Official Firearms Thread

River Rock's


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FN Scar/223 version!!!!
Who has one? Excellent Youtube reviews. I'm considering another AR in Janurary and this just may be it, but at $2500.00 price range I'd like to hear from some personal experience. Thank you.

Being that I'm half Belgian, I have a particular affinity for FNH. However I just hated my FS2000 and eventually sold it after it had to go back to FNH twice. First time was a broken firing pin, second time the BCG needed to be replaced. My PS90 even had to go back once for a new firing pin. My FiveseveN has performed flawlessly in the 2 years that I've owned it. I trust it enough to be my carry gun for movie nights ever since the Colorado incident. It's equipped with a Viridian X5L laser/light with ECR and carried in one of their Tacloc holsters. Loaded with 21 rounds of Elite Ammunition's T-6, it's like having a mini AR to defend yourself with.

That being said, if I was going to spend $2,500.00 for anything that shoots 5.56x45mm ammunition, I would buy a KAC SR-15. There's just something inherently wrong with shooting 3,000 fps ammo from a plastic gun. :)
Rock River.. I'll get it right eventually..
Only downside to Rock River is they don't take standard mags, at least as far as there is a standard for the AR10. Magpul is turning into the gold standard, and the RR gun takes FAL mags. If you have a bunch of them, no problem, but if not, they're not quite as easy to find.
Have you looked at the 6.5 Grendel? It has a flatter trajectory then the .308 and has less deflection when passing through various barriers ranging from vegetation to windshields.
Happy Birthday to me.

Look what the wife got me:

If I needed a pistol small enough to hide in my asscrack the p238 would be my first choice. :)
LOL…what a pleasant recommendation.

It's what my wife carries CCW. Nice little shooter.
My friend's wife and my next door neighbor both carry one.

I'll carry the sig. I love the size and feel of it.

Going to put a few rounds through it tomorrow at the range. :biggrin:
Here's some more AR porn. OD green barrel and buffer tube done in cerakote. Chambered in 300 blackout with a 16" fluted barrel. Seekins hand guard and lower. Nikon p-300 scope.
Looks great, have you had much luck finding factory blk ammo, or do you load your own?

Here's mine, waiting for an optic. 8.5" barrel.


I think I posted about this a few pages ago, finally got my Sig brace. Legally, this is not a buttstock and does not convert an AR pistol into a rifle, even if you throw it to your shoulder and fire it. It looks kind of goofy, but it's comfortable and works better than a bare tube. If you want an SBR and like me, you live in a state that does not allow them, this is your answer.

And sorry for the poor photo quality.
I started reloading because of the price of blackout ammo. I haven't been been paying attention to the availability but I imagine most places are still busy cranking out as much 223 as they can.

I've also converted a bunch of 223 brass to 300 blackout. I started with about 100rds of factory ammo sometime around June 2012 and haven't bought any since. It was $.65/rd then so I can imagine how crazy it could be now.
So I got a DPMS Oracle at Cabela's today for $599 plus I get an extra 4 mags from a rebate offer they have thru the end of the year. I wasnt even really planning on getting one, but I couldnt pass the deal up. Ive shot a couple of these, since a couple of my friends have this one, but they all have different scopes or sights. I ordered a rail and Magpul foregrip but I need to decide on a scope. Im kind of leaning towards a Nikon P223. Anyone have expreience with those?
I have a p223 (the fixed 3x one) It is great considering how silly inexpensive it is. I recently got the 300 blackout version p-300 as well but i haven't tried it yet.
I have a p223 (the fixed 3x one).

Do you find it heavy at all? I've been looking at one as well and it seems like I'm taking a great light rifle and adding 5 billion accessories that make it excessively heavy.
Do you find it heavy at all? I've been looking at one as well and it seems like I'm taking a great light rifle and adding 5 billion accessories that make it excessively heavy.

For my nice rifle I put an ACOG on it just because of how light they are (9.9oz). The 3x P-223 is pretty light though (12.2oz + mount). My EOTech (12.3oz) + Magnifier (a bunch more ounces lol) was silly heavy.
That EOTech was on my first rifle which turned out really heavy, so when I built a new one I went for lighter stuff. If you REALLY want light you need a red dot like an Aimpoint Micro or the cheaper but also awesome version the Primary Arms Micro Dot. (4.5oz)
That Primary Arms red dot looks nice for the $$$ too... Decisions, decisions...
Being that I'm half Belgian, I have a particular affinity for FNH... My PS90 even had to go back once for a new firing pin. My FiveseveN has performed flawlessly in the 2 years that I've owned it... Loaded with 21 rounds of Elite Ammunition's T-6, it's like having a mini AR

I'm a big fan of my PS and FiveseveN also. The FiveseveN really is like a hand-held AR with a range of well over 200 yards, 20-ish rounds (30 with a mag extension) and lightweight. Light does not necessarily mean small though as it has a pretty large footprint yet is still amazingly light through its extensive use of polymer.

Father of AK-47, Mikhail Kalashnikov, dead at 94 12/23/2013

Kalashnikov often said he felt personally untroubled by his contribution to bloodshed.

"I sleep well. It's the politicians who are to blame for failing to come to an agreement and resorting to violence," he said in 2007.

"Blame the Nazi Germans for making me become a gun designer," said Kalashnikov. "I always wanted to construct agricultural machinery."
The guy lived to 94. His clean conscious wasn't just lip service. Although I do know that he was troubled that his weapon was used as a symbol for terrorism and rebellion.

If it wasn't the AK-47, then someone would have designed a better version of the Sturmgewehr 44.

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For my nice rifle I put an ACOG on it just because of how light they are (9.9oz). The 3x P-223 is pretty light though (12.2oz + mount). My EOTech (12.3oz) + Magnifier (a bunch more ounces lol) was silly heavy.
That EOTech was on my first rifle which turned out really heavy, so when I built a new one I went for lighter stuff. If you REALLY want light you need a red dot like an Aimpoint Micro or the cheaper but also awesome version the Primary Arms Micro Dot. (4.5oz)

I've got an SRS on mine now and it just feels too top heavy. Fabulous optic but it's a bit heavy. You think the p223 would be ok with an AR10 variant (18" barrel at least)?
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I've got an SRS on mine now and it just feels too top heavy. Fabulous optic but it's a bit heavy. You think the p223 would be ok with an AR10 variant (18" barrel at least)?

The p223 has a bdc reticle for 223 rounds so I wouldn't use it on something else. I have a primary arms mil/mil 4-14x on my 18" 308, now THAT is heavy. The eotech xps3 seems to be quite a bit lighter than the SRS. If you just want a non magnified red dot that PA micro dot is nice and weighs nothing. I have one on my AR pistol.
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My recent trip to AZ at Walmart:

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Its like that around here too. Even usually have .45 and .223 ammo. Sometimes 9mm, but not as often.
Is there a state that is as loose as AZ?

Short list of what I learned when I was there:

1. pretty easy to get a fully auto after the $200 ATF tax
2. assume that everyone is armed
3. no conceal carry permit required
4. no cooling off period (throw shampoo and some guns in the cart, pay and carry on)

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