1993 NA1 Vacuum line question

15 January 2025
I am on a Haltech standalone, so I've been delete things off of the car. I have the four or five vacuum lines on the intake manifold that goes into the black box there, and was wondering if I could ditch that stuff as well. IAB and EGR are all gone already. I am also using a Ford TB, so no more dashpot either.
You should grab a copy of the 1991 service manual from the Prime Library- it has a good description of the vacuum control system. IIRC, (standing on the left side of the car), the leftmost port on the IM is for the EGR valve. You can cap that. The other lines are for things like the fuel pressure regulator and the VVIS system. The manual will show you.
Awesome, didn't realize the manual was available. Looks like I can delete all of it. For reference the vacuum is on section 11-7 for anyone else looking