Zex nitrous going on...

10 February 2000
I got tired of having an unused Zex kit sitting at my house, so I'm putting it on the NSX. I'm going to use the 75hp jets, and I'm going to put on their new air filter thing that includes the nitrous jet into it. I already have the RM intake on there, so it will be a simple air filter swap to this:


I'm also going to throw on one of their in-line booster fuel pumps while I'm at it, just to make sure fuel pressure isn't an issue:


And of course a purge valve, if nothing else, to have the cool hiss and cloud at the dragstrip. :D

I'm going to put on the reccomended colder spark plugs also. I want to retard the timing a couple degrees, but I'm not sure how to do it on this car. I'm jumping the gun so I'll go check the FAQ's before I ask how to time it myself (if it's even easily possible on this car)

Any thoughs on this setup?

Hello,I've also bought the zex wet kit'but I live in Europe so I still have to wait before it arrives
My mecanicien is also going to install an AEM computer witch has a seperate program for NOS and you can set a different timing when you inject nos...
I think that Bad Carma can help you,he knows very much about NOS...
Maybe you can tell me were I can find the TPS wire and what colour it is ????
I've used the Zex kit in two cars before, on was a turbocharged Lexus SC300, and the other a Ford Bronco. Installation is a SNAP with this kit, and ease of use is too. I'll let you know how it is on the NSX though. Nothing is as it seems on this car...heheheh

I had told a friend that I had considered using a ZEX and he said to stay away from it. He is part of a Chevy car club and told me that several people have blown thier engines using the kit. Then again these are Cavalier, Sunfires and other J-body cars. Don't know what the circumstances were behind those stories though.
Prior to that I have never heard anything but praise about the kits.
Wiz, seems like you are taking a slow methodical approach to the install, very smart! here just a few fyi's:
1. plugs...yes do this one range cooler but use the bkr7e ngk with the short strap not zex brand (my opinion)
2. for a 75 shot leave your timing alone, if you go 100 thats where I feel it is required
3. if you have not bought thr zex brand pump buy walbro for 120 shipped the one you want is 255hp
this is all stuff you covered I would also do a couple more things to make it rock solid safe
a. send of your OE injectors and have them blueprinted and cleaned calibrate from RC total cost about 25 bucks each (I feel for nos this is the one area lots of folks dont do and is extremey benificial. they can also alter the spray pattern and increase flow on your oe's to 10% above stock causing you to end up with around 265 cc. if you are spraying dry DO IT.
b. replace your fuel filter
c. PURGE is a blast, when setting it up use a tee (out port on selonoid) instead of elbow compression get the tee compression fitting and route autometer 1/8 copper flex tube to the back of the engine bay near where you latch it and form the tubes to make a v so when you purge it shoots a giant v pattern 10 feet into the air. route the purge lines around the side of the bay to back rather concealed
to sum it up:
new plugs
I say leave the timing but I respect your feelings on what is needed as no one wants detonation and if it makes you feel safer do it.
clean injectors and have rc increase flow by 10 percent(by only increasing flow by 10% you WILL mantain proper idle
new fuel filter
if you have any questions on tricking out your wire control harness pm me and I can send you diagrams showing how to wire a simple basic dry install to a monster 3 stage.
total cost:
plugs 12 dollars
injectors 150 with 24 hour turn time
fuel filter 40 bucks max
fuel pump 120 shipped walbro, several forum members have them and are very pleased
total: roughly 320$ money VERY well spent
all in all I think you have been reading up as your post is very logical
good luck and keep us posted, dont hesitate to email or phone me for input or just to shot the breeze on nos
Best Regards David
PS looks like I will be meeting up with nsxlover (rob) over the 4th weekend, I hope he has his X and does not fly down.ifso I want a demo of his 150 shot wet setup and will take him out with a three stage setup inplace on my ride.
for the record there are some fantastic new developments pertaining to my kits in respect to my suppliers of components {cost will go down across the board}
also I think a few heads will turn when you see where they will be marketed from!
and I want to be perfectly satisfied the kits have under gone extensive testing before launching the product. beleive me when it does go out nobody will have seen a kit like this three stage monster at affordable pricing.I think jaws will drop (that is a teaser,please dont push me for info on that, all I can say is I am very glad I waited to release the product
92NSX said:
I had told a friend that I had considered using a ZEX and he said to stay away from it. He is part of a Chevy car club and told me that several people have blown thier engines using the kit. Then again these are Cavalier, Sunfires and other J-body cars. Don't know what the circumstances were behind those stories though.
Prior to that I have never heard anything but praise about the kits.

Maurice,before I rant this is not directed at you buddy and is just stuff I hear and see daily ok? so please dont take it personal ,your post was just a good lead in to what is bugging me and this does not reflect on anyone on this board this is stuff I see local to me and please dont be taken back by the tone of this post but it must be said. I hear these second hand stories all the time and in every instance that I have seen it happen first hand it usually starts with a phone call that goes like this:
blown motor guy: dave I think I f%cked up something while spraying.

me: sorry to hear it, how much were you spraying?

blown motor guy: 100 shot

me: dont you have a unbuilt stock motor?

blown motor guy: yeah but I was spraying 50-75 no problem and didnt think 25 more was a big deal

me: wet or dry?

blown motor guy: dry

me : you dumb a$$, whats your major malfunction spraying 100 on a 2.0 dry without putting safety features inplace and stablizing your fuel delivery to handle it never mind beefed up internals
blown motor guy: uh well I dunno guess I wasnt thinking.

me: no sh%t! sucks to be you, I will come over and take a look.

I take a look and it has crappy wiring(not big enough gauge for amp draw), no safety devices(wot switch only no fpss or prep work that is bare minimal) and the shot is to big and they have done no maintainence since install(I dont even have to open a selonoid to see it has never been apart since install). so I say who the H33L did this install the three stooges? lets see how bad it is and access the damage.

Now the moral here is very simple: Everyone that goes F/I seems to worry about fuel and timing and compression or leakdown test before install, that all seems to be an afterthought with NOS. if people would pay half the attention to detail setting up the spray and do it up right these moronic now becoming urban legend storys would dissipate and then go away aside from a few where their was truly a bad componant on the motor or kit that gave up the ghost or a defective safety part that was not bench tested before install. BENCH TEST YOUR KIT RIGHT OUT OF THE WRAP BEFORE YOU INSTALL IT, dont assume your FPSS is set at the correct value TEST IT. but as long as the NOS guys market the product as the cheapest power adder to be had it will continue to be cheap going in and expensive coming out never to return to using it again but happy to tell everyone how nitrous cost them a motor because it saves alot of face to blame it on NOS and not poor setup,lack of maintenence and being to cheap to buy some add on devices or worse yet have them and feel it is to much trouble to put them inplace
rant mode off
Have a very nice F/I or NOS day folks....I know I will
Best Regards David
PS My phone demeanor expressed here is reserved for people I consider friends(that have done something very stupid) and not indicitive of my general demeanor, many on this board know I will happily bend over backwards to help them out with a friendly glad to help additude. PIC included showing what I consider a bare bones system I just built including purge, Rpm window and FPSS and WOT micro switch. it should have a second nitrous selonoid for a total of four. 2 nos 1 to bump fuel one for purge but the guy did not want to spend the extra cash and opted for purge instead of reduntant nos... sigh


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