Private message Notification not working

On July 23 you reported an email from the system as spam. Once that happens the system will not try to deliver any more e-mails to that address.

I assume this spam report was an accident, so I removed your e-mail address from the spam report list, which should cause email to start being delivered to you again.
OK, I think it was a spam private message, I did not think it would be a blanket thing.

All email or PM notifications come from this server. Even if someone emails you through the system, it the email is actually sent by this server. So if you report spam from this site in your email, you are reporting this server as the source of the spam.

I've seen some questionable accounts registered lately that never post a message. If you get PM spam, please post a note about it here so I can kill the account. Nobody has reported PM spam to me in years, but I'm sure it happens.
PM for new account

All email or PM notifications come from this server. Even if someone emails you through the system, it the email is actually sent by this server. So if you report spam from this site in your email, you are reporting this server as the source of the spam.

I've seen some questionable accounts registered lately that never post a message. If you get PM spam, please post a note about it here so I can kill the account. Nobody has reported PM spam to me in years, but I'm sure it happens.

NSX Prime,

I just opened a new account and am trying to PM a another member, but the website is telling me I don't have authorization to do this. Can you help me fix this?
you need to have a certain number of posts to PM..
Thanks for the confirmation. I have a feeling that's the case. Now I need to figure out how to post more without spamming this forum. :smile:
Good morning. Just got our new to us 1991 NSX and have the same question. Was trying to PM a couple of members but couldn't figure out how. Were we able to confirm that indeed a certain number of posts are needed? Kind Regards, Joa
Thanks for the confirmation. I have a feeling that's the case. Now I need to figure out how to post more without spamming this forum. 😄
It makes it difficult to conduct business if a person doesn't want to publicly post. I'm still trying to meet the quota since 2013!
For some reason I am unable to start a thread, I can only create a title however there isn't a text box appearing.
Note: tested on mobile, Safari and Chrome ... any assistance appreciated, thanks
For some reason I am unable to start a thread, I can only create a title however there isn't a text box appearing.
Note: tested on mobile, Safari and Chrome ... any assistance appreciated, thanks
same. I wanted to list an item for sale and message etc, but it’s not working on desktop or mobile…
For some reason I am unable to start a thread, I can only create a title however there isn't a text box appearing.
Note: tested on mobile, Safari and Chrome ... any assistance appreciated, thanks
Same issue here. Wasn't sure if it was just because I'm a "new" member.
Yeah we are having some issues with creating and replying to posts and are working on getting it resolved. Sorry about that guys.

If you can't reply to a post, a workaround is to click the "Reply" button on an existing post and it will bring up the reply box where you can type whatever you want.
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As John mentioned, we are having some kind of server issue where the text input box is missing for new posts or threads (and also new DMs). The workaround is to reply to an existing message.

We are working with Xenforo support to fix the problem. I will try to post a notice to the entire forum and will advise once it's fixed.