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WTB: '91-'96 radiator

13 September 2000
Tulsa, OK
I'm in need of a radiator, new or used, in good condition for my NSX. I've got a couple of track events coming up and my current radiator is not in good condition. An alternate, and even better, radiator is on the way but it may take some time.

Please either post a reply or private me. Thanks!
Also wouldn't mind renting one for about a month either.

Why don't you just pull yours out and get it re-cored? Should take 2 days and around $300 including labor.
Almost every fin on the bottom half of the rad is filled with gunk and getting it out is nearly impossible. So the core is not an issue, just the darn fins. The clog blocks airflow.

Would re-coring the rad help with this?