1997+ OBDII FX400 runs...


I like your idea, but if I recall all the "rules" for driving your setup, you won't do so well. :biggrin:

We have actually tried to have some FI comparo's, but it never seems to work out.
I hope he isn't kidding, it sounds fun. I don't claim my car is a beast, but I think it's turning out ok.

I'd be in just cause it sounds fun. Lot of people on the net talk a good game, and few step up. (not directed at you at all, KGP, obviously :))

If we didn't setup our own. We could ofcourse have our own NSX class in this years Open Track Challenge if there was enough interest. Ofcourse like most things NSX, people like to show and not go. :-)

NetViper said:
We have actually tried to have some FI comparo's, but it never seems to work out.
Yea, there is no way we are ever going to pull off something like Mark suggests. While the FX thingy last year wasn't much, no other FI vendor showed up. They have work commitments and can't run around the country for the NSX version of the biker build-off. The participants in The Biker Build-off are rewarded by way of exposure to what is a massive market in comparo to ours. You think car owners would do it? No chance. What's to gain? Going to grant them time off with pay from work, and get their company to toss in an extra week of vacation? Fogetaboutit.
Well, I hope you putz's invite your friendly neighborhood NSX Driver Product Editor to this little comparo.

Sorry to say this but been there and tried that… no one showed up.

The 1,000 mile drive is a good idea as long as we go through extreme altitude and baro changes along the way. Going a 1,000 miles in the desert does not mean much. Drag racing is the best indicator of the power you are making. However, since everyone agrees that drag racing takes no skill compared to road racing why even bother with the 10mph roll, unless compressor surge is an issue for some contestants? If it is to be positioned as an engine test lets use the mph as an indicator. If we want real world roll-on power lets do a roll from 60-180mph to really put load on the car. We can also load it on the dyno and do dozens of back to back pulls to test for durability. The road race event is probably the most difficult to gauge via time as driver skill definitely comes into play but if we make the times more towards the novice end it should be just fine. There should also be a judgement given on the appearance and finish of the system. If possible this event should take place in the peak heat of summer as we had planned last year.

Sounds like a blast to us! To make it interesting the contestants should ante up a sizable entry fee, winner take all.

Btw, why not start a new thread for this?
KGP said:
Yea, there is no way we are ever going to pull off something like Mark suggests. While the FX thingy last year wasn't much, no other FI vendor showed up. They have work commitments and can't run around the country for the NSX version of the biker build-off. The participants in The Biker Build-off are rewarded by way of exposure to what is a massive market in comparo to ours. You think car owners would do it? No chance. What's to gain? Going to grant them time off with pay from work, and get their company to toss in an extra week of vacation? Fogetaboutit.


If the entry fee was in the area of $10k and we had more than 4 contestants, we cantry to make the time:)
There are no turbos close to me, so I can't line any up. There are a couple of CTSC's close though. We shall see at the next CHIN event at roebling how it stacks up.
KGP said:
I only use my NSX for having fun. The suspension setup might be rough for some people, so that might be an issue for "daily driving." The clutch takes a bit getting used to (day or two) the on/off engagement. It's not quiet when your on boost. Power wise, it's not a big a deal if you're not "on it." Break loose? Sure, if you want it to. When I drove it out in Vegas a few weeks ago it broke loose in third (while on channel 2 - 550hp).

Yeah, thanks Gene, real fun... I had to go to Target to buy more underwear.
Yea, I'm serious. Not as serious as KGP sees it, it's not meant to put one system on a pedestal and another in the trash; it's meant to showcase the advantages and disadvantages inherent in EVERY system. For example, I suspect my 10 mph rolling start drag test (who said it takes no skill to drag race, heck, the most important 60 feet is almost all driver skill) will show the strength of the blower on roll-on and the strength of the turbo thereafter. Who wins? I don't particularly care who as much as HOW that car won (quarter track, half track or finish line). BTY, a 60 to 180 mph might be even better as it takes traction, inertial affects of bigger tires and brakes, lighter flywheels and some other variables out of the equation (or at least mitigates them). But it's not "real world" as in something you might encounter on any given Sunday drive and it adds aero factors big time. The road track event could be as simple as follow the leader, taking each engine to the max down the straights but relatively easy through the corners. After several laps all the cars will fall more or less in line, most powerful to least, as the faster cars overtake the slower cars on the longer straights. Once the hierarchy of power is established it's just a matter of maintaining it over a period of a couple of hours. Most of the cars will probably be equipped with data acquisition so we could monitor things like average acceleration, IATs, oil temps & pressure, knock, fuel mixtures, timing, etc. A virtual smorgasbord of data could be collected to the benefit of all. And that's what it's all about, facts and data so we and the NSX community can become more knowledgeable and make more educated decisions when it comes to the many FI choices. Lets face it, making HP using FI does not require rocket science compared to other means (just ask the NASCAR guys who'll give their right arm for 3 hp or a couple ft/lb of torque). However, that said there are many ways to skin the FI cat (sorry cat lovers). So wouldn’t it be really neat to OBJECTIVELY document the unique character of each as they pertain specifically to the NSX. Maybe we can get the NSXPO dudes to include something like this at Phoenix this year . . . . . .
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We showed up to the FX shootout last year... Waste of time. Nobody there, and when we asked what the plan was the next day(asked the FX guys), they said not much, we will be working...?WTF. So we asked if we could come by, they said yes, no problem. We did... no one to be seen... FX can verify that we left a voicemail:)... It was from some very upset/Very rich arab men looking to buy ten of their kits:). Also, I was there with Elite... he can verify as well.
Mark911 said:
Yea, I'm serious. Not as serious as KGP sees it...
I wasn't interpreting the tests or results seriousness one way or the other. Just giving my opinion that it won't happen. That was the basis of my previous question, "you're joking, right." Mark, I could give a rats behind who whatever winner would be. Hell, I have Len to play with if I want to compare charecteristics of another high ouput turbo, and we also have a few CTSC's, and I know what a base model bbsc is all about. In fact, StL is the NSX boost capital of the country. :biggrin: But I do understand what you mean about the smorgasboard of data. That would be real neat for alot of people.
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Mark911 said:
BTY, a 60 to 180 mph might be even better as it takes traction, inertial affects of bigger tires and brakes, lighter flywheels and some other variables out of the equation (or at least mitigates them). But it's not "real world" as in something you might encounter on any given Sunday drive and it adds aero factors big time.

Lets face it, making HP using FI does not require rocket science compared to other means (just ask the NASCAR guys who'll give their right arm for 3 hp or a couple ft/lb of torque).

This is how we would describe our typical Sunday drives in Vegas:) As you mention, aero plays a significant role. This is where the NSX really shines versus other performance cars like the Supra, Z06, Viper, etc. We have found that we are typically down close to 100hp v. the others but still trap equal if not higher speeds. Weight probably is a significant contributor also.

This statement is coming from someone who is degreed, published, and certifiable though. The majority of the people that participate on this board do not have the knowledge that you would consider basic.

On a side note, another segment to add to your program maybe a proper care and feeding guide for FI NSXers to follow. Many mishaps can occur without the proper care.

We hope you are successful in creating such an event, if you could please alert us a few months before we would be more than happy to participate.
Fougeee said:
We showed up to the FX shootout last year... Waste of time. Nobody there, and when we asked what the plan was the next day(asked the FX guys), they said not much, we will be working...?WTF. So we asked if we could come by, they said yes, no problem. We did... no one to be seen... FX can verify that we left a voicemail:)... It was from some very upset/Very rich arab men looking to buy ten of their kits:). Also, I was there with Elite... he can verify as well.

110% percent our fault and sounds like a big loss for us… Once again we apologize, as the team was very tired trying to make arrangements for the event, finishing up a few projects and a bit perturbed that we went out of our way to clear our schedule, give up their weekend, and provide a venue virtually free of charge (Free Dynapack pulls, $10 to race) only to have none of the participants that signed up to show. This was all done to end the “trash” talk and smoke and mirrors that was prevalent last year. The stage was set but none of the other FI participants showed up.

You are in good hands with Elite, as other members on this forum have been happy with his work and will surely be happy to fill the order.
Factor X Motorsports said:
...someone who is ...certifiable though.
Mark is "ceritified." You were thinking about Mikey when you wrote "certifiable." :tongue:
NetViper said:
I don't understand why the FX400 is not available for 91-96? From what I understand, the 3.0 motor is a lot stronger than the 3.2. :confused:

Also, there are very very few 91-96 CTSC making anywhere near 375HP. I can think of only 1. Most typically make 320-340.
What we all need to remember is Factor X is referring to CTSC set-ups with significant additional upgrades...the STOCK set-up makes the "typical 320-340 RWHP" you're referring to, however with the high-boost + upgraded fuel pump & 550cc's + AEM stand alone tuned properly + high flow cats 375-380 RWHP can be had with ease. I've even heard of one going to extra mile to add a larger TB and cams with all the rest mentioned to crack the 400RWHP mark** (with such upgrade significant gains above and beyond a 115MPH trap speed should be had with excellent drivability to boot)
...however it's all an even wash though, becuase the upgrades mention to the already expensive CTSC upgrade in itself pushes the overall investment to $15K by the time alls said and done to achieve this.
becuase the upgrades mention to the already expensive CTSC upgrade in itself pushes the overall investment to $15K by the time alls said and done to achieve this.

I bet it is even higher than that. For me, that is way too much money for a comptech setup.
NetViper said:
I bet it is even higher than that. For me, that is way too much money for a comptech setup.
Easy there grasshopper, you are to new into the family to be "BASCHING" other FI systems.

Govern Yourself Accordingly

MiamieNeSeX said:
Easy there grasshopper, you are to new into the family to be "BASCHING" other FI systems.

I am in no way bashing the comptech setup. I just don't think it is worth $15K. I don't think a BBSC is either. For the money, the FX400 is a smarter choice in my book.
NetViper said:
I am in no way bashing the comptech setup. I just don't think it is worth $15K. I don't think a BBSC is either. For the money, the FX400 is a smarter choice in my book.
That comment has merit, we're on the same page :wink:

However, u have to also realize that many enthusiasts don't have $15K or even the $11.5K (as Factor X quoted above) to spend all-at-once in a one-lump-sum for mods. Most CTSC people do the comptech headers and a cat-back first...possibly follwed by shorter gears/final drive....get use to that for a while then dish out $7,900 for the blower mod itself....in steps. Thats what keeps them in this one-dimensional more expensive CTSC route. Not to mention knowning its the most proven/reliable set-up on the market for the car still to today.
...you don't have the liberty of doing the turbo F/I route in "stages." Additionally, it's more difficult to convert your car back to stock if you ever decide to sell it to help get your money back out of the mods.
I have a 96 was thinking about FX400 for 12k, but I guess it's back to the Comptech option since Factor X isn't going ot offer it. Don't think I could afford the 25k-30k for a FX500, LOL. Would be nice to get 375 RWHP out of Comptech though, but I think it would cost another 5k for that next 50hp over the normal 325 HP you usually get.