"Your car will be crushed!"

So who would I call to get more actual details on this? We are coming back to Canada to visit in the next few weeks, and I will be damned if I am going to have my car seized just because it has exhaust, is lowered, and has racing seats. I want specifics.

Don't go faster than 145 km/h and you won't even face it as an issue:wink:
Went for a drive in a friends Shelby Cobra yesterday - he went around 160 downthe country road. Then came home and got out the NSX and took him for a ride.......same road and I took it up to 200. Sure it was an 80 kph area (which I know well), but as said earlier - if you can't pay the fine, don't do the crime. If caught I was able to accept all that was thrown at me, otherwise wouldn't have done it. The 10-20 seconds of adrenalin rush was great, then it was back down to the "normal" 95-100. I had my fun, now back to Mosport for some real speed.:biggrin:
Went for a drive in a friends Shelby Cobra yesterday - he went around 160 downthe country road. Then came home and got out the NSX and took him for a ride.......same road and I took it up to 200. Sure it was an 80 kph area (which I know well), but as said earlier - if you can't pay the fine, don't do the crime. If caught I was able to accept all that was thrown at me, otherwise wouldn't have done it. The 10-20 seconds of adrenalin rush was great, then it was back down to the "normal" 95-100. I had my fun, now back to Mosport for some real speed.:biggrin:

If you can afford to have a car crushed and not care, then alright then...:rolleyes:
Has anyone heard anymore about this? After reading this we have moved back our next visit until we get clarification on this topic since both Lesley and I drive modified cars. The last thing I want is for some overzealous OPP to look at the S2000 or NSX and say, 'Well...looks like racing parts to me,' and have them try to take my car or parts. :mad:
Has anyone heard anymore about this? After reading this we have moved back our next visit until we get clarification on this topic since both Lesley and I drive modified cars. The last thing I want is for some overzealous OPP to look at the S2000 or NSX and say, 'Well...looks like racing parts to me,' and have them try to take my car or parts. :mad:

Don't be afraid, our half american Canadian!

They're not doing anything - big bark, no bite. We did a drive last weekend with tons of modified cars and nobody had any issues on that front.

Dave hasn't been pulled over, and come to think of it, neither has Nathan (Red Dragon) who is so modified that they'd pick his car first over anything.

C'mon up! the weather is great and George and I will come to your rescue if you have any touble at all!
Yeah - If youre cruising around late at night with a modified car in a street racing area, you may get pulled over for a looksee, but if youre doing nothing wrong, Id expect to be sent on your way.

I dont get hasseled at all, but my car is never out at night and unless Im driving to the track, Im almost certainly wearing a suit when it is out. Cops love it when Im at a light next to them. We talk through our windows often.
I commend others call the Ministy like I did. The very polite lady that answered said that while there are no official laws, she could not guarantee anything about the vehicle safety if speeding, as it would be up to the officer. We need to make sure they know that this should be shot down before it begins. Here is the contact information:

Cops love it when Im at a light next to them. We talk through our windows often.

Yeah, this cop pulled me over the other day and was wondering if I was the guy in the Yellow NSX who was trying to proposition Cops at traffic lights - then he noticed I didn't have a big ass wing and he let me go.:wink:
Good one!:tongue:
I don't know bout' your neck of the woods, but round' here... don't count on it!

A few years ago, we busted a "drag night" in Ontario CALIFORNIA, blocked off both ends of the street, cited about 150 vehicles, towed about 20 for racing, and towed another 30 or so for not being street legal. One of those that was arrestred for racing was a 50+ guy and his 16yo son. We talked to the guy for a while, and he noted that he came out here a couple times a month from LA, and that he was also semi-pro driver. On top of that, the guy was also a cop in LA! :eek: Him and his son were both arrested, and they made a spectacle of them. The news followed them through the court sytem all the way through the car crushing...

Of the vehciles that were cited/impounded... Those that were not street legal, had to have them towed back to their properties from the tow yard (they could not drive them out of the tow yard), they're registration was pulled by the state, and they had to have it inspected by an official before they could re-register it. In some cases, to make it street legal and get it re-registered would cost more than the car was worth, so the kids end up tearing the vehicle apart, and reselling, or trying to build a new one.

LOL, wow this just brought up a bad memory.....I remember that bust, and I remember the same bust at the same place back in the day a few years prior. I remember distinctively, I was on my way (Running Late) and was called by a friend who said that they had the streets blocked off and low and behold, I was just getting ready to get off of the freeway when I saw a butt load of tow and flat bed vehicles, so I just kept going and took the long way back home. Again, this was back about 10 years ago at least when I was into the racing scene, now I have cars that are track use only! Being 35 years old now, I have learned from a select few of my friends who's cars were seized and released to their parents back in the day, now they are just crushing them.

Actually if I remember correctly, there was something on the news about this just a couple of weeks ago and they even showed a young kid and a few others watching while they crushed his civic... :eek:

I heard a rumor that was circulating when my dad was a under cover cop that they were on the look out for anything that looked like it was "race able" and it targeted civic's in the video...again this is only speculation since I didn't see it myself.
LOL, wow this just brought up a bad memory.....I remember that bust, and I remember the same bust at the same place back in the day a few years prior. I remember distinctively, I was on my way (Running Late) and was called by a friend who said that they had the streets blocked off and low and behold, I was just getting ready to get off of the freeway when I saw a butt load of tow and flat bed vehicles, so I just kept going and took the long way back home. Again, this was back about 10 years ago at least when I was into the racing scene, now I have cars that are track use only! Being 35 years old now, I have learned from a select few of my friends who's cars were seized and released to their parents back in the day, now they are just crushing them.

Actually if I remember correctly, there was something on the news about this just a couple of weeks ago and they even showed a young kid and a few others watching while they crushed his civic... :eek:

I heard a rumor that was circulating when my dad was a under cover cop that they were on the look out for anything that looked like it was "race able" and it targeted civic's in the video...again this is only speculation since I didn't see it myself.

I saw that video. What I do not understand is why they do not SELL the cars, and generate some money off of them, instead of pissing it away? Think how much would come from selling just 10-20 cars. You could donate the money generated to the school system and teach the dangers of street racing, or something of benefit.
Not everyone street races but do have fast cars because they have the luxury or hobby to mod their rides. So if you get caught speeding or suspected to be racing and your car is modified with racing parts, then your car is bound to be a pancake? Well, car makers should stop designing cars that can go over the speed limit then, if that's the case. Aftermarket parts shouldn't be sold to the public also. Taking away your license, impounding and expensive fines makes more sense than crushing your car. Safety first but this is too much. Now, a racer who doesn't want their car crushed will do their best not to get caught by simply running away from the police and do more harm.
I bought my car in Vancouver. I'm scared to go to the States with it because there might be a seed of some kind under the seat. I love Montana roads though.

Does this crushing law apply in Northern Ontario cause I like to drive fast between Kenora and Dryden?
Saw this on another forum....

Stupidity, not speed, causing highway carnage
Ian Law

Jul 07, 2007

Everybody, it seems, is eager to speak out on our current street-racing woes.

However, I've heard very few comments that include an intelligent resolution.

We're all appalled at the senseless deaths occurring on our roads, but how many of us really understand the underlying problem?

Bringing back photo radar, crushing street racers' cars and throwing the book at speeders have been suggested.

The truth is, none of these approaches will have the desired effect, but they sound good politically. We need to treat the cause, not the symptom.

The problem on our roads and highways is not excessive speed, but excessive stupidity.

First, let's acknowledge the hypocrisy associated with this latest public outcry.

If we were to ask only motorists who have never exceeded the speed limit, never driven while on the cellphone or never engaged in a little fun competition on the road to speak their mind on this issue, we'd have a very quiet meeting.

Many politicians and police chiefs would be among the excluded, I'm sure.

The concept that has most people confused: "speed kills."

Humans obviously can travel at high velocities without dire consequences under the right conditions. However, these conditions don't always exist on our roads, and drivers sometimes hit things at a high rate of travel. Speed doesn't kill, collisions do.

The vast majority of motorists, including truckers, travel faster than the speed limit, but most won't die as a result.

Speeding is a relative term. Travelling at 115 km/h on our 400-series highways when conditions warrant it – in light traffic, on dry pavement, etc. – is not dangerous, because those roads are designed to handle traffic at those speeds.

However, travelling at 90 km/h on the 401 in a snowstorm is downright insane. Doing 100 km/h when everyone else is moving at 120 km/h is also dangerous.

Bottom line: driving fast doesn't kill, but driving stupid does.

Eight deaths on Ontario highways have been attributed to street racing this year. The total number of fatalities from Jan. 1 to July 2 is reported to be 225, up from 186 in that period last year. So 217 deaths were caused by something else.

Statistics show that driver distraction is a leading cause of fatal crashes. Maybe we need to take a serious look at banning cellphones, electronic gadgets and navigation screens from vehicles. Experts agree that talking on a cell makes a driver five times more likely to be involved in a crash.

Impairment is another major hazard. You'll find far more impaired drivers on the roads at night than "street racers."

Many more lives are lost through inattention and impairment than through "speeding" and street racing.

Street racing kills and must be stopped, but we also need to focus more attention on far more prevalent driver dysfunctions.

To reduce highway carnage, each of us needs to stay alert and responsible behind the wheel, be less aggressive and treat other road users with respect.

Bad drivers and bad decisions – they are the problem, not speed.
well stated indeed. Patrick Bedard from Car & Driver is another huge proponent of intelligent driving solutions vs the speed kills politically-correct crap. It turns out that the US national highway traffic organization proves over long term (decades) that the slowest 5% of drivers are in fact the most dangerous, then followed by the fastest 5%.

The adherence to arbitrary speed limits has more to do with revenue generation and localized political pressure than scientifically proven, fact-based results.

Yes, I certainly agree that low cost access to various racing venues such as dragways, ovals, roadcourses, would help with the problem, but this is a difficult thing for governments to deal with. These venues are private and for-profit. Government subsidies for young racers doesn't make for good politics versus this "tough on street racing" BS.

A far more intelligent approach would be to make the drivers licenses themselves MUCH more difficult to obtain. Graduated licenses are just the tip of the iceberg that should be. In some countries (i.e. Germany, home of the autobahn) would-be drivers must pass an extremely detailed series of courses to be allowed to drive, progressing through winter, night and highway stages. These programs yield far more qualified, signal-using, lane maintaining drivers who are simply far more fit to be on the road than the majority of North Americans, let alone at those speeds encountered in Germany that we all dream of here.

These programs would be extra beneficial for serious drivers, especially in larger population centers. Requiring everyone to pass and pay for a $1000 course would restore the license to the privilege that it should be. The difficulty of the test would eliminate the worst 10-20% of the drivers currently on the road, easing traffic congestion and lowering insurance rates drastically since statistics will prove those worst drivers account for a markedly higher percentage of accidents and repair costs, as well as serious injuries and deaths. And let's not forget that the skill level of those remaining 80-90% of drivers would also be improved, in some cases significantly given the detailed "real" driver education and car control courses.

An actuary would have to analyze this, but one could expect major savings in accident insurance rates. Of course there is the political fight, especially by those voters who believe that driving is a right and that everyone should be able to get their unsafe POS cars on the road. And we would also probably get some of the worst polluting cars off the road too, yielding a bigger improvement in air pollution too.

Wow, this topic sure must have struck a nerve with me. Maybe I should run for office.
This is a huge problem, because some of you know my brothers 1000hp S2000, is in Canada as we speak, and to properly break in the engine it needs to have miles put on it. This car by no means looks or sounds like a factory S2000. Hopefully with the Jersey plates on it that will be the shops only chance to drive it on the streets without any issues for the law. Frank