There isn't anything really special about their car wash and clay bar that I can really quantify in any optical results. If you don't mind spending the $$$ then there's no harm. Otherwise, I use car wash from Costco or Walmart and Walmart sells "mother's clay bar kit. Forgot the price, but I remember that it was cheaper.
For swirl marks:
If you still have some minor swirls marks that needs to be filled in then Z5 will suffice.
Then for that wet look and amazing shine - Z2.
Both Z6 and Z8 sprays will neutralize the static on the waxed surface when you buff out / wipe down the Z2/Z5/ZAIO. Think of rubbing a balloon against ur sweater and the static electricity. I noticed that my black cars stay cleaner looking for almost the entire week when I use either of the spray since there is no static to attract dust.
Z6 is ideal for spots that you missed, the water spots right after a car wash that drips or runs on the paint. It's more focused for cleaning up. Z8 is a little more shiny. You use less Z8 since it's a little more concentrated than Z6. Both are great when you are at car shows/gathering and want to clean up the car prior to display. I have both.
Think of ZAIO as a Z-PC, Z2 and Z5 combined in one package, but it doesn't accel in any of those areas - hence it's ideal for daily beaters.
If you have all the stuff above and use it on a regular basis like me, then you won't need Z-CS Clear Seal. Z-CS Clear Seal is more for longer periods of time of not using Z2, Z5, Z6, Z8 and/or ZAIO.