02 lower front bumper on a early NSX?

15 November 2001
Chicago, IL, USA
Has anyone ever tried to attach the LOWER front bumper section from a 2002+ NSX to the UPPER section from an early NSX (with pop-up lights)?

Why would you want to?...

1. The 2002+ NSXs have more "mass" around the lower portion of the car. If you put the 2002 rear valence on the early car, it looks slightly off without the 2002 side sills. If you mount the 2002 side sills, suddenly the front of the early NSX starts to look small. The lower 2002 front bumper continued the lines of the sides and rear.

2. Although there are some options for either replacing the whole front bumper unit (and retaining pop-up lights), or just replacing the lower half of the front bumper, you lose the option of having a bolt-on front splitter (unless you make one custom).

3. You could update your car to the 2002 look but still retain the pop up lights (some people never warmed to the exposed lights).

The issues with performing the swap:
1.The front radiator opening on the 2002 cars is shaped slightly "trapezoidal" instead of rectangular like the earlier cars. However, upon a close visual inspection, the openings for the two different styles appear pretty close in the top section of both bumpers. Also, the 2002 bumper looks like it might be slightly longer?

Perhaps someone who is performing a 2002 front update could see how closely these parts might fit together (I'm sure there would be some "smoothing" required, but perhaps only a minimal amount on the upper portion of the early bumper).

This might give people some options for updating their car, but retaining the pop up lights. Prime member Stacey came close to designing a cool wider lower half for the early bumper that meshed well with the 2002 sides, but he pulled the plug and went with the full 2002 update.

So, anyone try this?:biggrin:
Good question Frank. Don't know why there is no response. The issue may be that with this change, you end up with an NSX that is a hybrid between pre and post 2002. NSXers are purests and may not, in general, be interested in this. Let's see.
Ryan -

Thanks for posting the link to that thread. I would have never found that otherwise. That is EXACTLY what I was talking about!

Well, almost. It seems MikeC used a fiberglass repro of an 02 bumper and added the indents for the front lenses/turn signals. It might be easier/cheaper to start with the stock top part of an early bumper, mold it and tweek it, and then combine it with a stock lower 02 bumper. But at any rate, no matter how you get there, the end result achieved is the desired look.

Personally, I think it looks pretty good. It's kind of hard to tell in primer, but still. It does achieve the look of added visual mass to the front that the rest of the 02 updates achieved, minus the exposed headlights. Nice work MikeC!
