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  1. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

    ^ :cool: x2 and if i was kobe's wife, i would have dumped him once for cheating, and twice for spending a measly 16k on a ring:tongue: mj and kobe are both great players, everyone knows mj was great.. period! kobe has alot of finesse on the court, nobody can deny that
  2. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

    my real dad is so much nicer than you:frown:
  3. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

    hes gonna have 2 daddy's in his sig, guess its proper since theres a liberal in the white house
  4. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

  5. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

    and walking over boston will be like
  6. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

  7. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

    i think we can all agree that its going to be a good finals between la and boston, clash of the titans status:cool:
  8. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

    the lakers just want to finish off the suns at home, nothing at all like the walk in the park you guys have against orlando, are you sure rondo is ready to play a real team?
  9. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

    ^^ your gonna have to wait till next season to see boston play the suns:tongue:
  10. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

  11. fullracehonda

    How 'bout that Danica blow up?

    you have to remember she is a woman, and on certain days you just dont F with a woman :eek:
  12. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

    haha, i remember a signature bet now that you bring it up, alot of life has been lived since then so im a little foggy on the details.
  13. fullracehonda

    Which is the better movie? Super Troopers or Beerfest?

    super troopers is so much better than beer fest, super troopers is classic movie material
  14. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

    the games being so far apart now is torture:eek: they should just hand the title to the lakers already so this can all be done with:cool:
  15. fullracehonda

    400 hp for under $30K

    how is the e39 m5 not on that list :confused:
  16. fullracehonda

    New TE37 SL

    the sticker is fresh almost pulled the trigger on a set, but i HATE waiting, hit up hector @ kamispeed if your interested, he quoted me a great price
  17. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

    the jailblazers are finally gone:cool:
  18. fullracehonda

    NBA Playoff thread

    he can be when someone accidentally twists his arm :tongue: lakers played good ball tonight!
  19. fullracehonda

    Motor Trend - $9 for 4 years for the next 8 hours

    nice find! i figured i would order a subscription for my dad as well... but i believe both subscriptions are coming to me :tongue: buy 1 at a time if your going to buy multiples (i paid with my paypal account so maybe thats just the downside of using paypal on it?)
  20. fullracehonda

    Volk SE37K - Which Color on Berlina Black?

    if you really want to get serious have the wheels sandblasted, have the lips machined smooth and send the wheels out to get anodized again
  21. fullracehonda

    Dude gets off bus and runs into traffic...

    I hope the agreement they reached with the drive was if they drop the case that kid doesnt get his ass kicked...:rolleyes:
  22. fullracehonda

    Wow...23 Million spent on 10 cars in one swoop!

    "charge it 2 da game"