Yikes, some real "experts" out there...

29 August 2003
Houston, TX
So, I'm checking viper.org forums and I run across this thread about the NACA duct on the hood. Now, just curious, I read all the replies, and 1 comes something close to answering the question raised by noting aerodynamics in a round about way. I just had to laugh, because 25 replies later, I realized that these particular viper owners are NOT rocket scientists.

The question basically says, is the NACA duct supposed to make a sucking sound? (when the car is at a stand still)
And, what's the purpose if it doesn't?

Here's what they missed in 25 relplies. The NACA duct is meant to efficiently move air into the engine when the car is moving. It is an aerodynamic device meant to work at speed. When the car isn't moving, the NACA duct does nothing special.

NACA Duct Discussion
That thread is absolutely hilarious! Those guys sure have great senses of humor.

Some selected quotes:
("Re: is the NACA duct susposto suck air when you hit the gas?")

"Holy s**t. I have a Gen 1 and don't have the NACA duct. When I hit the gas, nothing sucks......am I in trouble??"

"UT OH!! I need help!! It's 2:00 am est and I'm in my driveway revving the heck out of my 94. I don't have an NACA duct and don't feel any sucking action. Am I in trouble? Do I need an Arrow rebuild? How do I get the NACA action??? "

"You could do a little research here.
You probably have seen pictures of wind tunnel testing where there are little tufts of yarn all over the test object.
You could stick a bunch of these on the front of your Viper, temporarily, and have someone drive ahead off your right front and video the tufts to see what's going on."

I'm definitely going to bookmark the thread and check back when I need a laugh.
