18 hr. Trip in NSX Tomorrow


Experienced Member
2 September 2007
We made the purchase exactly a week ago from a very large dealership in Chicago. Everything was paid for including the cost of shipment. Things are not looking too good with date promised. One delay after another.
I just booked one way ticket and will be driving back to FL from Chicago.
This will be a very long 18 hr. drive back. Hopefully the seats are as comfortable as many of you stated.
After reading many bad experiences with delivery issues... I feel that this may be the best route. I guess if you want things done right, you just have to do it yourself.
Is there anything that I need to know about this car on a long drive?
Swing through Ohio on your return and stop in on nsxpo:biggrin:
I've driven FL > TN many times and just did a 2000+ mile trip in the NSX about 6 weeks ago. I've got no complaints and love driving it long distance. Keep in mind it rides like a sports car and not a floaty sedan.


Also be sure to remember how low and small you are in traffic on the Interstate (semi's tend to pull over on me.) And if it's a T, practice putting the top on/off a few times. That way you can drive with the top off and put it on quickly if needed. "T off" is the way to go...

When I purchased my '05 I got the same run around from shipping co.s and decided to fly to St. Louis and drive back to Seattle...2300 miles. I took a stack of CD's , my V-1 and a road atlas. I had a great time. The seats in the NSX are the best quality and very comfortable for long drives. I did one 1000 mile + day and a couple 600 milers.....

Enjoy your trip & remember the NSX is speeding ticket magnet!
Take a roll of blue painters tape along and tape up the front nose assm. to prevent unwanted rock chips. :smile:
You guys are awesome. Just what I had in mind. My wife and I work so hard and this is a great oportunity to stop and smell the roses...@ 100 mph. JK
Thanks for the tips. I thought I was crazy for doing this. I guess not after all.
BTW... no one told me that this car is a ticket magnet. I will post pics of the trip.:biggrin:
Double check w/ the seller that it has the oem jack & spare. Bring along a flashlight, can of flat repair junk, and maybe the multipurpose air compressor/light/emergency blinker/battery jumper (about $60 to $85 at Costco/Sam's Club). Have fun.

Double check w/ the seller that it has the oem jack & spare. Bring along a flashlight, can of flat repair junk, and maybe the multipurpose air compressor/light/emergency blinker/battery jumper (about $60 to $85 at Costco/Sam's Club). Have fun.


Thanks Jeff...
I was too excited and did not even think about this.
Take a roll of blue painters tape along and tape up the front nose assm. to prevent unwanted rock chips. :smile:

+1 We drove ours back 4+ hours, and I was totally paranoid about the stone chips and road rash. I cant even imagine 18+ hours of bugs, rocks, construction, etc. Id probably look into it, or just make sure you dont follow others too close. Enjoy the trip :smile:
If you run into rain or wet highways, slow down. I drove my NSX home from Tally, FL (1400 miles) and it was a blast. The perfect way to "bond" with the car.

You'll be amazed at how good the ride is. Also, you'll have to adjust to the stares when you stop to refuel:smile: Get used to it!

Be careful and have a great trip.

in my opinion...
the oem bucket-like seats are VERY comfy for a super car.
the ride on stock suspension performs SO well, yet not harsh at all to handle.
its the perfect car. (to me at least)
i could drive in it for hrs... well, except bathroom breaks.
i think all you need are stashes of cds as mentioned above :cool:
have a safe trip.

[edited] PS: lotsa sorts of gummybears/worms & jerkies =)
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BTW... no one told me that this car is a ticket magnet.:biggrin:

It's only a ticket magnet if you drive much faster than the flow, but that goes for all cars. Have a fun and safe trip driving your NSX home.
Be sure to pack lots of snacks and drinks in what little space you have left lol.:biggrin:
Angie and I drove ours from Indianapolis to North Carolina, 750 miles. We stopped in Asheville overnight. On the way home Angie would call family and friends and say, This car's great for your health. You get to use muscles you've never used getting in and out. You get to walk more, as you park away from the crowds. She also commented on how comfortable the car was making the trip an easy one.

Happy Motoring!
It is a comfy car. My wife, who hates long road trips with a passion, even admits that the NSX is one car she can spend 10 or 11 hours in without hurting.
I have a can of those "tire-inflate foam bottles" in every car. Glad that I never needed it, but you never know. Long road trips can be unpredictable. If any one knows if these really work, please do tell. Also I look for gas stations at 1/3 tank left. Bring lotsa cd's, water and beef jerky!!! Good advice about the jack..I've notice many used cars, especially the Nsx's... the jack get's jacked, and check if the electric tire pump is there also. Have a safe ride back.
For the record, don't put snacks like cupcakes, dingdongs or anything that will melt in the trunk area unless you throw in a spoon. It gets pretty darn warm in the trunk area from the engine/cat. convertor heat.:wink:
There are a lot of things you could bring with you.Please take a moment to make sure that the tools and tire inflater are present as others have said,but also that you are given the little rubber plugs that go into the rear targa holes when the roof is off; and that the little rubber "pads" are atached to the rear trunk hinges just below the piston asembly.Also make sure all the plastic pushpins are inserted under each fender liner.
The seats are very comfortable, even for pretty big guys. I'm 6'2", 240 Lbs, and the only issue I have is that in cars like the NSX, the seats are meant to hold you in the correct position. After a few hours, I get a little stir crazy, so I like to get out and walk around for ten minutes or so.
Do some face exercises. Remember to stop grinning/smiling once in a while.
Your face will hurt after 18 hours of grinning.:biggrin:
Piece of cake, you don't need anything except gas money. It may be too late to post this for you to see, but here goes anyway.

1.) Educate your passenger to lift their feet when getting in and out of the car...no dragging shoes across the door sills. (That is a big peave of mine.)

2.)First gas stop, check the oil and tire pressure. COLD 34Front 40Rear.

3.)Stay away from semi trucks and 4X4s on the road so they don't kick up rocks.

4.)Don't put anything in the trunk that is sensitive to heat. Things in luggage can tend to melt back there.

5.)Use the cruise control to help control the speed, its easy to run up to 100 without realizing it.

6.) Enjoy the road trip.:smile:

Oh yeah, to close the trunk, don't slam it shut...guide the lid closed, then with 3 fingers UNDER the spoiler click it shut. Same for engine cover
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Do some face exercises. Remember to stop grinning/smiling once in a while.
Your face will hurt after 18 hours of grinning.:biggrin:

hahaha i can relate!!! happened to me after i drove off from teh dealer when i got mine.

im from chicago btw, which nsx did you get? :cool:
There are a lot of things you could bring with you.Please take a moment to make sure that the tools and tire inflater are present as others have said,but also that you are given the little rubber plugs that go into the rear targa holes when the roof is off; and that the little rubber "pads" are atached to the rear trunk hinges just below the piston asembly.Also make sure all the plastic pushpins are inserted under each fender liner.
There's plug for where the Targa goes? Dam..i never knew this all this time. BUt then I don't know if I would have it everytime I take the top off.