World Series

7 June 2002
In The Middle

Cheer for the Cards - Our pitchers don't cheat!

(Not that Rogers wasn't great, but at this level - play clean or go home!)

BigBull said:
Cheer for the Cards - Our pitchers don't cheat!

(Not that Rogers wasn't great, but at this level - play clean or go home!)


He did not cheat. It was dirt and rosin together,. If the ump thought it was the least bit ????, he would have been gone. Dirt and rosin, big whoopie. Typical media making something out of nothing. Don;t get caught up in the hype. Other than that, Rogers pitched another amazing game and he is up to 23 scoreless innings in the post season. It is going to be a great series and the Tigers rule!!!!!!!!

Great reply up there Nick. :biggrin: :wink:

GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!
ekin95 said:
He did not cheat. It was dirt and rosin together,. If the ump thought it was the least bit ????, he would have been gone. Dirt and rosin, big whoopie. Typical media making something out of nothing. Don;t get caught up in the hype. Other than that, Rogers pitched another amazing game and he is up to 23 scoreless innings in the post season. It is going to be a great series and the Tigers rule!!!!!!!!

Great reply up there Nick. :biggrin: :wink:

GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!
Rosin? You mean the stuff used to absorb sweat so you can grip the ball when it's hot out? Yeah - I'm sure that's what it was since it was 40 degrees out. I'm sure his hand was soaked with sweat. Not to mention the fact that rosin and dirt would have worn off after about 10 or so pitches. And isn't it odd that he denies the umps talking to him about it despite a 2 minute conversation the ump had with him all the while looking at his hand? (Not to mention the fact that his manager even said the umps asked him to wash the substance off his hand.) Yeah - I'm sure it's all hype. Now I don't want to say that the Cards would've scored 6 times in the first had Rogers been clean. I don't think it changed the outcome of the game - the guy pitched lights out. But the proof is there - he had a foriegn substance on his hand. Whether or not it affected the game, it makes him a less than honorable competitor. That said, I hope it is a great series and the "Tiger's Rule" doesn't get in the way. Go Cards.
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Yes, I am quite sure this was his first time using it...
It aided his pitching none whatsoever... He gained no Psychological edge at all....:rolleyes:

I am quite sure it was rosin and dirt... Please...
I too, just want a clean and exciting series...
I hear that they are going to Bring MGuire back to pinch hit...
Since he used no steroids and all.:biggrin:

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And this just in... ESPN has shown footage of his previous starts in the ALDS and the ALCS and guess what? The "Dirt" is on his hand in those games too. Gee - I'm sure it is just mere coincidence that a guy who carried one of the worst post season ERAs in history suddenly pitches the games of his post season life with something questionable on his hands. And it seems very odd that the mysterious "dirt" on his hand during this and the previous post season games is issolated in all three cases to the heel of his thumb, the thumb, and the index finger - specifically the outside edge of the index finger - the side that the ball's rotation is effected by when it leaves a pitcher's hand. Yeah - I'm just getting caught up in the media's making a mountain out of a molehill. I'd certainly be more inclined to believe the athlete's explaination - during which, mind you, he spoke in direct opposition to his own manager's account and to what everyone watching the game saw: the umpire speaking to Rogers and looking at his hand. What a joke. Get serious.
Now... that being said, I think that it is upto the umpires to maintain the integrity of the game if the players can't manage to do so on their own. So at this point, it is as much their fault as Rogers'. And if MLB doesn't look at the tapes and weigh the overwhelming indications and act on those in some manner - I blame them as well. All-in-all, it is unfortunate all the way around. Regardless of the effect it had or didn't have, it puts an obviously talented player in a suspicious position and clouds his accomplishment and it gives baseball another black eye on the biggest stage of the season.
So here's to a great series. Hopefully we've seen the end of this kind of "competition".

Go Cards!
ekin95 said:
He did not cheat. It was dirt and rosin together,.
Oh, good grief! Have you never seen what pine tar on a hand looks like? Dirt, shmirt.

Now, on to the real issue: Did it matter? No. Not at all - unless he was still using it throughout the rest of the game from his cap or something (I'm sick of listening to all the whiners on the radio today!). Rogers pitched one hell of a game. Even being a die hard cards fan, I certainly appreciated that outing. He was magnificent. Heck, I was shocked and happy as can be that Leyland pulled him to start the ninth. That move almost went down as the biggest managerial blunder in world series play! LaRussa certainly helped his old pal out, but not by way of covering up the pine tar thing. He should have pinch hit for Encarnacion in the ninth. Some would also say for Molina, but in my book he earned the right to hit by way of his recent hitting and NLCS heroics. If Duncan would have pinch hit and tied or put the birds ahead, ole Jimmy Leyland might have had a hard time getting back into Detroit.

I'm there for games 3,4 and 5!!! :cool:
BigBull said:
Cheer for the Cards - Our pitchers don't cheat!

Maybe not at the moment, but we are not immune. Anyone remember Taverez during August of last year?
Leyland scared the hell out of me when he put in Jones to pitch. The guy drives me nuts! I was a wreck in the 9th innning when the bases are loaded and 1 swing of the bat and we are down.

Anyway, I am tired of all the crap about Rogers also. He pitched a hell of a game and has been un-hittable (is that a word?). People need to stop bitching about it and move on. That means you too media! Find another 48 hour obsession to talk about. :sigh:
ekin95 said:
Leyland scared the hell out of me when he put in Jones to pitch. The guy drives me nuts! I was a wreck in the 9th innning when the bases are loaded and 1 swing of the bat and we are down.
I know the feeling. We have had to live with 9th inning terror from Izzy for the last few years.

ekin95 said:
Anyway, I am tired of all the crap about Rogers also...People need to stop bitching about it and move on. That means you too media!
I was listening to a sports radio station the other day, and the show's moron host said that if LaRussa knew about the substance before the end of the inning, it was grounds for immediate termination of his employment, that his players would never be able to trust him any longer. What a laugh. I loved LaRussa's explanation the following day; That his philosophy is that when BS happens, 'Just stop whatever BS is taking place and get back to competing.' And he challenged anyone to find an inconsistency from any of his past managing tenure.

Good series!

A few pics from last night's game:






DAMN IT!!!!!! I cannot stand to see my team shoot themselves in the foot like that. Last 2 game, relief pitchers blew throws to 3rd and 1st. That cost us the game IMO. We lost all our momentum. I predict, however, if we win tonight and come back to Detroit and Rogers pitches, there will be a game 7 and we will be victorious! At least I hope. :wink:
ekin95 said:
DAMN IT!!!!!! I cannot stand to see my team shoot themselves in the foot like that. Last 2 game, relief pitchers blew throws to 3rd and 1st. That cost us the game IMO. We lost all our momentum. I predict, however, if we win tonight and come back to Detroit and Rogers pitches, there will be a game 7 and we will be victorious! At least I hope. :wink:

Right on!! and hopefully, I'll be at that game!! :biggrin:
ekin95 said:
Last 2 game, relief pitchers blew throws to 3rd and 1st. That cost us the game IMO.
It certainly cost you the game last night, but not the night Carp pitched.

I predict, however, if we win tonight and come back to Detroit and Rogers pitches, there will be a game 7 and we will be victorious!
Good thing nobody was predicting the same in 68!

Trivia question: Why does Tony LaRussa wear number 10 on his uniform?
I hope Leyland wears numbers 10 for the same reason!

KGP said:
It certainly cost you the game last night, but not the night Carp pitched.

True. I forgot, he pitched lights out. IN fact Rogers and Carp are the only 2 pitchers who have pitched great games. I would love to see a game 7 w/ those 2 going head to head. It may never end. :wink:
ekin95 said:
IN fact Rogers and Carp are the only 2 pitchers who have pitched great games.
You must have forgot all about game 1.
Until this week, I had never had the chance to see Pudge Rodriguez play in person. That guy is a phenomenal athlete! Dude has a howitzer for an arm. The radar gun at Busch has some sort of auto reset function, which on occasion gets out of whack, especially during the warm-up's when the pitcher begins an inning, as the time between pitches is much faster. Last night it got out of timing for the pitcher and happened to clock Pudge's throw to second base just as the inning begins. 89 mph.:eek: I wonder what it is when a guy is actually stealing!
KGP said:
You must have forgot all about game 1.

Who pitched game 1? I do not know all the cardinal pitchers well. I know we got some hits but nothing major. :confused:
KGP said:
Until this week, I had never had the chance to see Pudge Rodriguez play in person. That guy is a phenomenal athlete! Dude has a howitzer for an arm. The radar gun at Busch has some sort of auto reset function, which on occasion gets out of whack, especially during the warm-up's when the pitcher begins an inning, as the time between pitches is much faster. Last night it got out of timing for the pitcher and happened to clock Pudge's throw to second base just as the inning begins. 89 mph.:eek: I wonder what it is when a guy is actually stealing!

He has a crazy arm. Pudge for pitcher. :wink: :biggrin: