2 FREE Titanium Keys

I am building a custom Texas holdem poker table. On the inside rail (after the padded rail) I am crafting a two inch deep rail about 4 inches wide. The rail will be filled with epoxy encapsulating all the things I hold dear in my life. I have been trying to figure out what would be a good memento of my NSX to put in the epoxy. One of these keys would be perfect.
I agree with ending this Wed. the 5th at 5:00pm EDT or else it's going to get too hard to pick winners with so many good choices. I'm thinking about letting my wife pick so no one can hold losing against me. Ha
You should give one of the NSX keys to me because . . .

I still suffer from withdrawal from the sale of my parents Q45 and the loss of that similarly-styled key, which I loved to show off to an unsuspecting yet adoring public.

It would go very well with my Sebring Silver NSX, which is forced to subsist on a plastic key that is not in keeping with its beauty or pedigree.

I need a fake key to stop the valets from locking my doors manually, thereby arming the factory alarm, in addition to using the remote to arm the aftermarket alarm, and not telling me, so I don't look like a fool when I exit the restaurant and my car alarm goes off for two minutes without apparent reason.

I have had over $5500 in unexpected car expenses in the last month and a half and could use a little good automotive karma.

I need an NSX key to display along with my NSXCA membership card when I am in the 'other' car and want to show my solidarity to an unknown NSX owner I encounter on the street, without being lumped into the class of non-NSX owner admirers.

Along the same line, my current plastic key is getting worn, so it is ill-suited for the above display of NSX-owner solidarity.

It would look great next to the NSX paperweight.

It would be nice if you gave it to me because I am asking politely. :)

May I please have one of the keys?

Titanium Key??? What is a Titanium Key? :confused: How does it look? Are they made for our NSX? :eek:
I don't think it exists unless you send one to me so I can personally hold it in my hands so that I will become a believer. :D
On a more serious note. I would be more than happy to pay for the shipping charges and will even have my 6 year old son give you a big smile and thank you because he has already claimed my NSX.
I figured that this key will last another 10+ years so by the time he is ready to drive, I can take it out of the safe deposit box and hand it over to him on his 16th birthday. Now how can you say no to a NSX Enthusiasts in the making.;)
Well, I've always beena man that don't like to lie so I'll be straight forward..... I have no creative reasoning to own a key that doesn't work in my car. Heck, I already have one that I had to buy for my car didn't come with it
:) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused: :) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :eek: :confused: :) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused: :) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused: :) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused:

I have been on an emotional roller coaster since this thread started.........need keys........titani.........unobtani.........whatthef...

Give me the keys or I'm gonna end it all!!!!

Im having my driveway and garage re-done - I have an idea - it'd be cool to embed them into the cement right where the "X" is parked! Oh Joy!
You key will save my car from my wife. I will attach the spare alarm trasmitter to your key and leave them in the key box, while I carry my own titanium key with me all the time. My NSX will live a long and dent/scratch free life.
Ok...im throwing my two cents in....

I think we should use the keys as an incentive for NSXPrime and its members....

As I see it, there are 3 keys.....the two with the rubber can go to a member of prime who is POSITIVE they will be getting an NSX in less than 30 days, and has alot of contributing posts here on prime. If they get the car, or 30 days has passed and they havent bought an NSX, then they choose who it should go to next and sends the key off to the next person that is looking to buy one in the next 30 days. I think this would give the perpective owner a realization that the dream is about to come true....

As for the Titanium key......That should go to those that have an NSX and are great contributers on the board.....after having the key for a month or alotted time, you get to send the key to the next person that you or a small board elect....(and get to keep a pin or something that says NSXTITANIUMKEYMAN or woman.......

just a thought......
NowSeeX's said:
Ok...im throwing my two cents in....

I think we should use the keys as an incentive for NSXPrime and its members....

As for the Titanium key......That should go to those that have an NSX and are great contributers on the board.....after having the key for a month or alotted time, you get to send the key to the next person that you or a small board elect....(and get to keep a pin or something that says NSXTITANIUMKEYMAN or woman.......

just a thought......

Hey, I like this one!

The key will revolve around prime forever! The key will be passed from member to member based on some criteria. Here are some examples:

The order of registration on prime

Number of posts ever / daily basis

Contribution to prime based on the new silver/gold/champion etc. membership status. The key will never actuyally have an owner, it will belong to us all!!

This is so cool :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: !!!!!

I think we should all rescind our original ideas and rally around this one!!
I will second this motion.

jmjrdh1 said:
Hey, I like this one!

The key will revolve around prime forever! The key will be passed from member to member based on some criteria. Here are some examples:

The order of registration on prime

Number of posts ever / daily basis

Contribution to prime based on the new silver/gold/champion etc. membership status. The key will never actuyally have an owner, it will belong to us all!!

This is so cool :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: !!!!!

I think we should all rescind our original ideas and rally around this one!!
If you give me one of the keys, I'll tape it to the ceiling in my bedroom above the bed and tell my wife that if she's able to bounce high enough during sex to retreive it, that I'll finally let her drive my NSX.
I think you should give both keys to the person who has the highest number of posts here. Wait... that's me! :D

I promise if you send them to me, I will send one to Neo and the other one to Danny.
Just back from my trip, and WOW what a nice surprise!!! :D :D :D

<B>I vote for Neo too.</B> :p

Everyone who voted for Neo gets a free photoshop job with a Samuari goddess of their choice. :p J/K.

I reckon the other key should go to Single Samuari PROVIDING he posts his <B>entire</B> lady friend photo collection. :rolleyes: j/k again.
Simple. Earrings for the wife's Christmas present. Please PM me and I'll send you my address.

Thanks in advance. I post pictures of Christmas morning!

nsxxtreme said:
If someone wants a key that is already cut I'll give one a way. I have one I was about to throw away I didn't think anyone would want it.

I'll take it. (as would everyone else on this thread). If you want to give it to me, PM me. Thanks.