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WTB 95 Compliance Pivot Assembly/ eccentric bolts

30 November 2010
Austin, TX
hey guys,
i talked to my acura tech and without going into details, either i shell out a chunk of cash for a passenger side compliance pivot assembly or i can try to look for specifically what i need ....and what i need is---

"the eccentric part of the bolt on the passenger side of the compliance pivot assembly (51370-SL0-000)"
"the drivers side eccentric bolt for the camber adjustment"

that was what he said...acura wont sell those specific bolts because they say it's part of the whole stinking assembly...and the assembly is about 1k plus labor.....i'm mechanically declined so i'll have to direct any detailed questions to him

any help would be greatly appreciated :biggrin:
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got it! thank you all who replied...you guys are great....