WTF is this about??

Its about the lack of heat!:wink: -5 at my house this am:frown:
Alright, go'wan, hit the road left coasters. Get back to your side of the forums before you get wacked with a snowball and pout.

Thank God for the winter! It keeps the, fussy, precious, sissy, whiners from coming here and keeps them out there! :biggrin:
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Alright, go'wan, hit the road left coasters. Get back to your side of the forums before you get wacked with a snowball and pout.

Thank God for the winter! It keeps the, fussy, precious, sissy, whiners from coming here and keeps them out there! :biggrin:

Yes. ADD: Waxman, Pelosi, Feinstein, Schwarzenneger (sp?), know I am missing others who love their private jets.
I'm big into distance running and I run outside everyday. Today at my house at 8:30 in the morning, it was -17 F. It was f#%king freezing running outside. I wore one of those winter hats with the tassels on each side of the hat. When I finished running, I noticed one of the tassels was completely frozen only due to the fact that my breath was coming in contact with it. I only ran outside for 30 min. and it was completely frozen.
OMG be careful guys, that is INSANE, personally been from Brazil/Bolivia I have never seen even snow in my life, although I went 5 times to places that snow just to experience the weather in a weird "coincidence" managed not to snow those 5 times .. anyways .. that is Insane ... I can't even imagine .... the coldest I've experienced was 15F ... wow .... wow ....

PS: When I was kid all the talk was about the "ice age" ... then "Global warming" came along, now there's reputable scientists challenging this "theory" .. in the end of the day, no one knows 100% the truth ..
I really dont remember it ever being this cold. I left my house this morning it was 7 degree's, that's before factoring in the wind chill factor:mad:
PS: When I was kid all the talk was about the "ice age" ... then "Global warming" came along, now there's reputable scientists challenging this "theory" .. in the end of the day, no one knows 100% the truth ..

There are some that know the 100% truth but the truth is often not convenient. If those who know the truth speak it too freely, too often and, they are somehow heard, they will be ridiculed, ostracized, in effect, silenced.

"It's not a lie... if you believe it." George Costanza - Seinfeld

The lowest I remember seeing in the past was -20-25F, but I'm sure it's been colder here in NY.
-8F this morning at my house this morning.
Bright, sunny and NO CALIFORNIANS.:biggrin:
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Forecasters said temperatures in the upper Midwest could turn into the coldest in years as Arctic air keeps spilling southward from Canada. The cold snap has claimed at least six lives and contributed to dozens of traffic accidents. One death involved a man in a wheelchair who was found in subzero temperatures stuck in the snow, a shovel in his hand, outside his home in Des Moines, Iowa. He died at a hospital.
The cold weather has gripped the Midwest and Northeast for days, but as it crept farther South, some were growing worried.
"We're afraid people will die in this kind of weather,"

People seldom die in Canada because of the weather. I doubt we are any different. As soon as the cold air crosses the border, it becomes news, except those in Minnesoda. They are as tough as Canadians.
In Edmonton we just went through a three week cold snap -35C (with the artic air not moving. But today, +11C (52F). People today may die here because of the heat or drownd because of the snow melt!

It's weather, complaining doesn't help. Our weather memories are very short. We seldom remember it "being this cold" or "being this hot"
You you Canadians you have some machine that pushes the friggen cold air into our great nation! I refuse to attend xpo in your twisted sadistic land:tongue:
There is a macabre benefit to -5 is 25 deg today and it feels balmy:eek: I feel like going to pocono for a track day:tongue:
If it makes you guys feel any better its 78 degrees here right now with clear sunny skies and a cool breeze. :smile:
I was in Kona like 2 days ago for a meeting. It was pretty nice there also :smile:
Haha yea, its one of the very few places where you can ski down the slopes and then hit the beach and surf the waves all in one day.
It's 75 here in SoCal right now, and I had to use my A/C during lunch time. But it might get down to the mid-60s later this week! :eek:
I'm big into distance running and I run outside everyday. Today at my house at 8:30 in the morning, it was -17 F. It was f#%king freezing running outside. I wore one of those winter hats with the tassels on each side of the hat. When I finished running, I noticed one of the tassels was completely frozen only due to the fact that my breath was coming in contact with it. I only ran outside for 30 min. and it was completely frozen.

I hear you, my running has been cut way back due to this weather, if it gets below 25 or so I can't deal. However I don't think it was as cold as new years day. I was going to run a 10K but it was -14F in Salisbury Beach with wind chill, I ended up running 5K on packed snow and my face just burned for the first mile. When I was done, I couldn't speak, the muscles in my face were so frozen only gibberish came out :). I had been intending to run a 1/2 in Hampton in Feb, but after that experience there's no way I could do that distance if the weather was anything comperable.
I hear you, my running has been cut way back due to this weather, if it gets below 25 or so I can't deal. However I don't think it was as cold as new years day. I was going to run a 10K but it was -14F in Salisbury Beach with wind chill, I ended up running 5K on packed snow and my face just burned for the first mile. When I was done, I couldn't speak, the muscles in my face were so frozen only gibberish came out :). I had been intending to run a 1/2 in Hampton in Feb, but after that experience there's no way I could do that distance if the weather was anything comperable.

Rob I have been forced to run indoors, train and its terrible the standard of living in cold climate. I need another house in Florida or southern California to keep my sanity.
Rob I have been forced to run indoors, train and its terrible the standard of living in cold climate. I need another house in Florida or southern California to keep my sanity.

I'd be out of here as fast as I could if my wife would go, but she says the only place she's been that she'd consider living in other than this specific town we're in now is.... La Jolla, CA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!

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