13th Annual River Run June 22, 2013

28 March 2002
Details to follow but for now please hold the date. You won't want to miss it!

The River Run is an annual NSXCA sponsored event with the goal of strengthening the bond of NSX enthusiasts by hosting a relaxing and friendly day of fun in the sun. This year’s event will include a group drive and end with lunch.

This is one of the Northeast Region’s premier events, so be sure to join us with your spouse, friend or son/daughter as this event is always attended by a great group of folks. If you want to see how much fun we had last year, check out last year’s pictures at:

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I have fun last year too.... Haha please update it. And Im in.. Miss all of you guys.. See all ya soon.
The flyer with the details has now been emailed to all NSXCA members in the Northeast so please check your email inboxes (or spam folders) for the info!
Already paid for!!! Am I the first yet again?
The "Token" has paid, see Y'awl soon and looking forward to it!
The "Token" has paid, see Y'awl soon and looking forward to it!

You're in for a treat!!! Chuck always has a great "route", and the "Don" always guarantees great weather!!!!!
We paid the piper! Looking forward to another great Run. Don had better deliver on the weather - none of this Saturday of Memorial Day weekend crap!
frost advisory tonight....:rolleyes:....I'm in if El Presidente can button up the bee in time.
This will be the first RR we will miss. We are going to be attending the City Of Hope 100th Year Celebration and will not return in time.
Sorry to miss this great event and I'm sure that Carla, Don, Chuck and Fernande will put together another spectacular run this year :cool:
Have a great time and I will have to catch up with most of you at NSXPO.
This will be the first RR we will miss. We are going to be attending the City Of Hope 100th Year Celebration and will not return in time.
Sorry to miss this great event and I'm sure that Carla, Don, Chuck and Fernande will put together another spectacular run this year :cool:
Have a great time and I will have to catch up with most of you at NSXPO.

Or better yet, next week at the City of Hope Walk/Run in memory of Michele!!!!
The flyer with the details has now been emailed to all NSXCA members in the Northeast so please check your email inboxes (or spam folders) for the info!
Could you do me a favor and email or PM the details to me as well? Planning on making the journey up (and trying to bring a few other DC area folks along). Thanks!
Where does this run take place?

The event takes place in PA around the Frenchtown NJ/Milford NJ area.

It is a private event open to members of the NSXCA. All current NE region NSXCA members should have received an email with event info. Shoot me a PM if interested. Would love to have ya....
This will be my 4th year, though I may have to drive a different car as I will be messing with the NSX this weekend and it might not get back together in time. I will throw my hat in the ring to lead a slow run group if I can get a co-pilot like last year. I doubt Annie will attend due to no baby sitter.