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  1. S

    Updated Hagerty Values

    He wasn't wrong. The same car sold at Auctions America for $144k. :) Pics of your 5 (!) NSX???
  2. S

    Worthy NSX Quote

    Hey, stop copying me. :D
  3. S

    Will the NSX be worth more than a Ferrari 355?

    Beautiful car, best of luck! We're all rooting for it.
  4. S

    Updated Hagerty Values

    You drove the car? I wouldn't recommend that, that's bad for value. ;)
  5. S

    Auburn Auction results shows 2005 sold for record amount...

    It was the same car, yes. I think it's actually impressive that it hit $125k+ at not one but two auctions, proving that the $144k mark wasn't a complete fluke. As far as the CTSC, the fact that it was dealer-installed may have added a bit to the price. If it was installed by anyone else after...
  6. S

    ebay fun and amusement

    I think you're reading into it too much, this is more just a dealer that's fishing for uninformed buyers. A lot of dealers have been stricken by markup fever lately, a big source of that was likely the 991 GT3 RS pricing craze that's dying down now. That car sort of started the recent...
  7. S

    ebay fun and amusement

    Thought process? I think you mean lack thereof. :)
  8. S

    ebay fun and amusement

    $20k adjustment on a car of this price isn't bad at all. They should be at MSRP within a month or two at this rate.
  9. S

    Updated Hagerty Values

    Yes, but Acura corporate in the USA is not the "factory." I take issue with the car's supercharger being misrepresented by the auction house as factory authorized. That's a good piece of info though, I didn't know Acura corporate paid for the warranties. That being said, there are plenty of...
  10. S

    Updated Hagerty Values

    I agree with them that it's hard to say whether the supercharger contributed to the added value. One thing I can say, though, is that the Comptech upgrades were never "factory authorized." Honda in Japan certainly did not have anything to do with those upgrades. The program may have reached...
  11. S

    So just what price will an NSX be in 5 years?

    I think it's actually more towards the middle of the market that has sunk, the six figure range. Truly top dollar cars (in the millions) are doing fine for the most part, as they're generally quite rare. The stuff that's coming back down are the Porsches and other European cars that went crazy...
  12. S

    Updated Hagerty Values

    Incredible, very interesting to see. I think that's probably a record for a USA NSX.
  13. S

    Updated Hagerty Values

    Blue, you can verify that selling price? I don't see it on the car's page.
  14. S

    Updated Hagerty Values

    Wow. At that valuation I hope it has 300k miles and a salvage title!
  15. S

    So just what price will an NSX be in 5 years?

    To add to Blue's points (which I agree with), we aren't talking about the "high miles" cars here, we are talking about collector examples. Look at collector-grade E30 M3 prices compared to high miles or modified cars, there's a huge difference. Same with 930 Turbos. On the "bubble" idea, there...
  16. S

    So just what price will an NSX be in 5 years?

    If the "Honda" brand will hold these cars back, then explain prices of the Toyota 2000 GT. Much rarer car, but clearly not held back by the nameplate. And that's a car being traded among collectors who grew up when Japanese cars were looked down upon, imagine how things will change when 80's and...
  17. S

    Updated Hagerty Values

    I've worked with the owner to try getting that car sold, I think his current price is pretty fair. However, please note that the car has the snap ring issue, it hasn't been addressed yet on this one. Could either drive as-is or fix proactively, not overly expensive to do.
  18. S

    Updated Hagerty Values

    Yes, it's not easy finding a good one. It actually gets picked up by the transporter within the next couple hours, you're making me regret selling. :D Ultimately I prefer helping people find cars, the buying & selling is just something to do when I come across a car that's too good to pass up.
  19. S

    Will the NSX be worth more than a Ferrari 355?

    Honda made over 18k NSX worldwide, and Ferrari made over 11k 355's worldwide. However, I agree that there are probably less NSX's left in great condition or at low mileage, so we can call production numbers a wash pretty much, or maybe even favoring the NSX. It's hard to say what the Ferrari...
  20. S

    Updated Hagerty Values

    Well everyone wishes they'd bought at the absolute bottom of the market. :) What I mean is, 2016 is a nice lull in the market where some of the last "good" deals can be had before these cars really start going crazy in the next growth period. Just IMO. You'll definitely pay less for a nice NSX...
  21. S

    So just what price will an NSX be in 5 years?

    Hagerty is behind the market on their estimates, because prices are going down in 2016, not up. The market is very slow, especially following the lackluster results of the Monterey car auctions. That being said, the Gen 1 NSX's time to shine will be with the next period of market growth. Values...
  22. S

    Updated Hagerty Values

    Yeah, those values need about a 25% adjustment downwards, especially in the current market. If they are going off of asking prices, that's still a little high, but selling prices are nowhere close. NSX values peaked with the rest of the car market in 2015, and are currently on a downturn in...
  23. S

    The wheel that should came on the USDM NSX

    They are Modulo accessory wheels, so these should be available for anyone who wants to take the time to import them from Japan.
  24. S

    WTB 91-94 NSX, Up to 60k miles

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