Wrapped Hummer

17 September 2000
San Diego, CA
Some of you know I had been working on wrapping my Hummer for a project at work, I finally found some great guys to print and apply the wrap for me, we finished up the artwork, Vytas did a great job detailing the beast prior to the wrap (thanks again, man, great work), and the finished product is finally ready to make it's physical debut at CES in Las Vegas in January. Here are a few shots of the final project (BTW, my H2 was Pewter when we started :D )




Other images if you care to check them out are at:

I had never seen that on a car/truck untill the other day. Priest Holmes of the KC Chiefs has a non-for profit org. in the area called Team Priest. Saw his Expedition which had been wrapped like yours. He said that all of it can be removed, amazing.

I hope our defensive head coach can be removed at the end of this season too!:D
Glad you guys like it, it worked out really well. It took about 24 hours of work time to wrap it, despite how flat the H2 looks, there are lots of details in the hood, door panels, and roof that made it an intricate project, but it looks like it was painted and that was the goal :)
Tantheman said:
Looks great. I see those on public transit buses but never saw it on a regular vehicle. I assume it is legal to drive like that.


Thanks, I don't see why it wouldn't be, all main points of visibility are clear, and even the windows that don't require that are transparent enough to see out of. And since the models have clothes on, I think it should be cool :D
Maybe we'll be at some of the same parties?

I'll be at some Sony party and whatever Pioneer does there at the show. I'll also be spending some time at the Pioneer booth - they have a new navigation touchscreen/voice activated head unit that has built-in G-Force meters (virtual gauges displayed on the LCD).
Pardon my ignorance, but is it just a vinyl graphic applied to the Hummer?

I assume it is computer generated to match the shape and contours of the vehicle.

drmohr said:
Pardon my ignorance, but is it just a vinyl graphic applied to the Hummer?

I assume it is computer generated to match the shape and contours of the vehicle.


It is a vinyl graphic, the entire thing. We created extremely large files, the dimensions of each side as a rectangle, using a die line of an H2 as a working pattern. As the vinyl is applied, it is trimmed to fit perfectly around the contours, door handles, windows, emblems, lights, etc. A hot air gun and a squeegie type tool are used to get the vinyl (3M) to adhere exactly to the vehicle, with no bubbles, resulting in a finish that looks very much like paint until you are 1-2 feet away from the vehicle.

The 3M vinyl we used to print on is some pretty remarkable stuff.
JChoice said:
Anyone else going to be at CES? I will be there and I'm not 100% sure but I think Chris Willson will be there.

Instead of starting a new thread, just curious for those of you that mentioned you were going to CES, how was the show? Anyone happen to see my H2 rolling around town while you were there :D

Here are some photos we took at our booth and outside with some of our models, tons of people at the show this year:




We also made it out to Vegas for New Year's, there are photos here from that, as well as more CES photos if you are interested:

<B>Jonathan</B> : isn't it a little ironic that you use a HUGE 'TANK' like a hummer when iRiver products are soooo small?!?! :confused: :D

The models are nice. "2pac" i'm not so sure about. :p

At the www.helenly.com website, i notice she's modelled with an NSX in the "Lady in Red" section. Who's NSX is that?
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NeoNSX said:
<B>Jonathan</B> : isn't it a little ironic that you use a HUGE 'TANK' like a hummer when iRiver products are soooo small?!?! :confused: :D

Ah yes, but then there is also that theory that if you want something to appear really small, put it in the hands of something really big, see below image for another example :D

The models are nice. "2pac" i'm not so sure about. :p

"2Pac" is a guy named $traw out of Las Vegas, great guy, and we had a lot of fun working with him :cool:

At the www.helenly.com website, i notice she's modelled with an NSX in the "Lady in Red" section. Who's NSX is that?

Sadly, Neo, that white/black car she is with in that photo is, in fact, an MR2 :eek: , I need to talk to her about that. Perhaps she can put on that dress and take some photos with my NSX so we can replace those MR2 photos :p