Yet Another HELP Question

25 December 2006
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I have owned a 2004 NSX LOVED IT and sold it because of hard times.

Now times are better and I am looking to buy another NSX, question is, old hidden lights 97-01? or newer post 2002 bug eye cars?

Next, mods or no mods? Always thought some of the Comptech add ons were cool, but I know that the cars that have mods are harder to resale. I would not do any body work of ANY KIND, but the supercharger seems really nice to have.

Other then that i am good to go, and thanks in advance for your replys.

NSX Prime is the best.

Budget is probably between $35-$50K.

I have seen some newer NA2 cars on ebay but people are asking the moon for the nice cars. So those are out.

I would rather have a nice older car then a newer pig, I actually bought the white 2005 on ebay and sent it back to the auction since it was in poor shape.

As far as length of ownership I would like to say forever, but I said that about my 2004 NSX and my first wife...

you can always get an early NA2 with the flip-ups and with the price range you listed you will get a very nice example.
When I started modifying my car I didn't give one bit of thought as to how much it would affect it's value. Instead I simply considered if I would enjoy driving the car with those given mods. So I chose to change the gearbox, suspension, short shifter, and wheels, then I added the supercharger. I like all the mods I have done to my '91.

At the upper range of your budget you can have plenty of nice ones - even some 2002+ model cars. I always say the newer the better and the less maintenance you'll have becuase of that. If you choose an older model like a 91 thru 94 then you'll have a coupe and mods are surely going to fit into your budget. If you think you'd like to mod your car with go fast equipment then perhaps you should stay in the 91 - 94 range. You can get a low mileage stocker with perhaps some mods like headers and maybe even short gears and be way ahead in the mod game.

You'll surely be able to find what your looking for in your price range. It sounds like you may want more power in your NSX - more than stock - about the only way to get that is to go to headers, short gears in a NA car or go to the SC in non NA car and some would say keep the long gears with the SC cause it runs out of gear space quickly. Just what I've heard from some that have an SC.

Good luck with your new search and I'm mighty happy to hear that times and things are better for you now. Most encouraging in this economy!
What are the thoughts for the mods? supercharger? Exhaust? Short shifter? Will they hurt the value much?


I think it depends on the mods, I wouldn't care that much about headers on a car, nor exhaust. I would think heavily about a car that has run FI and what type of system it was. Another way to think about it though if you think you are going down that path is that you might get a bargain on the mods you want, because you rarely get $1 for $1 on the mods you add to the car more like $.50 to the $1
As far as mods and resale...

IMHO: If the mods are tasteful you will more than likely increase it's value. You may take a slight hit in overall depreciation but you won't decrease the value of the entire car. I feel it's important to document document document everything you do to your car. For example, if you want to go the extra mile and get an SC, headers, exhaust (which are proven to be a worthwhile mods) have a professional install and tune it. Keep the receipt so you can prove to the new buyer that you're not mickey mousing around with their potential new car.

Wheels, suspension, body kits, and even CF parts... those are often very personal decisions. The new owner may not feel the same way about what looks aesthetically pleasing. These mods may not get you a good salvage value. You'll have to play it by ear... The more extreme your car is.. the lesser amount of interested buyers you will have.

The NSX community, by capita, are generally better educated in terms of mods for their cars - this isn't an elitist comment but rather through my observations. Therefore you normally don't see mods on an NSX that don't improve upon something. However, i've noticed there are still folks putting crap parts on their cars for the sake of modding :confused:
Minor mods like headers and exhaust will not increase the market value of the car significantly; if they're not too loud, they won't decrease it either. You're just not going to be able to sell a car for more because of those mods. A supercharger may enable you to sell the car for a few thousand dollars more, but you will also be limiting your market to those willing to pay more for it, who may be hard to find.

This is the basic rule: Do whatever mods you like, based on your willingness to pay for them in exchange for whatever enjoyment you expect them to give you over however long you expect to own the car. Don't worry about differences in market value resulting from the mods, because they won't be worth much when it's time to sell (and you'll never get back anywhere near what you spent on them).
As always thanks to all the great Prime people who have provided responses.

I would NOT put any mods on any car that I buy. The real question was if I bought a car with the mods on them and am basically getting them for free since I am making a deal on the car as far as the "NSX" community is concerned will it help, hurt or make no difference to the car overall and the future value?

I am ONLY referring to mods that are tasteful, CT Supercharger, exhaust, shorter gears, etc. NOTHING on the body other then wheels...

As always thanks to all the great Prime people who have provided responses.

I would NOT put any mods on any car that I buy. The real question was if I bought a car with the mods on them and am basically getting them for free since I am making a deal on the car as far as the "NSX" community is concerned will it help, hurt or make no difference to the car overall and the future value?

I am ONLY referring to mods that are tasteful, CT Supercharger, exhaust, shorter gears, etc. NOTHING on the body other then wheels...


You probably are getting them at a nicely discounted rate, but not free.
As always thanks to all the great Prime people who have provided responses.

I would NOT put any mods on any car that I buy. The real question was if I bought a car with the mods on them and am basically getting them for free since I am making a deal on the car as far as the "NSX" community is concerned will it help, hurt or make no difference to the car overall and the future value?

I am ONLY referring to mods that are tasteful, CT Supercharger, exhaust, shorter gears, etc. NOTHING on the body other then wheels...


Some help and some don't. It is questionable whether an SC will help in resale or not. Some want them and to that small market it would be attractive if it were a really good one like Comptech. Headers, whether they are late model NSX headers or after market again it depends on who made them - comptech again are good ones and Cantrell. Others - well I don't know but I think if you are selling to primers and you have an early car - then headers are definitely a plus - short gears are neat too. You never get what you pay for them when selling but they are worth something. Maybe not so much in direct dollars made but in terms of desirable model with mods - yes that can definitely help you sell your car. Cosmetic stuff like dashes and mods for radios - carbon fiber - not so much. Many don't want anything other than the stock look.

An SC - like Comptech may be an attention grabber and may help you sell the car and it may make you a few extra bucks but you'll be lucky to get 50 cents on the dollar - but it still may help sell the car and that can be worth a lot!