Alright, go'wan, hit the road left coasters. Get back to your side of the forums before you get wacked with a snowball and pout.
Thank God for the winter! It keeps the, fussy, precious, sissy, whiners from coming here and keeps them out there! :biggrin:
PS: When I was kid all the talk was about the "ice age" ... then "Global warming" came along, now there's reputable scientists challenging this "theory" .. in the end of the day, no one knows 100% the truth ..
I really dont remember it ever being this cold.
I'm big into distance running and I run outside everyday. Today at my house at 8:30 in the morning, it was -17 F. It was f#%king freezing running outside. I wore one of those winter hats with the tassels on each side of the hat. When I finished running, I noticed one of the tassels was completely frozen only due to the fact that my breath was coming in contact with it. I only ran outside for 30 min. and it was completely frozen.
I hear you, my running has been cut way back due to this weather, if it gets below 25 or so I can't deal. However I don't think it was as cold as new years day. I was going to run a 10K but it was -14F in Salisbury Beach with wind chill, I ended up running 5K on packed snow and my face just burned for the first mile. When I was done, I couldn't speak, the muscles in my face were so frozen only gibberish came out. I had been intending to run a 1/2 in Hampton in Feb, but after that experience there's no way I could do that distance if the weather was anything comperable.
Rob I have been forced to run indoors, train and its terrible the standard of living in cold climate. I need another house in Florida or southern California to keep my sanity.