2005 White NSX... JH4NA21615S000150

There you go folks...the rest of the story.

The NSX community has gained another first class enthusiast!
sweet another new NE member and you will meet the faithful in Japan:cool:
Re: 2005 White NSX for sale... JH4NA21615S000150

Hi Everyone,

I've been waiting to introduce myself here on this fine NSX Prime website :redface: but seeing today's latest post I'm prompted to do it now.
I'm the person who's the new and proud owner of HotHonda's 2005 GPW NSX. And it is remaining here in the states; New York to be exact.
Earlier this year I would have in no way predicted that I would own an NSX but then things happened.
I had just finished the work (modding with genuine Honda factory parts) on my 2008 GPW S2000 that I had acquired in September of 2009. Being a proud owner of Honda's latest sports car led me to making some comparitive evaluations with the NSX during the winter just for fun and information.
Having found my S2000 on Autotrader, I searched NSX's there just to see where they were mileage and price wise and saved a search for white NSX's.
So one day in late June it came up with "New Results".
It was listed for sale by Acura of Bellevue and I was taken by the pictures and the description posted. I was also somewhat taken by the price....
None the less I called to inquire about the car nowhere near considering myself as a potential buyer. Within a day or two I saw HotHonda's post here on this thread. I pm'd Steve about his former car and he was kind enough to respond with some information that got me thinking a little more seriously about it. I got a bit more information including some other pictures from Steve through email and he was also generous to give me a call where we had a nice conversation. Within a couple day's time my interest evolved into that of a buyer. If I were to have an NSX it had to be Grand Prix White. And I did want an NA2 with the exposed lights. Fortunate enough to have the means to consider a prime example and with only 24 2002+ GPW's brought here, I was pretty well convinced that this had to be one of the best if not the best of the 24. Oddly enough during this time another 05 GPW became available and was discussed on a thread here. I believe it had 49k+ miles and pics and discussion here showed it to be (unfortunately) at least a little on the rough side.
Anyway I had a few conversations with the sales rep and ultimately wound up agreeing on a price.
I had it shipped to NY and it arrived early August. I've made a few changes to the car which to me are tasteful improvements. As with my S2000 any mechanical mods were done with genuine Honda parts.
Since it arrived I'd been busy planning the work and then actually working on the car (along with life's other obligations).
A few weeks back I was fortunate to be able to take one of the openings that had become available for 2010 NSX Fiesta.
Between finishing the car and making arrangements for the trip I thought I might not post until I returned but I thought I should take this opportunity and introduce myself now.
Although mainly a lurker up to this point, I have to say that I really enjoy Prime and have appreciated both the content and the community every time I've come on here.:smile:

Sincere regards to all,

Congratulation on acquiring a GREAT car Jeff!!!
Hi Zaid,

Thank you. Seems we share a distinctly similar taste in Honda sports cars.
But you need to replace your daily driver with something Honda or Acura!:smile:

congrats on your great taste! :biggrin:

I'm eyeballing for a 2002+ GPW NSX and a 2008/2009 GPW S2k. Post some photos up of your mods!
Congrats on your garage stable!

I have one of the last 09 GPW s2000's and I also have in my opinion the rarest of the GPW NSX's being 1/4 2004 GPW NSX with super low miles :biggrin:

Nice to have a fellow counter-part on the "east" with the exact pair of cars!

You will like this forum a lot - I was a member on here way before it was my time to buy an NSX and I'm fortunate to also have found mine with a very traceable history being owned by fellow nsxprime members.

Hi again,

I've appreciated the further welcomes and comments from all of you. Sorry I'm a bit crazed right now at work and with trying to make sure I've got all my preparations before leaving Saturday for Fiesta.
It's nice to know that among all the loyal NSX fans there are at least a few of you who like me also share an appreciation for the S2000 and have one as a stablemate.
And then there's the GPWers!

I'll be sure to post some more pics at least after returning from Japan including the subtle mods done.
Now I have to get back to stuffing my NSX into my suitcase so that I'll have it with me to do a few laps of Suzuka!

Thanks again everyone