You have got to be kidding me!---*Not work safe!

Does that mean you are going to bid?? I know prova4re would bid if it was guy porn....LOL!! :D
MiamiMermaid said:
Huh???????????? (I am way too innocent )

Nothing to worry about....just taking a quick jab at my friend prova4re while he is not here. I am sure when he sees my post he will have something to say. :D
That's a pretty low starting price for a business that has the potential to do $240K/mo at full capacity. Wonder what the closing price will be? Anyone looking to form a limited partnership? :biggrin: Ha. Kidding.
LOL, that just reminded me of the movie , Orgazmo!

mickeylex, if you bid and win,I can be a Stunt C**k!
Hey, maybe we can have the whole nsxprime members all chip in to buy it and run it as a sister site with direct link, and nsxprime members of course will get discount!:biggrin: And the revenue will goes towards....:rolleyes:
Jin1976 said:
Can I be the star? I only have one condition, the movie have to be straight.:biggrin:

ahh, the reason is?? The movie motive could be straight, but your behind is not safe... In adult movies industry, it's not necessary that the male always get to do all the poking..... J/K.:wink:

I think we should all chip-in and buy it for Neo.
Just make sure that he won't go overbored with the movie budgets for buying nsx (s) as company ride....:biggrin:
95NSXT said:
I don't want to sound queer or anything, but unicorns are kick ass

LOL, i'm glad someone else knows what I was talking about! :biggrin:
How much for just the blonde? :wink:
This listing (7567775239) has been removed by eBay or is no longer available. Please make sure that you've entered the item number correctly.
robr said:
This listing (7567775239) has been removed by eBay or is no longer available. Please make sure that you've entered the item number correctly.

Thats because I bought it! :eek:
Meyatch is going to be my new gay star, his first movie is going to be called......Beyatch better have my money!