Wow.. Sears rules... and I rule!

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
Last night we noticed a problem on our 40inch panasonic rear projection LCD. It had some blotchy spots on it and looked like crap. We had only got it 7 months ago, so we were pretty dissapointed. I was also not happy with it because it did not have a DVI input on the back. That will be very important shortly, so the TV was really out of date that fast!

Anyway,, I went to sears to tell them about the problem. They said they would exchange it no problem. I said could we get a larger one, and she said it would be fine, just pay the difference. It was about $600 more for a 50" version.

So, after a little work and haggling, I ended up getting a 50" version of the same TV and it did not cost ONE penny more. They did an even swap. 40" for 50" with the DVI. I am so happy! Merry Christmas!

I am sorry that your Panasonic performed less than stellar. I must say of all the brands Panasonic has always been good to me and I think that it is one of the few companies that offer a 1 year parts and labor warranty on some of its products. Overall, it offers excellent quality and it is not as pricey as some other four letter companies. Enjoy your BIG TV. (Did I mention that this ios a one big TVVVVVVVVV?):D
NetViper said:

So, after a little work and haggling, I ended up getting a 50" version of the same TV and it did not cost ONE penny more. They did an even swap. 40" for 50" with the DVI. I am so happy! Merry Christmas!

Ok, you need to give details on your haggling skills. How'd you do that?
nsxtasy said:
Somehow, NetViper manages to get all of his playthings supersized!

After Sunday-nite's NSX_Chat, aint that the TRUTH :p

(I bet many of you are curious now :confused: , so this goes to show why everyone should check out the chat at 8pm EST Sunday nites :cool: )

[My attempt at a good plug for the chat ;)]

In keeping w/ the post, TimeWarnerCable tech' fried my projection big-screen while setting up RoadRunner (I TOLD him I had a dish and NO cable to the TV, yet he went on and did his thang :mad: ). *FIRE* Hence, I need to learn from NetViper so I can get a plasma, lolz.