WTF, snow!

14 May 2007
Beaumont, Texas
:eek: Seems everyone in my family tree had to call at 2:00am to let me know it's snowing.:rolleyes: I finally had to turn off my phone, LOL.:tongue: Ya'll drive safe.
Yeah, I even went out and made the obligatory tiny-snowman-on-the-hood, just so I could take a picture. I guess if I did this everytime it snows, I'd be doing it, what, every 5 years or so.
Time to reread the snowblower thread.:biggrin:
Heres outside my house. :tongue:

LOL, nice snowman.
I didnt have any gloves to I had to put socks on my hands so they wouldnt be so cold! I totally wasnt expecting snow this year.My s2k got the worst of it.The NSX was in the garage since I was examining bits and pieces.And the Lexus wouldnt go up the driveway anymore cause of the diff.The light just kept going off like danger,danger! :biggrin:
More pics from my house.

My pitbull and min pin went to go explore...


While my Boston terrier preferred to stay warm inside...

The chihuahua didnt wanna have any part of this.She was just completely hidden under a blanket.
^ Nice Family you have there. :smile:
Got enough dogs there Alex or are you also running an SPCA on the side?
Yeah everyone always says I have too many dogs.I had 6 but I had to put 1 of my pitbulls down this week since she had a tumor.Now im down to 1 pitbull,1 chihuahua,1 shitzu,1 min pin & my 1 boston terrier. :smile: Only the small ones stay inside though but they all get along.

Hey alley kat, that was last night?? I'm a few hours from Houston, I'm closer to Austin, didn't see any snow last night (or that i'm aware of). That's crazy, these past few years TX weather has been a lil strange....Especially when it snowed in April a year or two ago, now that was weird
Yup that was last night.Only in Texas will we have snow 1 day and be hot the next. :tongue:
Global warming is seriously slacking. I shouldn't ever have to ride an ice covered motorcycle to work in Texas. Austin didn't get nearly as much snow as some of you guys in Houston posted up.
Global warming is seriously slacking. I shouldn't ever have to ride an ice covered motorcycle to work in Texas. Austin didn't get nearly as much snow as some of you guys in Houston posted up.

Well actually global warming is a misnomer, the actual phenomenon is climate change. And as you can see, we are moving towards further extremes and more unstable weather!

I took some pics too so I'll have to post a link later...
Crazy weather lately. Definitely, don't work on your NSX outside, on the driveway, at 1am. Don't ask me how I know! :frown: