Did you order these from Angus too? Cause they look like the base colors from the vendor...
I have the Varrs and man they look hot!!! I also have a bunch of other sets of wheels and love having the variety of changing them when I want and not breaking the bank. Also with Angus's turbo installed 5 pounds per wheel is no big deal.
LOL I can afford an NSX, but I can not afford wheels. :biggrin:
LOL......an early model NSX is easily affordable.....less than a new Accord......
You must be finding some busted NSX's if you're finding them for less than 21k....
The accord goes from 21k to around 32k so I guess he means one of the higher model ones - probably a V6 coupe.
Its not about what you can afford or not. Its about what works for you. All these people who talk about put the real one or nothing are Soooo worried about What OTHERS THINK of THEM, that they have to do what is socially acceptable by others. Or they feel less of a person lol. I dont live by what others think. I m the Boss and I can do what I want, when I want, How I want. When it comes to silly things like this, you guys sound like girls over their brand name purses. Get a life. Enjoy your family, spend money on taking them out to eat and treating your self in lifes better things. Funny how you buy expensive rims, but eat fast food half the week and penny pinch on every other aspect of your life except stuff you can show off.![]()
I haven't read this whole thread but wanted to speak up about this post.
The reason why I would go with Volks over a knockoff brand is because I know about Volks quality. I know what I am getting. I don't know anything about this particular manufacturer and their manufacturing procedure.
That is all.
Thats true, but even than you can find bunch of volk and other expensive name brand rims with Shattered rims pics all over internet. You go over bad enough pot holes, it will bend almost any rims . I like Volk rims and other brand names my self. But I dont think your car is less of a car or your any less of a person for not getting them. If it means that much to you, than definetly get brand names. If not, than dont just do it because all others think and say so. YOUR NOT A BALLER WITH AN NSX. NSX IS A CHEAP CAR. But if you got the 02 and above model, You are a Baller :biggrin:Lol
So fix it as you please, Nsx is just another HONDA. USE IT.
:biggrin: As long as you took those hidieous, ugly OEM cookie cutter wheels of your NSX, Your GOOD in my Book. Lol
I just want to make a point that its not about what you can afford, as I Can afford them and Many other here that dont, Can afford them but simply dont think its necessary. When they do find it necessary, they will change them to brand name they please.
You're making absolutely no sense. Why are you assuming that most people who buy Volks or other quality wheels do it to "show off," To be "ballers." This is ridiculous. I find NSX owners for the most part educated and supportive of the aftermarket industry- the industry that has given us TE37's in the first place. Then there are others who don't care, or don't have a moral obligation to support the industry. Don't use hearsay or "internet pictures" for the basis of your argument. Japanese forged wheels or even Work "cast" wheels are 100% better and stronger then any of these Chinese knock offs. This is a fact. These Fake TE37's are made in the cheapest casting method possible. To argue that potholes will impact fake or legit in the same way is absurd. Personally I don't care what people do, but these constant justifications from owners of fake wheels are getting boring.
One question. Would you prefer me having OEM 91 wheels or some fake te37 on my car?
Why do you think they put those ugly Volk and other brand stickers all over their rims? To show Everyone they got nice Brand Name rims. Does the Volk sticker make the rims stronger or lighter or better? Than why does EVERYONE leave them on there? I am not saying they are show offs, I am saying they care more about showing off. Everyone shows off a little.
Two questions if you dont mind. Would you prefer me having OEM 91 wheels or some fake te37 on my car?
And whats so horrible about ME getting rims that I like and think is priced right for me, thats not as Strong and light as yours? Is it really a sin? is it sooo bad that I should stick to OEM wheels?
Is it soo bad thats its Brand name or nothing? All I am saying its a good in between option for people to have.
Why are these the only two options? .
Because if you want rims that looks like the te37 but have oem 1991 wheels but dont want to spend money on Volks and HATE oem wheels. What Other Options do you have? Point me to it, and I will buy it...
If you look at it from my view, which is not wanting to keep the OEM wheels, as they are ugliest wheels Ive ever seen on any car. Than how You decide to move on? Which wheel do you go with ?
Stick to OEM? go with Varrs? Or what else in the same price range? Please do advice...
Than how You decide to move on? Which wheel do you go with ?
Stick to OEM? go with Varrs? Or what else in the same price range? Please do advice...
LOL I can afford an NSX, but I can not afford wheels. :biggrin: