03 headlight conversion w/ Sorcery Wide body kit Finished!

ajnsx, good notice of the lights integrated into the headlight. Now not having the turn signal light on the fender shouldn't be a problem. I wish that next person that does the 02'-03' light mod will post it in the DIY section. I have seen some pics before, but nothing in fine detail.
I just bought the December issue of HCI magazine with this car in the cover and a nice little write up. It even comes with a 3 page fold out poster of this car:)
i will be doing a step by step transformation of my nsx into a wide bodied show car for those that are interested. Beginning in January when i have finshed aquiring all the parts, i have two to go............finally!. (the last year has been spent purchasing them) ive got my digi-camera ready. First step will be breakdown of parts and cost.