WOT switch and fuel tap

22 September 2005
Where can I find a wiring diagram for the nsx for the WOT switch. Im trying to install my Zex wet kit right now. Also I have a T to tap into the fueld line rather than drilling into fuel rails and suck. Where do you guys suggest I do this?
Well I wired it all up. Took a T pin and found the WOT on the TPS its the red wire. Also used the T connection for fuel in the rubber line between the fuel filter and fuel rail.

The car runs great and idles strong when the system in armed, but when the system in off and the zex box is not lit the idle is horrible and almost falls on its face. Im very lost. Maybe someone can shed some light on this for me.

The car ran great tonight btw. Very strong with a 75 wet shot.
Post some pics of what you did. Did you cut the rubber line between the fuel filter and fuel rail??? Sorry I did not see your post sooner, but you could you have T'd into the top of the fuel filter. Does the ZEX kit tie into a vacuum source? Pictures would help.

Post some pics of what you did. Did you cut the rubber line between the fuel filter and fuel rail??? Sorry I did not see your post sooner, but you could you have T'd into the top of the fuel filter. Does the ZEX kit tie into a vacuum source? Pictures would help.


Yes I cut into the rubber line. The fuel supply seems sufficient. I tested it with the car on and the filter off facing a can.

After doing some more trouble shooting today I found that if the system armed the car idles and runs fine. If the system is un armed the car idles rough if you free rev it in neutral it drops to like 200rmp and almost dies. When you try to drive it. The TCS comes on (TCS only, NO abs) and the car goes into limp mode then comes out of it but if you spin it tweaks out again.

So I checked my connections and everything was fine. As I was trying a few things. I made sure the system was un armed and running. It was running real rough. I disconnected the wire t'd into WOT (Red wire on TPS) and the car came right out of it. When I connected it. It started again.

I dont get it because why would it do that yet run fine when the system is armed.

Dave no there is no ties into the vacume
Is this ZEX system new?? You tied into the correct wire, it just doesn't make sense why it would make the car run bad unless the ZEX brain is damaged.


Thats what I Think is the problem. I believe the zex brain is damaged and the kit was used. To get around the problem im going to put a toggle on both the ground side of the Zex box and a toggle on the wire to the TPS that way I can arm both at once.
85, I received your pm but just read it,I have been on a different forum tweaking out my page and have not checked in for a while.
Man, I wish you had gone into the fuel system at the filter also. I will send you the requested and required as I am concerned set up diagram and source for the parts you dont have.I may have some here.will check

BTW ANYONE know what happened or is going on with yay's setup? he got a shit load of prep work done course all of it will benefit his car sprayy or not.
I do know he was given some INSANE prices to do certain pretty easy work on his car. DONT ASK its not cool-no vender bashing and dont make any assumptions who. but I think he was taken for a ride. BTW please remember I am not a vendor, I make ZERO$$ on the help and installs I do.I help out so people dont waste their money or motors.
YAY let us know whats going on bro
85, pm this weekend
best regards david
ps 85 I have seen your issues before with zex (hate them) sorry :( but I solved the persons issue safely.
just a thought but with the number of tuners out west you all should have no problem finding a solid install ,tune dyno