, headaches, way stressed). Plus, even though I'm eating half what I used to, and working twice as much, I've still put on weight. I hate this.

I just hope everyone else is having a better year than me. I wouldn't wish this shit on on anyone. Hope everyone else has a good holiday.
Try and keep your head up. Your step son is responsible for his own actions, and he must face the consequeces like a man. Stay strong.Think about the fact your still alive, and your wife will be counting on you. By the sounds of your doing one hell of a job!!! Keep hanging in there, things will get better, its just a matter of time.
Obviously your wife is your main concern, all you can do is love and support her and PRAY for the best.

My Prayers are with you brother........

Keep us posted..
Some of the things on your list are within your control. Many of them are not. Do your best to control the things you can, the others you'll just need to deal with. Though it sounds like you've had more than your fair share of hardship. Consider seeking help from church, community, neighbors, work. Don't be afraid to ask for it.

Best wishes for a successful surgery and for better days ahead.

Life is full of challenges. Maybe you're thinking - It's easy for me to say -right?

I've been in a much more difficult situation not so long ago...and I was depressed for a while..but I chose to focus on the solutions and not the problem...I have to leave the comfort of my home, my family and love ones as part of the solution...Count your blessings and pray for God's help.

I'll Keep you and your family in my prayers... Hang in there!
Keep your head up and stay strong. Your wife and family needs you to be strong now more than ever it seems.

I wish you and yours the best and hope the holidays provide a bit of breathing room for you

no doubt, you've had a very challenging year. please include my best wishes for to you and your bride for her rapid return to excellent health.

Yes, many family members are going to look for your help and support. Be strong and supportive. I know you are working very hard these days. You can do it and we are here to give you moral support on the prime. There is always someone here you can vent to.We have faith in you.
Hang in there, bud.
Poet, My stepfathers wife was diagnosed with breast cancer this year as well. She had to have her breast removed and some lymph nodes. After a bit of chemo she is now in great health. It was very stressful for her and for the whole family. Keep your head up and let us know how she is doing.
my personal observation... but i've always noticed the best times, biggest success, and most fruitful times shortly after a season of bad times.... i know it might sound generic... but its never failed me... wishing you the best...
It sucks for you, but it's worse for her, your wife really needs you now...try to stay strong and remember there are people out there praying for you and your wife.

A crazy little fish in a kids movie once said some wise words.

Just keep swiming...just keep swiming

poet_x said:
For those that don't know, I'll provide an abbreviated list of my year thus far:

-blew out the tranny in wife's car
-stepson rolled his jeep (1.5 hours after getting it no less)
-stepdaughter broke up w/ bf, and entire family was stalked for 3 months
-stepdaughter rear-ended guy when she hydroplaned
-stepson being charged with over 20 breaking & entering charges in three different counties
-1 cousin died from a drug overdose
-1 cousin has been diagnosed inopperable(?sp) heart disorder
-1 cousin (twin of heart defect cousin) is in rehab for alcohol
-mother had cyst removed from her cheek area. I believe it was benign though
-father lost transmission in his truck
-brother lost electrical system in his 3 week old wrangler
-dog had tumor on upper gumline (turned out to be an infection, but looked cancerous)
-uncle may lose house because it is tied to his business, and the state is shutting down the only road that goes by his store for 6 months or so next spring/summer
-wife has breast cancer

So, not that you're all caught up, here's why tomorrow is going to suck. Wife goes in for surgery to have tumor removed. They are screening for cancer spread at that time. If it has spread, she has chemo to look forward to. Due to the size of the tumor, and because of what the doc has said, I fully suspect that to be the case. So I will be spending all day tomorrow while the carve up my wife and try to rebuild her (she is having reconstruction done at the same time). While I'm sitting there worrying about her, my stepson will be sitting in court finding out how much shit he's in. It's a given he's going to jail. We just need to find out for how long. It seems he got a shitty judge who likes to make examples of people and gives very little. I'm guessing he's looking at at least 6 months, if not more. Add to this I've been working 13+ hours everyday except for the weekends (when I have been getting things settled for my wife so she doesnt have to worry about anything extra), and I am destroyed. I'm soooooo tweaked right now thinking about tomorrow. The way this year has gone, I'm waiting for the doc to say it can't be stopped and there is nothing they can do. I feel like shit (stomache pains, light headed, headaches, way stressed). Plus, even though I'm eating half what I used to, and working twice as much, I've still put on weight. I hate this.

I just hope everyone else is having a better year than me. I wouldn't wish this shit on on anyone. Hope everyone else has a good holiday.

Poet: you, your wife , and family will all be in my prayers.. as well as in your fellow Prime members' ..... And if you all need any support, please feel free to ask. I now actually have a car I can drive in this weather :smile: I love driving (and praying), so distance (or prayer) is no issue... I actually was up near y'all last week --my first Snowmobiling experience--- loved it! ... and planning a couple weekend ski trips up there...

In any event, please keep us updated.... BE strong, your wife is going to really need you ... But also remember to take care of you* (very important)....

I looked to see the closest division of the national/int'l organization (where I worked in Miami) is to you, and unfortunately in Ann Arbor :( .... However, they offer many online resources, chat, support groups, etc. Their collection of literature is profound and has proven very helpful to many. Here's the link : http://www.thewellnesscommunity.org/default.asp

I hope that will help.. But again, please feel free to contact me ....

*Best Wishes and Many Prayers*


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zahntech said:
remember there are people out there praying for you and your wife.

A crazy little fish in a kids movie once said some wise words.

Just keep swiming...just keep swiming JZ


keep your head up and hang in there.

Your family needs you now more than ever. (WIFE!!!)

All that car stuff will be okay and can be fixed or replaced?

I'll be praying for you and your family.
Well, surgery was tuesday. They did a reconstruct on the right breast and a complete removal of the left, which will be reconstructed in about 3 months when her skin has expanded enough to accomodate the implant. They used a tracer dye to find out which lymphnodes the left breast used, and 3 were checked for cancer spread during surgery, as well as being removed for biopsy. Initial results show that there is no cancer spread, and that chemo will probably not be required. She is VERY sore, and we came home from the hospital today.

I know many of you have expressed concern and wished us luck and/or put us in your prayers, and I want to say thank you. it really has made a difference for both of us. It seems she is through the worst of it, and they believe that they have removed all the cancer. Thanks again to all of you who have shared this tragedy w/ my wife and I. Thank you.


Great news Aaron. Hang in there.:smile:
Hang in there we wish you and your wife a speedy recovery. :smile:

What great news.

Never know what kind of balls you will get thrown in life. We are passengers for so much of it. Im really happy to hear the news; hope the worse of it is all behind you now.
omeys_berlina said:
Try and keep your head up. Your step son is responsible for his own actions, and he must face the consequeces like a man. Stay strong.Think about the fact your still alive, and your wife will be counting on you. By the sounds of your doing one hell of a job!!! Keep hanging in there, things will get better, its just a matter of time.
Obviously your wife is your main concern, all you can do is love and support her and PRAY for the best.

My Prayers are with you brother........

Keep us posted..

Very well said.....Best of luck to you through these rough times.
Stay up and stay strong. Your in my prayers.