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  1. NsXMas

    Get together 7/6 or 7/7?

    Really? I want to make C &C then as well!!
  2. NsXMas

    Poker night in Tempe, Friday, July 6

    Posting from my iPhone right now as I am at City Center in Vegas. I will be driving my NSX as I plan to hit Mill Ave before or after for a drive, and maybe a cruise somewhere... Bring your NSXs people!! :biggrin:
  3. NsXMas

    Poker night in Tempe, Friday, July 6

    Heads up on poker night in the amazing water-front Edgewater condo party-room on Friday, July 6th. Let's do this boys and girls! Unagijones has graciously reserved the party room, for us to enjoy. We had a mega blast last time. Tons of drinks, food, and fun. Start time ~6-7pm-ish, end around...
  4. NsXMas

    Get together 7/6 or 7/7?

    Hell ya!!! Let's do it!! :biggrin:
  5. NsXMas

    6/23/12 weekend pics: Payson drive, Speedworld, dim sum, Tortilla Flat

    Awesome pictures, look like a great time. My NSX has been hibernating and needs to get out. Would love to see you guys 7/6 (friday night) or 7/7 (sat morning).
  6. NsXMas

    Get together 7/6 or 7/7?

    Hey Sam, I'm thinking near Tempe or downtown Scottsdale. Mill avenue might be fun. Would love to see you and the mrs. again.
  7. NsXMas

    has anyone been fouled by girls wearing makeup?

    Never fouled, but certainly fooled. :tongue:
  8. NsXMas

    Get together 7/6 or 7/7?

    Anyone interested in meeting late 7/6 (Friday) or early on 7/7 (Saturday) for a late drink or early breakfast, and short drive somewhere? Been traveling a ton for work, would like to take my NSX out that weekend.
  9. NsXMas

    Coming to terms with your own moratality

    I had a near hit accident last week. I was turning left, and the light had been green for a few seconds. Out of the left of my eyes I see a lady driving a large SUV running her red light. I was already in the intersection so nothing I could do, but luckily the lady slammed on her brakes, and...
  10. NsXMas


    California is an awesome state with awesome weather and awesome people. I just hate some of the laws... but I live close by so I can come visit any time. :biggrin:
  11. NsXMas

    C & C - Saturday - June 2

    My daughter has a dance recital that morning so I won't be there. :(
  12. NsXMas

    The Unofficial Vega$ NSX is Moving to SoCal Thread!!

    Or Metta World NSX... :biggrin:
  13. NsXMas

    hot (asian) news anchor thread

    This post is worthless without pictures. We demand pictures!!!
  14. NsXMas

    sad to do this :(

    Adrian, don't do it!!!!!! Seriously, just join a local gym and enjoy the variety of equipment / eye candy at the gym!! I don't have a home gym (I get bored of it after a while anyway). I go to my local gyms and when I travel (LA Fitness), and love the variety at the gyms. It works!! Other...
  15. NsXMas

    hot (asian) news anchor thread

    There are a few more here: Hmmm maybe I...
  16. NsXMas

    NBA Playoff thread

    ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
  17. NsXMas

    hot (asian) news anchor thread

    Was watching Bloomberg this morning, and came across this hottie: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> What other (asian) news hotties are out there? I don't watch much TV so this was a nice surprise...
  18. NsXMas

    Dentless Repair

    ANYTIME does dent repair.
  19. NsXMas

    Son born today

    Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry we didn't get to meet last time I was in San Jose. Hope to meet you next time I'm up there!!!!! :smile:
  20. NsXMas

    6th Annual Spring BBQ at Gil's !!!

    Gil, thanks for an awesome bbq!!! I only had a short time there but it was so much fun to see you and everyone!! Thanks!!! :biggrin::biggrin:
  21. NsXMas

    The Unofficial Vega$ NSX is Moving to SoCal Thread!!

    Congrats B. I too have fallen in love with So Cal, and would like to live there at least part time sometime in the future. Hell I'm in So Cal so much for work already.
  22. NsXMas

    6th Annual Spring BBQ at Gil's !!!

    Click on "advanced edit" and you will see "edit title" option.
  23. NsXMas

    plan a drive from Phoenix to LA / So Cal

    Woohoo, PHOEN$X are I are doing the annual Gil's bbq on 5/20!!! So excited!!! :biggrin::biggrin:
  24. NsXMas

    6th Annual Spring BBQ at Gil's !!!

    Hi Gil - PHOEN$X and I are confirming we WILL be there!!! Can you please PM me your contact info (cell phone, address, etc)? We will be bringing our respective NSX vehicles so 2 more NSX's to this event. :biggrin:
  25. NsXMas

    DIY projects

    Don is da man!!!!!