To all:
WOW, the comments are getting redundant & repetitive to the point of the whole thing almost coming off as if everyone is ganging up to rag on this nice yellow NSX-T.
Look, I'm sure by now that Tom (the owner/seller) totally "gets it". The mods aren't to every person's tastes. Then again, there's not a single modded NSX out there that someone isn't going to like.
Could it have a broader appeal to a larger audience of potential buyers if the mods were removed and it were put back to looking factory stock? Likey, but then again, EVERY NSX in stock form, will have a broader appeal & larger audience than a modded one, because EVERYONE wants a "virgin"!
At the end of the day, it's Tom's NSX, he's fine with the mods, and with the car. It doesn't sound like he has to sell it. If you want it, buy it. If the mods are killing the deal for you, go find another one. But it is kind of ridiculous for so many people to be lecturing a seller to spend more money on an item they're trying to sell!
Honestly, if this NSX is still available when my cash-flow issues get back to a better position, or other financial changes occur in the near future, I personally would actually love to buy this NSX-T from Tom...I'm just not in a situational position to do so currently.
Granted, I may not be crazy in love with all the current mods myself, but the car is a rock-solid, well-maintained example, with very few previous owners, really low miles, it's never been wrecked (to my knowledge), it's local to my area, I've already personally driven it, and I think it would actually be fun converting it back to full factory OEM stock, or however I want it to be. Plus, those mods are worth something to some other owners, so a buyer of this NSX can always remove the unwanted mods, then sell them off for money to buy different parts.
Is it worth the current asking price? It will be, to the right buyer, who sees it for what IT IS...but perhaps NOT for an active current buyer who only sees it for what IT ISN'T.
All I'm suggesting is that we should focus on fresh and positive comments or questions...instead of continuing to post the same well-intentioned, but already conveyed, "lecturing advice" that can come off as negative.