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  1. NsXMas

    4/7/2012 Saturday Meet

    Chris - I misread your reply. Let's do Haleiwa Joe's. I prefer that over Roy's, as we have Roy's back home and we can go there any time. 11:30am Saturday good for you? We're flexible, just need to pick up rental car in the morning and head on over.
  2. NsXMas

    Prayers to all in the dalls area right now

    Prayers to all those in the Dallas area, I hope everyone is okay and the NSXs are untouched!!! I have friends attending the SNW conference and it was no joke!!! I have some training scheduled in Dallas in a few weeks...I might just pass on going.
  3. NsXMas

    Official Group Drive to Mt Lemmon - March 31st

    Great photos y'all!!!! Gotta love it when awesome people get together with awesome cars... :biggrin:
  4. NsXMas

    4/7/2012 Saturday Meet

    Chris - rental car is reserved for Saturday. :biggrin: We were driving around North Shore yesterday in a Infinity FX yesterday...if you saw us pigging out at Fumi's Shrimp area yesterday. :tongue: Looking forward to meeting you guys!!!
  5. NsXMas

    4/7/2012 Saturday Meet

    Sounds good. Let me know.
  6. NsXMas

    Samsung Galexy 2S skyrocket vs iPhone???

    Never said there wasn't, but as a whole, Android is far superior with what the user can do. This is not just from me, but many CIOs and IT folks I work with who have migrated from iOS to Android. Woowoo, it's a good thing the iPhone 4 has Siri now...oh wait, it doesn't!! This fragmentation crap...
  7. NsXMas

    Samsung Galexy 2S skyrocket vs iPhone???

    Unfortunately iOS really sucks. You can't block spam texts, calls. Calendar sucks. User menu looks simple, but is very convoluted, with settings all over the place (Android it's centralized and clean). There are many many user issues with iOS.
  8. NsXMas

    4/7/2012 Saturday Meet

    Thanks for coordinating this Chris!! I don't know if the Waikiki area is too busy for the meet, or we can rent a car and meet you guys either North Shore, or Diamond Head area, or east there abouts. We are staying at Waikiki beach area, so lots of great places there, or the Ala Moana mall /...
  9. NsXMas

    Samsung Galexy 2S skyrocket vs iPhone???

    Is there any comparison? I use the iPhone 4S and the Galaxy S2 daily. The Galaxy S2's gorgeous 4.5" screen is awesome, and the openness of Android is outstanding. The iPhone 4S is an okay phone, but with many many limitations. Hands down the Samsung.
  10. NsXMas

    plan a drive from Phoenix to LA / So Cal

    Ok now that Phoen$x has his blue sled NSX, and I miss seeing my So Cal buddies for far too long, I'd like to plan a drive from Phoenix to So Cal to visit you guys and maybe do a drive along the PCH. This is just me thinking out loud on how / when best to do this. When we visit, we would...
  11. NsXMas

    NSX in Movies/TV shows?

    Mario!!!! How are you doing bud? Is the NSX all repaired? I look forward to driving my NSX to LA to visit you guys sometime this summer as it heats up in the desert. :biggrin:
  12. NsXMas

    Official Group Drive to Mt Lemmon - March 31st

    I gotta hand it to Mike & Chase - you guys are some of the best NSX owners these days because of your dedication to putting the drives together like this. Wish we could have gone with you all the way, but so glad everyone had fun. I wan to see Pix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chuck - hope...
  13. NsXMas

    West side caravan to Tempe tomorrow morning

    Wow I crashed hard last night after getting only a few hours sleep to meet you guys at 6:30am LOL. It was great to meet you Joe & Kevin. I look forward to doing many more great drives with you guys!!
  14. NsXMas

    A week in Hawaii - tips sought

    Thanks guys, awesome information, very much appreciated!!! :biggrin:
  15. NsXMas

    Batman gets pulled over

    This story brings tears to my eyes. What he does is truly amazing.
  16. NsXMas

    2013 Apple discussion

    I hate to derail this, but in 2013 I will stomp on my iPhone and iPads and then throw them in the trash. There are so many daily irritations with my iOS devices that I feel like screaming every day about how shitty they are. The annoying notification bar that always comes down as I'm doing...
  17. NsXMas

    New vehicle purchase ~ '12 Mazda 3 Hatch

    Congrats! One of my best friends just got a MSpeed 3 and loves it!!
  18. NsXMas

    Windgate Ranch Festival of Speed - March 24th

    Wow great photos. Wish I could have gone, but so hectic these days.
  19. NsXMas

    My NSX-R & NSX-Reventon project

    wow, Epic thread. Want to see the finished product. Amazing work!!!
  20. NsXMas

    1993 black/black, need some advice

    Welcome donger, hope to meet you soon after you pick up your NSX. Science of Speed is an awesome shop if you're in the east valley. Peoria Acura is a fantastic NSX supporter and shop if you're on the west side and just need routine maintenance. Look forward to seeing your new NSX and meeting you!
  21. NsXMas

    30th Anniversary: Suggestions for Europe Trip

    I lived in London for 6 months, and traveled to other European cities every weekend, and did week long work visits as well recently. Having said that, for only 10-14 days, here's what I'd do: Paris (2-3 days), Rome (2-3 days), Pisa, Venice, Florence, Milan. Can stop over in London via the...
  22. NsXMas

    milestone birthdays

    LOL Ken, liar, you're only 45!!!
  23. NsXMas

    Half century mark

    You know what they say - 40 is the new 30, and 50 is the new 40. So you're not old bud, you're still less than half way through an awesome life! :biggrin:
  24. NsXMas

    milestone birthdays

    So I can't believe it but I will be turning 40 this year. I can't believe life has flown by that fast!! :eek: However, going into my 40th birthday is awesome, I'm in the best physical condition of my life, best career situation ever, and best family / home life as well. I couldn't be happier...
  25. NsXMas

    Half century mark

    Happy 50th birthday to all. Whatever you choose I'm sure will be awesome. I've been to Crete before and loved it. But you will love whatever destination you choose. Please share it here!! You're not 50, more like 25!!! :biggrin: