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  1. Jfowler

    Sunday May 17th

    14.5 hrs. to Monterey,Ca. You should try driving down here:biggrin: Arnon managed to do it in 17 hrs:eek: apparently smoke stops were on his itinerary:confused: I zip tied the front plate and ran through 5 speed traps at 8mph over and never got bothered. We will see how the trip home...
  2. Jfowler

    Anyone like to shoot outdoors?

    Take HWY 2 east out of Monroe, drive through Sultan and as you leave the east end of town on HWY 2 you will come to the 3rd stop light just before Mcdonalds. take a left and it is called Sultan Basin Rd. Go to the very end of the road and you will have entered snohomish county's unrestricted...
  3. Jfowler

    May 22nd Lapping Day at Bremerton Raceways

    you talking about the June 17th evening lapping? I could do that one.
  4. Jfowler

    May 22nd Lapping Day at Bremerton Raceways

    NWARC is having open lapping at Bremerton May 22nd. Cost is $110 register at one week left to register. Open to beginners and track rats.
  5. Jfowler

    Monterey Festival of Speed 5/15-5/17

    Arnon, we are leaving 3am thursday, I am going to drive the distance down I-5. It takes 13hours and 10minutes from Woodinville to Monterey Bay, cannery Row. 984 miles. That was last years time, no tickets runnin 9 mph over speed limit the whole time. Let me know if you want to hook up in...
  6. Jfowler

    New Shifter Kart / Fun-Rental Kart Track at Pacific Raceways!

    Her birthday is July 12th, and yes, not only does she ride 250 quads, she drifts the 4 wheelers at 40mph. I would like to take her for the nsx event and have her show Dan how its really done:biggrin:
  7. Jfowler

    day trip: scenic drive & BBQ

    Once you hit Cle ellum take the 510 exit for ellensburg, follow that through town and continue on the 583 canyon road. what a blast! this will land you in yakima, then follow the yakima highway as far as you want, it goes through the orchards and vineyards. Great drive and no police.:biggrin...
  8. Jfowler

    New Shifter Kart / Fun-Rental Kart Track at Pacific Raceways!

    Its Mikaela's 13th birthday, do they allow teenagers? This could be a fun birthday present for her:biggrin:
  9. Jfowler

    day trip: scenic drive & BBQ

    You need to change your name to "DR BAILOUT":wink:
  10. Jfowler

    VIP Car Corral/On Track Parade Lap 5/15-5/17/09 - Monterey Festival of Speed

    Can someone post when the ticket packet gets mailed. I just don't want to miss it or have it mistaken for junk mail.:eek:
  11. Jfowler

    Front license plate citation

    Dude, this one is way to easy to comment on. I will refrane:wink:
  12. Jfowler

    Front license plate citation

    HAHAHA, not pitty party here brother. Thats funny:wink: It must be the yellow that keeps them away from me:biggrin:
  13. Jfowler

    Oregon trooper reels in line of Ferraris, Lamborghini and a NSX

    What annual road trip is it? I want in:biggrin: They need more cars like NSXPO 08. Just pick the black one:wink:
  14. Jfowler

    Front license plate citation

    Dude, why you all hatein:confused: This is how we do it:biggrin:
  15. Jfowler

    all italian show at XXX sunday

    What up with the TRASH TALK. I sense some anger because of your inability to obtain a hall pass for the Tulip Drive.:eek: Don't be a hater because the ladies like yellow better.:wink:
  16. Jfowler

    all italian show at XXX sunday

    Bellevue Honda 10 am sunday sounds good. Apparently THE DR. got his permission slip signed.:biggrin:
  17. Jfowler

    all italian show at XXX sunday

    Rhonda wants to know whats up with the velveeta name:biggrin:
  18. Jfowler

    WA Sighting thread.

    The wife was rollin large in the car yesterday:biggrin: That proves she did go to Bellevue Square, thank you.:wink:
  19. Jfowler

    all italian show at XXX sunday

    Mild to wild Car show in Tacoma dome, this friday-sunday. I am going friday. See you guys sunday for xxx:biggrin:
  20. Jfowler

    day trip: scenic drive & BBQ

    Rhonda and I are heading over to Yakima that weekend to do the t-pee and horseback riding wine tour. Basically drink wine and ride horses from winery to winery. We leave Friday afternoon. But for an idea, Canon Beach, Oregon has a Ferrari meet in May where they close main street and have a...
  21. Jfowler

    Tulip Drive April 18 or 19th?

    Thanks Arnon and Chris, picked up three dozen oysters from Taylor United. Good drive down Chuckanut to Farm to market rd, then to Best rd, and down Pioneer Hwy. Low keyed drive but always fun to be around you guys. Chris, Rhonda thought you are extremely nice and mentioned getting together...
  22. Jfowler

    Tulip Drive April 18 or 19th?

    See you at the park n ride 10:30 sunday, Rhonda and I will see whoever there:biggrin:
  23. Jfowler

    Tulip Drive April 18 or 19th?

    I will be at the park n ride at 12 I hope somebody shows:biggrin:
  24. Jfowler

    Tulip Drive April 18 or 19th?

    You guys SUCK. I think I am going to join the CORVETTE CLUB:eek: They actually drive there cars!:wink:
  25. Jfowler

    4/18 Teddy's Bigger Burger Meet: All welcomed!

    thats in my hood, see you guys there.:biggrin: