Happy Birthday to the Kid aka The Dude

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
Mike, wishing you a great birthday!!! Enjoy, stay safe, and sell lots of cars!!! Now someone, give the man, a dancing Spidey!!!
Give that man some shants...:biggrin:
Give that man some shants...:biggrin:

Actually I treated myself to an NSX Type S order for my 42nd birthday! My first new car I've ever purchased, now to see what will be leaving the collection. Zanardi going nowhere.
Actually I treated myself to an NSX Type S order for my 42nd birthday! My first new car I've ever purchased, now to see what will be leaving the collection. Zanardi going nowhere.

Bye Bye, Del Sol!!
Actually I treated myself to an NSX Type S order for my 42nd birthday! My first new car I've ever purchased, now to see what will be leaving the collection. Zanardi going nowhere.

Happy Birthday Dude. I've talked to three stealerships about what premium they might charge.

You have my number, feel free to reach out.