"Your car will be crushed!"

14 October 2002
Ottawa, Ontario
Just lovely....welcome to Communism.

I'm bringing my "highly modified" nsx to the Niagara cruise. Should I just show up in my Pilot instead??

Any lawyers out there who can comment on the legalities of this??


Michael Oliveira, Canadian Press
Published: Thursday, June 21, 2007 Article tools

TORONTO (CP) - The government has the power to seize and destroy cars that have been adapted for street racing, and can do so before a race takes place or any charges are laid, Ontario Attorney General Michael Bryant said Wednesday.

Car junkies who pour thousands of dollars into their vehicles to make them as fast as possible are wasting their money, Bryant said. He warned potential racers that all it takes is a tip from police to seize and destroy their cars.

"If we can establish someone has parts and they're juicing up their car - obviously for the purpose of street racing - then we can seize those vehicles," Bryant said.

"We will seize it and you will never see it again. We will crush your car, we will crush the parts."

Bryant said cars built for street racing are as dangerous as explosives and can cause catastrophic damage.

On Monday, a truck driver was killed after a crash on Highway 400 that was blamed on speed and dangerous driving.

Prabhjit Multani, 20, and Nauman Nusrat, 19, face charges including dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death, criminal negligence causing death and criminal negligence causing death by street racing.

Ravi Badhwar, 20, has been charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle.

"This was a senseless act that cost a man his life and has left his family without a father, brother and grandfather," Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Julian Fantino said in a release.

"There is no excuse for street racing and aggressive driving, such as the high speeds and unsafe lane changes we have seen recently."

The crash was the third major accident in four days on the busy north-south highway, and the second fatal one.

Bryant said the government has had enough of street racers, and will have no qualms about destroying their cars.

"We don't need to wait until that car hits the road fully loaded," he said.

Bryant also said the Crown has not yet decided whether to appeal the sentences of two young Toronto men who pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing death after a taxi driver was killed in a crash.

Wang-Piao Dumani Ross and Alexander Ryazanov, both 20, were each handed two-year conditional sentences and two years of probation for their role in the January 2006 crash.

Their lawyers said they weren't racing, although their speeding did constitute dangerous driving.

© The Canadian Press 2007


The police can impound your car for up to 7 days and suspend your license for the same length of time if you are suspected of street racing. This is all part of the Safe Roads for a Safer Ontario act that was passsed in May.

Further amendments and clarifications to this act have currently been proposed:

An officer can not order your car to be "crushed" when he pulls you over. He can however remove your vehicle from the road for various other reasons (unsafe, unfit, suspected use in a crime). None of those laws have changed.

In order for your car to be crushed, it has to be seized by the courts under the Civil Remedies Act
After the courts have seized it, they can do whatever they want. Last year they decided to crush the 2 street race cars as a demonstration, nothing more (http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_1169.aspx). The act applies for equipment sezied in drug labs, chop shops etc, although that equipment is usually sold at auction and the proceeds are distributed as government grants to various organizations.
Just typical proaganda. What is a jucied up car?? I would like to see this one fly in court. My guess is they would use it in areas that are known street racing spots. If you look at the incidents that have taken place most crashes have been caused by young drivers in Mom and Dads daily driver!!
When I was an officer I actually worked in a "street Racing Detail" in Ontario CA, which is where this idea started. While I don't know the legaliities in Cana-duh :biggrin: , I know in California it is a legal process, and I have seen it be done. While they're policy isn't so much... "if you modify it, it will be crushed", they will crush your car if they catch you street racing. I once worked a detail where there was a kid (16yo) who had brought out his dad's brand new (2 weeks old) 05' Mustang GT. The state seized it, and once they proved that the kid had permission to drive it, they crushed it a week later.

When did you work here? What did you drive when you were in detail?

I worked in Ontario California... :biggrin: But I was in uniform in a marked police unit. We also had "undercovers" who would ride in the races, but never actually be behind the wheel, and videotape the whole thing.
I worked in Ontario California... :biggrin: But I was in uniform in a marked police unit. We also had "undercovers" who would ride in the races, but never actually be behind the wheel, and videotape the whole thing.

Oh! Well here in Ontario CANADA the police would participate in racing. Some would be in CRX's, 300ZX's, and Teg's. Same deal....

They are gonna have to figure out what the helll they mean by juiced, because there are really fast production cars that can blow the doors of a civic "With thousands poured into it" aand it came right off the showroom floor. The only difference is how much they paid... They are gonna have to get their facts straight...
i really don't think the majority of NSX owners have anything to worry about. I rarely see completely "riced out" ones, and that is what the cops would target. I think this law is speak out to those kids who are about to inherit mom's acura or accord put a fart can exhaust on, intake and pillar gauges and who has a dark knights emblem somewhere. :biggrin:
Three of my four my cars are quicker than 99%+ of the "juiced up" cars that are used in street racing. I would like to see anyone in a court cite my cars as being juiced up examples of the ride when they pretty much came that way from the manufacturer.:cool:
On the news the other night they said that "anyone going 50 kph over the limit will be classified as "racing" and will have their cars seized." There's a BIG difference is speeding and racing, however Cam Wooley indicated that if you're going that fast, they will look at it as speeding. They went on to say that drivers can help by picking up their cell phones and calling the police if they see someone driving at a high rate of speed. Great! So you get all the idiots out there driving 100, and you buz by at 140 (or so) and it looks like you're flying - and they call the police on you. Came along the 407 last night - 4 others and myself all doing 160 in different lanes with all types of cars/trucks. Just a great night to cruise, and none of us were doing anything wrong (okay exceeding the speed), but if we got caught I would guess that my NSX would be nailed compared to one guy in a pick up, the other in a 4x4, and the others just plain cars. Hmmmmmmm.
What happened to due process? Obviously cars are not a small purchase, especially big boy toys like the nsx. I know speeding is breaking the law but before they come and take away the cars, issue tickets and crush them there must be some venue to challenge this! I just don't like the language they're using, its too extreme, and might do more damage than good for their cause.
What happened to due process? Obviously cars are not a small purchase, especially big boy toys like the nsx. I know speeding is breaking the law but before they come and take away the cars, issue tickets and crush them there must be some venue to challenge this! I just don't like the language they're using, its too extreme, and might do more damage than good for their cause.

I agree John, (and Shawna) My guess is that at your day in court (and you'll get one) you will stand up and say, "I am a pillar of the community, etc. and point out that you actually DO race, in controlled environments on racetracks, and you know the difference - and you'll get let off.

Thats because you're over 30, if you were 20-27 the word I'l use would rhyme with Ducked!:wink: :biggrin:
My guess is that at your day in court (and you'll get one) you will stand up and say, "I am a pillar of the community, etc. and point out that you actually DO race, in controlled environments on racetracks, and you know the difference - and you'll get let off.

I don't know bout' your neck of the woods, but round' here... don't count on it!

A few years ago, we busted a "drag night" in Ontario CALIFORNIA, blocked off both ends of the street, cited about 150 vehicles, towed about 20 for racing, and towed another 30 or so for not being street legal. One of those that was arrestred for racing was a 50+ guy and his 16yo son. We talked to the guy for a while, and he noted that he came out here a couple times a month from LA, and that he was also semi-pro driver. On top of that, the guy was also a cop in LA! :eek: Him and his son were both arrested, and they made a spectacle of them. The news followed them through the court sytem all the way through the car crushing...

Of the vehciles that were cited/impounded... Those that were not street legal, had to have them towed back to their properties from the tow yard (they could not drive them out of the tow yard), they're registration was pulled by the state, and they had to have it inspected by an official before they could re-register it. In some cases, to make it street legal and get it re-registered would cost more than the car was worth, so the kids end up tearing the vehicle apart, and reselling, or trying to build a new one.
Destroying a vehicle, on the premise that it COULD be used for negligent harm is... absolute communism and terrorism, and cruel and unusual punishment (at least in the US.. but I don't know if Canada has that as it's Consitution.maybe not)

Seizing, selling ($ for the families) and maybe even destroying a car that was used to commit homicide... is a little more debatable. The person is going to jail for a long time so it doesn't matter all that much I guess.

But the former is absolute tyrrany.

To compare, one statistic I found is that 225,000 of deaths occur in hospitals / year due to medical errors (I know.. this is very frightening)

13000 deaths from speeding in 2004!! (yes, a lot, but far less than medical errors!)
Keep in mind that a lot more people speed then people go to the hospital (imo) per year. Thus the statistics are even more frightening.

Why don't we destroy hospitals or 'crush' those that could potentially do harm?
"Speed" does not necessarily kill, stupid people and poorly equipped kill. Going 90 mph in my 92 Toyota Truck with 238K miles is absolutely frightening and increases the chances exponentially of hurting myself or someone on the road than say the NSX.. That's why I never do it.

National Motorists of America is a big advocate of sensible laws that actually save people's lives.
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You know what I would do if I found myself in a situation where my car could be seized when I got pulled over?

Put my foot down.

Why not? It's gonna end bad anyways, right, so you might as well make a go at it.
This is absolute insanity!! What kind of bull is the 'it could be used for racing, so we are taking it'? Absolutely retarded amount of power being given to the Government to punish BEFORE the crime. I defend Canada to my co-workers and friends down here in the U.S. that make fun if it....but this has me hanging my head low and ashamed of Canada. :frown:
"hanging my head low and ashamed of Canada."

Yea, Meeyatch1, I want to see where this thread goes before I throw in my close-by MI hand. One third of ONT watches out for the other 2/3.
Oyagi " I'm bringing my "highly modified" nsx to the Niagara cruise. Should I just show up in my Pilot instead?? "

Yes. Less toil. AND I love Canada.
"hanging my head low and ashamed of Canada."

Yea, Meeyatch1, I want to see where this thread goes before I throw in my close-by MI hand. One third of ONT watches out for the other 2/3.

I am serious. We go to Canada quite a bit (still have family there)...and I like to drive the NSX. It is lowered, has an exhaust, Sparco seats, and other stuff. I am honestly afraid to drive it for fear that IF I did get pulled over for speeding, or even just driving, they would seize and crush my car!
You know what I would do if I found myself in a situation where my car could be seized when I got pulled over?

Put my foot down.

Why not? It's gonna end bad anyways, right, so you might as well make a go at it.

Say...aren't you the guy who said he was in training to be a cop?? Now you're saying that you would run from the very people you soon may work for...verrry interesting. :rolleyes:

I see the logic in your statement tho, I also say that crushing cars would encourage more police chases that would ultimately result in more potential injury to the public due the numbers of cars involved. I mean I will put the pedal to the floor if getting caught speeding with my NSX may result in her destruction! The fortunate thing here is I know my limits and will not street race. I might push her off the line fast against another nice car but nothing that would get me in serious trouble. I am only one of two NSX's in this town and the only red one. Where am I going to go and not be noticed?

I say that local police and ICBC (the insurer of vehicles in British Columbia) should help develop proper race facilities in conjunction with private enterprise. That way safety rules could be followed and less racing on the public roads and highways would be the result. The problem is usually only the larger centers have places to race cars and they are often oval tracks rather than straight-aways.
So who would I call to get more actual details on this? We are coming back to Canada to visit in the next few weeks, and I will be damned if I am going to have my car seized just because it has exhaust, is lowered, and has racing seats. I want specifics.