03 RSX Value?

30 July 2006
Center Point, IA
Working on a local deal to pick up a 03 RSX auto with 22K miles on it. The best the dealer would do is $16,887. Does this sound like a decent price or can I do better?
I have a Type S with 22K Miles, I can sell for $17K OBO.

Black On Black
too much for an 03 auto... thats even still a lil steep for a 03 type s
Working on a local deal to pick up a 03 RSX auto with 22K miles on it. The best the dealer would do is $16,887. Does this sound like a decent price or can I do better?

Sounds like an ass-rape to me:wink:
too much for an 03 auto... thats even still a lil steep for a 03 type s

Aye dont be mad that I dint buy your car. :wink:

But my car is very Cherry. 22K is pretty low mileage for 5 years. mine is a 02'

for Prime I can go $16K :biggrin:
Too high. The miles may be low but base auto RSX's are the least desireable and most difficult to sell at a premium on the private market for sure.

Look up how much that car cost brand spanking new, you might be surprised. I wouldn't pay more than 15k for that particular car to own it. Probably not higher than 14 if I was going to resell it.
Aye dont be mad that I dint buy your car. :wink:

But my car is very Cherry. 22K is pretty low mileage for 5 years. mine is a 02'

for Prime I can go $16K :biggrin:

Mine wasn't an 03 and i sold it for considerably more :wink: haha
Too high. The miles may be low but base auto RSX's are the least desireable and most difficult to sell at a premium on the private market

What planet are you on? I still get about 5 phone calls a day for people asking for 2006 RSX leftovers. Every used automatic and Type S I get, sells within 2 weeks tops. 5 speed/base models are the ones that suck.:wink:
What planet are you on? I still get about 5 phone calls a day for people asking for 2006 RSX leftovers. Every used automatic and Type S I get, sells within 2 weeks tops. 5 speed/base models are the ones that suck.:wink:

Note I said 'private market'. Didn't say anything about dealer new cars. Cars like base auto RSX's are often buyers who practice 'buying new' moreso than say type-S 6spd buyers in my experience.

I'm in no way trying to assume a lot new-car experience whatsoever, I've just sold used cars/motorcycles as a side job for the last 5 years; all of them have been honda/acura/toyota/lexus.