Wow!!! Tony Stewart runs over fellow driver and kills him on track.....

^I hate reading stupid statements of conjecture like this that further fuel the media fire that he did it on purpose.

Tony loved racing probably more than anyone in cup, and did dirt track racing in his free time for fun and for the challenge since he grew up with it, despite the increased danger which has impacted his professional career. He's done a lot for the community and especially at lower levels where its great to have an a-list driver there to further spark enthusiasm. Imagine a-list actors going to local plays and starring in some roles for the fun of it.

Maybe he felt so terrible for what happened because it is a horrible accident that has impacted lower levels of racing, which he was a constant supporter of, and bringing people up the ranks. Maybe the constant media comments like this further drove him to that decision?

Tony Stewart to announce his retirement from all!!!

Apparently he is very shaken up by this....which kind of makes you wonder why he is feeling so guilty about it....

I don't think he tried to hit him, but i think he tried to scare him....and we all saw the results.......

That does not appear to be a legitimate news site. From the same site:

Obama Signs Executive Order Amending Constitution, Allows Unlimited Terms As President

This has not happened (yet).
^I hate reading stupid statements of conjecture like this that further fuel the media fire that he did it on purpose.

Tony loved racing probably more than anyone in cup, and did dirt track racing in his free time for fun and for the challenge since he grew up with it, despite the increased danger which has impacted his professional career. He's done a lot for the community and especially at lower levels where its great to have an a-list driver there to further spark enthusiasm. Imagine a-list actors going to local plays and starring in some roles for the fun of it.

Maybe he felt so terrible for what happened because it is a horrible accident that has impacted lower levels of racing, which he was a constant supporter of, and bringing people up the ranks. Maybe the constant media comments like this further drove him to that decision?


At the end of the day no else is to blame for the unfortunate death of this young kid then the kid himself...everyone would agree with that, but at the same time, Tony has a rep as a hot head himself and you can see why people seem to think he may have tried to spoke the kid, but didn't realize how close the kid was and a tragic accident happened that never would have if the kid just stayed in his car.....
There's times when you walk into a room and hear part of a conversation that just doesn't make sense on its own, something just so totally out of place that it's almost impossible to figure out what was said before if you didn't know by actually hearing it. Things like, "if it wasn't for my horse, I would never have made it through college." Most of the time, even if you never find out what the beginning sounded like, you can come up with a mystery science theater version that would at least make a ridiculous kind of sense with its own internal logic.

I have been trying since the day this happened to come up with anything, any kind of twisted reasoning and conversation which would lead to "well, then I would run out on the racing line," making any kind of sense. So far I have failed.
I have followed Smoke closely throughout his career as my Father is a friend of his Father's, and I lived in his hometown of Columbus, Indiana over the last 10 years. Although I won't claim to know him, I have seen a maturation of his character since becoming a car owner. For anyone who follows the sport, he lives for dirt track racing. He has been quoted saying that anytime you race for money that it makes it less fun. He's owner or part owner in several race tracks around the midwest. He created the Tony Stewart Foundation when foundations weren't the norm in NASCAR. He purchased bulletproof vests for all the State Police K9's in Indiana. He gave a generous donation to a charity event I helped construct in Nashville, Indiana. This is a man that is so under the microscope for everything he does (like any other in his position) that anything negative he does is blown up into something that can be misconstrued in so many ways. Yet where was the media for all of the good things? I feel very sorry for Kevin Ward's family, but this is very obvious to me and has been since the day it occurred. Watch the video and know the driving dynamics of the types of cars you're seeing on a very flimsy dirt surface. All in all, it's good to see him back on the track tonight even if his night ended early. Smoke will rise. I'll step off my soap box now.
If anything this event sure has shown the change in thought process which has occurred across this country. When the kid was first hit the voice in the video immediately said, Tony Stewart just hit that guy! I can say without a doubt, 30 years ago the voice would have said, did you see that guy just walk in front of Tony Stewart? There's been a real shift in thinking. Personally I like the old way of thinking a little better, you know the one where people take responsibility for themselves. Furthermore, the old way of thinking keeps people off the racetrack when on foot. The new way of thinking makes the racers have to second guess themselves every lap that they may be held accountable for another idiots actions. Change the background and this is true of so many situations ruled under this new way of thinking.
I've been silent about this whole accident since it happened, and it has been tremendously tough to not lash out. I am lucky enough to work for Tony at his sprint car shop, and perhaps I am biased, but this whole incident was a nothing more than a tragic accident that wouldn't have even made the news had it not been a celebrity involved. I know Tony is very "shaken" by this whole incident and it's going to take a long time to recover. He'll never forget! There was absolutely no possible way that there were any intentions of harm, or retaliation for a on track issue. I don't think Tony ever even knew why the yellow was out. I have not spoken with Tony since the accident, but I know him well enough to see that he's suffering tremendously to realize that he was part of this terrible accident.

For so many "self appointed experts" to lash out and describe what happened is also a tragedy. Very few of them know anything about motorsports, specifically sprint car racing. To listen to so many people explain what really happened based on a poor amateur video is just wrong.

I'm quite honored to work for Tony. Tony would give the shirt off his back to help a fellow racer, especially a dirt racer. His generosity to the motorsports fraternity has been tremendous.

I also feel terrible for the Ward family. RIP
If anything this event sure has shown the change in thought process which has occurred across this country. When the kid was first hit the voice in the video immediately said, Tony Stewart just hit that guy! I can say without a doubt, 30 years ago the voice would have said, did you see that guy just walk in front of Tony Stewart? There's been a real shift in thinking. Personally I like the old way of thinking a little better, you know the one where people take responsibility for themselves. Furthermore, the old way of thinking keeps people off the racetrack when on foot. The new way of thinking makes the racers have to second guess themselves every lap that they may be held accountable for another idiots actions. Change the background and this is true of so many situations ruled under this new way of thinking.

RIGHT?! Stupid people now. Yes I said stupid.
Blood test for measuring impairment of marijuana does not exist. Its way more complicated then say .08 alcohol. The degree of THC in Wards blood was never released. Its a spin cycle. Search Tony Stewart Kevin Ward Murder, You will see that the fact that KW got out of his car has nothing to do with anything in criminal law. You know the old saying, a picture tells a 1k words. How many words does a video tell? I can also see in video TS left front wheel turn right and straighten out putting KW in wall. He wrecked him and then he ran him over.
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Blood test for measuring impairment of marijuana does not exist. Its way more complicated then say .08 alcohol.

Well, frankly, it can be argued that it's no more complicated than this: Ward, high on weed, got out of his race car on an open track and was struck…to his demise. So he's either foolish, stupid, or impaired.

Or a combination of all three.
Well, frankly, it can be argued that it's no more complicated than this: Ward, high on weed, got out of his race car on an open track and was struck…to his demise. So he's either foolish, stupid, or impaired.

Or a combination of all three.

He was definitely foolish, maybe stupid and/or impaired.
Blood test for measuring impairment of marijuana does not exist. Its way more complicated then say .08 alcohol. The degree of THC in Wards blood was never released. Its a spin cycle. Search Tony Stewart Kevin Ward Murder, You will see that the fact that KW got out of his car has nothing to do with anything in criminal law. You know the old saying, a picture tells a 1k words. How many words does a video tell? I can also see in video TS left front wheel turn right and straighten out putting KW in wall. He wrecked him and then he ran him over.

You are correct, there is no definitive test that calculates impairment from the use of marijuana. The fact that Ward had any THC in his blood and was driving on the track shows impaired judgment. Sprint car racing doesn't have controlled substance testing. However, NASCAR and many other professional racing leagues do and would not have let him on the track with traces in his blood. If Ward wasn't impaired by the drug, he was certainly impaired by anger, ego and stupidity. And Stewart's actions, whether accidental or on purpose in this incident will for ever be questioned. All of that said, Ward would still be alive and racing today had he been smart enough to stay in his car. And that's the bottom line.
You are correct, there is no definitive test that calculates impairment from the use of marijuana. The fact that Ward had any THC in his blood and was driving on the track shows impaired judgment. Sprint car racing doesn't have controlled substance testing. However, NASCAR and many other professional racing leagues do and would not have let him on the track with traces in his blood. If Ward wasn't impaired by the drug, he was certainly impaired by anger, ego and stupidity. And Stewart's actions, whether accidental or on purpose in this incident will for ever be questioned. All of that said, Ward would still be alive and racing today had he been smart enough to stay in his car. And that's the bottom line.

+1, well said.
THC stays in your system for 30 days. So KW could of smoked the month before and THC would still be in system. Why didnt they test TS, after all he did kill Kevin? I think TS is done racing NASCAR because NASCAR is the largest @ stake. I am amazed @ the effects of damage control. Dont forget the fact he got out of car, has nothing to do with murder or man slaughter. Except to 1L's.
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Who said they didn't test Stewart.

The Doctor that performed the autopsy and blood analysis said that the amount of THC in Ward’s system “could” have impaired him. Though that’s debatable, it doesn’t sound like the kid smoked the doobie a month prior. The amount of THC in his blood will reduce over time but it sounds like the level was still quite high at the time of the sample. It appears like you're trying to find a conspiracy theory. Maybe Stewart didn't act alone. There may have been another driver on the grassy knoll. LOL.

One of the first things said at every driver’s meeting on every track whether it’s a race or even an HPDE is to stay in your car until help arrives. Every driver knows that. So, I’m pretty sure Stewart never expected to see someone dancing in the racing groove toward his car that was traveling about 50 mph. Hell, if you watched the whole video, Ward just about got hit by one of the other drivers in front of Stewart. The kid was walking toward a moving car on a race track where the lack of traction is part of the race. In my view Kevin killed Kevin.

As for a conspiracy, remember District Attorneys and County Sheriffs (both elected officials) love nothing more than a high profile court case in which to convict someone famous if they can find the least shred of evidence that the death was caused on purpose. They have incentive to bring charges. Since NASCAR doesn’t sanction these dirt track events they can’t or won’t make any judgments on the situation. Also, you can bet that Stewart’s sponsors were looking closely at this incident and none of them have pulled away from him or his racing team.

Stewart is not done with NASCAR. He has been racing and he is also a team owner. I’m not a fan of Tony Stewart and if he left NASCAR it wouldn’t affect me either way. Though as others have said, the Tony on the track is different from the Tony off the track. The same could be said about 80% of the drivers in racing and for that matter any competitors in any sport. He has given back to the sport and his community. But, at the same time can be ruthless on the track.

It’s not inconceivable, given his history, that Stewart could have been trying to intimidate Ward by spinning dirt at him and just misjudged the fact that Ward was walking toward him in the racing groove. However, that’s for the jury in a civil suit to decide after they have been presented much more evidence than you or I are privy to in our discussion.
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