
Wow, very cool, some nice pics from that canon s230!

One of my favorite places. I've yet to take the dome hike... Looks like from your time stamps on the pics, its almost an all day round trip.

And the shorter days don't help either, but its a great time of year when there's no crowds and the ground is dryer.

That cable trail.... looks quite steep and it seems like a cable connection gone bad could not be good for that long string of hikers on it?? Maybe it looks worse than it is?
I actually used two cameras. While in the valley I used my EOS 10D, but it was too heavy to drag all the way up, so I grabbed my S230. Great little camera that fits your pocket. The cool zoom photos of HD are from the 10D.

Yeah, I left around 7am and got back to camp after 8pm.. so nearly 13 hours of hiking. Most people do it more quickly.. but I'm a bit out of shape and spent time looking at the sights.