Your 1 st,2 nd, 3rd' choice for President

This will definitely cause some controversy but here it goes.

1) Osama bin Laden
2) Yassar Arafat
3) Fidel Castro

Then they can be assinated!!
Yea line em' up at the inaguaration (I think thats when they are congratulated) then get em' .Firing line style.Or let a few pissed off Rottweilers eat them.

Or even better "Mob" style meat grinders "slowly".Very nasty.

Then if the pro-lifers insist on a more humane way we can just shoot them into space of course w/ no supplies and an hour of air.
That would be humane "wouldn't it"???

Surgically implant malignant tumors at the base of all their spines"as George Carlin would have it"
