Would you drive 2,800 miles in an NSX?

29 October 2000
Sugar Land, TX USA
Well, we did! We drove a 2000 Acura NSX-T from Seattle to Houston in 6 days. What a blast! And it wasn't even our car! Check out this photo:

This was taken by a fellow NSX'er who met up with us in Portland. You can read the whole story and post comments here:
Day 1-4: http://www.nsxsc.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000193.html
Day 4-6: http://www.nsxsc.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000193-2.html

We hope you enjoy the photos and story lines. I'll post a real web page when I get time.

- Hammer www.nsxsc.com
That was a fantastic story. You have no idea how this will affect our decision on a new 2001 Red/Black we have an eye on. After months of agonizingly looking for a nice '98 or '99 we have decided to bite the bullet and go for a new one. The Red is available now, but a Black/Black (my preference) will be available in about 60 days. I don't know if I can wait.

Thanks for taking your time to tell such a wonderful story. Best regards...
Most people don't realize what a wonderful long distance car the NSX is. I have taken four 2000+ mile trips in my '92. Each trip consisted of distances of 700 to 800 miles a day. No complaints from the car and no fatigue; just a great gas mileage and a huge smile!!! :-)
These are words of encouragment for someone who is hoping to take a coastline drive from L.A. to Vancouver, B.C.

Now if I only I can find the time to take such a drive

--akira3D ('00 NSX-T red/black #113)
"Reality is better than the dream..."


[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 20 April 2001).]
Thanks for a great post -- I'm smiling now because my car is identical to the one described: 2000t, Blue, Tan. I'll also confirm that the color attracts huge attention from onlookers -- a little uncomfortable to tell you the truth. I've been lucky to own some great cars, but it seems that none have attracted attention like my NSX. I had always told myself I would special order a white coupe, but I couldn't resist the blue once I saw it come off of the truck at Scottsdale Acura. BTW, I live in a very small town north of Prescott, Arizona. The other day I was parked at Chevron getting some techron rich premium, and one of the rustic toothless set was admiring the NSX -- his comment: "That the nicest damn color ferrari I ever saw".
Great write up of your trip to Texas! I also feel the 2000s feel a lot quicker and smoother than the earlier models. So I'm glad I wasn't just imagining it
I too agree that the NSX is a great long distance car. I bought mine about 6 months ago in Houston and drove it back to San Francisco in just 2 days! We only stopped for a few hours of sleep just outside El Paso.

No complaints from me (6'2", 190lbs) nor my co-pilot (6'4", 240lbs!). It was a snug fit, but we had a blast and were actually quite comfortable. I did have 2 small incidents with the car. The first was the coolant bottle sprang a little leak at about 2am in the middle of "nowhere" CA requiring us to buy an extra bottle of H2O to keep in the trunk just in case (we never did need it) and second, I also got a flat (sh*t) about 2 miles from home. By then it was 4:30 in the morning and I was too damn tired to jack 'er up and put the spare on... I just drove home slowly, needless to say I ruined the tire. But the experience was great and I am currently looking forward to some other long distance trips in the very near future (like Vegas!). -SS
Originally posted by 95NSX-T Blk/Blk:
...The first was the coolant bottle sprang a little leak at about 2am in the middle of "nowhere" CA requiring us to buy an extra bottle of H2O to keep in the trunk just in case (we never did need it) and second, I also got a flat (sh*t) about 2 miles from home. By then it was 4:30 in the morning and I was too damn tired to jack 'er up and put the spare on... I just drove home slowly, needless to say I ruined the tire. But the experience was great and I am currently looking forward to some other long distance trips in the very near future (like Vegas!). -SS


My wife and I are about to fly from D.C. to Ft Lauderdale and pick up a new 2000 Blue NSX. The tire story is a little disconcerting. What caused the blowout? Was it covered under warranty?

Another question about buying a car from far away. Do you think you get the same treatment at your local Acura dealer as you would from the selling dealer? We have 4 Acura dealers relatively close, but I'm not too impressed with any of them. Does Acura provide loaner cars for overnight repairs, or is that up to the discretion of the dealer? I would hope that a $80k+ car brings some privileges.
