Near as I can tell, it's one guy's sour grapes story. I feel his pain, but I'm not sure creating a website to dis the whole company is appropriate.

When you finally get to the legitimate complaints about the M3 and other people's problems - the site may have some merit. The complaints about the new blue color are way overboard - c'mon, this is aesthetics here. If you don't like the color fine, don't buy it - it doesn't make BMW "The Great Satan". Hell, I like that blue and the yellow - it's nice to see some new shades in the best colors.

Most of the site is devoted to gripes not real problems. The "Story of the Week" is as far as I am concerned pretty much typical of all marque's dealers not just BMW. I for one hadn't heard any complaints about the new M3 and haven't even seen one here in Houston yet.
I have never liked buying a car when it first comes out. You get the job of test driver, to find all the rattles and small nagging problems.

BUT I have also like this guy, been at the auto dealership feeling helpless and treated poorly becasue I have no power. I like the idea of wed sites to give us a place to fire back, when the dealers service department screws us. I like being able to shine a little light on the bad dealers...we've all run across them.