15 year rule for importing NSXs into Australia

Griffen said:
Not to poke my nose in but......

Wouldn't the NSX fall into this category?

Exactly what I would of thought. Who defines classic? Surely a car built and sold in small numbers like the NSX passes.

Also, to whoever said not to move to Australia.... you can still bring your personal car with you to Australia. I looked into this when we started the paperwork to immigrate. You are allowed to bring one car, if you owned it for more than a year with you. There is a sliding scale of duty to pay, and if its older than 10 years, there's no duty.

I'm more worried about the state of Australian roads, on my very stiff TEIN suspension!
Question about Australian NSX; what is the relative position of the gas and brake pedal?

What is the import rule in Canada? I thought it was 25 years before you could import a European or Japanese car.
NeoNSX said:
Personally I think NSX prices are going to continue to slide. That 'Unique Cars' magazine last year put the NSX at AUD$40,000+ ... and there have been a couple of Aussie NSX's that I've heard of sell for that. So it's continuing to slide.

Hey Neo,

Personally I think 'Unique Cars' have no idea what they are talking about! AUD $40,000 :eek: That's cheaper than what you could buy one in the states for!

Also, even a Japanese import is going to cost a sh*tload more than that!!


I think I may be repeating myself here but these car price guides can make up any value on a car that they want... Just try to actually buy an NSX with no accident damage and complete history for that price... :rolleyes:
j14nsx said:
Unless you wondering if they are mounted upside down :smile:
Well, from our frame of reference, they are. :)


BTW, Aussies, my previous post was mostly about Canada. Any implications about Australia are only due to the common 15-year-rule, which nobody will convince me is a good thing (if another country can make good, cheap cars, then the solution is to make your own good, cheap cars, not to artificially make their cars more expensive). I'm glad I didn't have to deal with it here when I bought my NSX.
Anyone who wants to buy a cheap Japanese imported NSX must do their time like Mr ajnsx!...(which isn't so bad after all is it...?)

I could think of worse ways to occupy my time!

Sidenote: Australia really is the best place to live, hands down. People i've met in Oz and abroad all agree. July, i'm coming back for a food binge! Pies beware :biggrin:
j14nsx said:
I looked into this when we started the paperwork to immigrate. You are allowed to bring one car, if you owned it for more than a year with you. There is a sliding scale of duty to pay, and if its older than 10 years, there's no duty.

I'm more worried about the state of Australian roads, on my very stiff TEIN suspension!

Are you still looking to move to Australia? Was the paperwork tough? I am looking to move later this year and im taking my car WITH ME!! I have TEINS too but, Im not worried about the Aussie roads, Im worried about all the speeding tickets I will get :eek:
AU_NSX said:
Personally I think 'Unique Cars' have no idea what they are talking about! AUD $40,000 :eek:

When i first read that article, i totally agreed with you 100%... that price was unrealistic. I even contemplated writing the magazine a letter. But in an interesting conversation with <B>NSXclubofAustralia</B> he made a very valid point that Unique Cars would have used the buy price of a dealer. These prices are usually $5-10K less than a private sale (Grant, correct me if that's not exactly what you said) So the magazine technicially wasn't wrong. :rolleyes: just misleading

But since that Article I've personally heard of TWO Aussie NSX's (non-import) that have sold for AUD$40,000 independantly of each other. No accident histories either. One needed the expensive 100K servicing but that's it.

I know... it's hard to believe... you may not want to believe... but it's like a UFO -- once you've seen TWO you have to believe. :p :D

<B>flight</B>: Sell the NSX??? Isn't there another family member you can sell first? :p :p

<B>NemesisX</B> : Australian roads are typically in very good conditions. They should be - 45% of our fuel costs are road tax. :mad:
NeoNSX said:
<B>flight</B>: Sell the NSX??? Isn't there another family member you can sell first? :p :p

I am not happy about it, but illness of family member causing me to sell it. Perhaps I will be lucky enough to buy another one day.

I will be meeting you guys at the GOR drive, can talk then.

Now back on topic...

IMO the NSX SHOULD be allowed in under the 15 year rule since it could be classified as a classic car. Whether our government agrees is an entirely different matter. Getting this approval will probably be a long process so I would not hold your breath guys.

My guess would be it will still be atleast another year or so before we start seeing better quality imports here - I hope so anyways because I am trying to sell my car!

Neo, those NSXs that sold for $40,000 - in good nick or were they a little stale?
flight said:
Neo, those NSXs that sold for $40,000 - in good nick or were they a little stale?

Good nick.

Sorry to hear about the illness of your family member. Those sorts of things can be tough on families.

BTW, looks like our thread has been demoted from the General Discussion area.... us aussies arent good enough for the main forum. ;) :p
Hey, I'm planning a trip there shortly... I'll try to get over there before you come back

Cool, you have a place to stay if your down okayama way, although you 'will' be searched before leaving my apartment though! :biggrin:
ajnsx said:
Cool, you have a place to stay if your down okayama way, although you 'will' be searched before leaving my apartment though! :biggrin:

Thanks Mate! ... I actually want to buy some parts over there myself! I bought that Hyper Rev magazine and am putting together a shopping list for myself... :biggrin:
Doesn't look good for the NSX comming according to one Inporter. :frown:

Remember the good old days back in 2003 when we were looking forward to all the great new 1989 models we could get in 2004 ? Now at that time we had access to series 4 RX-7's, the old shape Soarers, Crowns, supercharged MR-2's, 88 model Safari's, Landcruisers, Cefiros, 180SX and Silvia's and a few BMW's, Mercedes and other bits and pieces. In fact, let's be honest, nothing really exciting ! Well, this is the same limited selection of old-looking models we will be faced with again come March 2005, that is if Jim Lloyd has his way. Just like going back in time.

Among others, in 3 weeks we will lose the ability to import cheap:

R32 GTR's and Gts-t's
Series 5 RX-7's
60 and 80 series Landcruisers
GTiR Pulsars
JZA70 Supra

Of course, don't expect to have the 1988's for too long either, what Jim is suggesting is that they will move this date back as far as 30 years and we will soon lose those too. This could happen almost immediately, or in 12 months, who knows. Whenever DOTARS feels like it.

As an aside, you may remember that 2003 was about the time that SEVS was introduced (to restrict import numbers which were getting intolerably high from the Govt's point of view). 17,000 vehicles per year springs to mind as being quoted by DOTARS (oh my god, what a lot of cars that is, um... how many new cars were sold last year in Australia, somewhere around 1 million wasn't it ?). Naturally, those businesses that could not afford the huge capital outlay required by SEVS had no choice but to move over to 15 year old vehicles. Now these poor people will be finished off for good by this proposed change. Remember that these are hard-working people who set up their businesses according to prevailing regulations. Many have spent their lives and a lot of money setting up legitimate businesses for the long term, with profits being rolled back into building the business. Their only crime was to choose an industry that has at it's core something that the Govt. would dearly love to stop altogether -- the import of secondhand cars to Australia. Make no mistake, in the last 4 years DOTARS has done everything in its power to unfairly discriminate against imports at the expense of many, who thought they'd get a fair go (this is Australia after all right ?).

SEVS is so unworkable that less than 200 workshops Aust. wide have successfully got through the DOTARS obstacle course, some only after 3 years of hard work and no income. Many times this number have given up along the way, some after spending a great deal of money trying. Compliance IS STILL NOT AVAILABLE for the FTO, S15, 300ZX, GTO (96+), just to name a few. The bulk of compliance available is for R33 Skylines and Delicas, with only a handful of workshops approved for Soarers, R34's, S13's and other models that used to be common imports under the old scheme. And other models like the Mazda Familia appear to be done for as compliance for them does not present a financially viable option under SEVS. Compliance prices have risen by about $2,000 across the board, repaired vehicles are not allowed (while repaired and rusty Commodores still abound on Aust. roads), and SEVS vehicles must be completely stock standard. Oh yes, SEVS has worked very well for DOTARS at achieving just what they wanted, a massive reduction over import numbers.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand, the 15 year rule. Now Mr. Lloyd and DOTARS have been more a little sneaky in the way this is being handled. In effect Jim has announced the changes as having already happened when in fact as we understand it, they still need to be formally passed and gazetted before they come into effect. This approach has thrown the entire import industry into premature confusion and panic based on one Minister effectively saying "This is what I'm doing in 3 weeks whether you like it or not!". DOTARS are also making up the 'transitional' arrangements on the fly which is why they are all so confusing. The so-called TRANSITION PERIOD consists of nothing more than a few weeks notice of changes that Jim is going to present in Canberra in the next few weeks and on which he is expecting the big rubber stamp without any fight. Now it would be nice (if not inconsistent) after all the negative changes the import industry has had to wear in the past, if some respect were shown to those businesses whose livelihoods depend on this rule. A proper and real transition period would be nice, where we are given some actual notice of the changes in advance, rather than a pretend one. Too much to ask I suppose.

To read more on how wrong, unfair and ill-advised this all is, please see r34skyline.com's comments on the Press Release and DOTARS FAQ, at the following links:



If you are happy with what Jim is planning to do, then fine. Do nothing, sit back and relax, put a smile on your face and say bring on the rubber stamp. But if you are angry like I am, then bloody do something. You may just stop that rubber stamp coming down as easily as Jim thinks. Simply put, this is not fair. It is not fair to small business, and it is not fair to the consumer who is entitled to more choice and lower prices. And it is about as far as you can get from free trade, something the Govt. is supposed to be big on. After all, we've only just finished whacking the Americans over the head about taking our products haven't we ? There WAS something on the news about free trade for a couple of weeks wasn't there ? I'm sure I saw something....

If you've read this far then you really must be angry. So now we need your help to send letters, faxes, e-mails, or to make phone calls to the right people.

If you are one of the many small businesses that are going collapse because of this stupid and unfair proposal, complain loudly to the Minister for Small Business and Tourism, the Hon Frances Bailey. Her contact details at Parliament are -
The Hon F. E. Bailey MP
Member for McEwen
Parliament House
Ph: (02) 6277 7450
Fax: (02) 6273 9394
[email protected]

You can complain to the Minister for Local Government Territories and Roads, as he made the announcement - The Hon Jim Lloyd
His Parliament House contact details are -
The Hon J. E. Lloyd MP
Member for Robertson
Parliament House
Ph: (02) 6277 7060
Fax: (02) 6273 7112
Email: [email protected]

You should also complaint to the Minister for Transport and Regional Services, the Hon John Anderson -

The Hon J. D. Anderson MP
Member for Gwydir
Parliament House
Ph: (02) 6277 7680
Fax: (02) 6273 4126
Email: [email protected]