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Wtb: 1997 - 2005 nsx

21 December 2005
East Bay, Ca
Wtb: Any Year NSX

Time to now get back into the NSX market and buy a later model than my previous 1996 NSX-T. So I'm looking for a 1997-2005 NSX-T with miles less than 40,000 and all original car. Color preference is Red 1st then Silver, White, Black, Blue, Yellow. Live in NorCal. Price is contingent on condition and history. PM me if you have a car for sale or desire to sell that will meet my needs. Regards....siD

To add, I'd also consider a '93 or '94......why don't I just say any year. It all gets down to condition of the car.
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Decided to keep the Buick Grand National so that changes my purchasing power. Getting into the low $40K for an NSX hits my rev limiter...so now price makes a difference. Still looking for a quality car regardless of year. Regards....siD
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Still looking for the right NSX after 9 months of looking lower miles (<40K), originality and a well maintained car is what I'm after. Any year. Price based on condition. Please call 925.301.3736 or send me a message if your considering selling your car or know someone who is. West coast cars preferred. Regards....siD
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After searching close to 18 months for a car, coming really close to buying more than a few times, I have decided to bring my search for an NSX to an end. I have also looked at early 2000 Porsche 911 Turbo's as well as a GT-R. I'm done. Thanks prime for all the great years......