Work Meister S2Rs or Volk LE37-Ts

20 February 2000
Irvine, CA, USA
As you might have seen that the LE37Ts are listed in the classified forum. Now I have something I need your opinion. I know that there is no right answer to this question. This morning, I took off the Work Meisters that I love so much and installed the Volk LE37Ts. Now I'm torn!

Meisters ... they look clean and with nice long open spokes with just the right curves. Lips are not the biggest but the total packet looks elegant but not flashy.





Volk LE37-T ... they make the car look serious like a race car. The wheels+tires are amazingly light. They are noticeably lighter that the 2-piece. In picture they don't show up as well, but in person, they look stunning. The outdoor pictures were taken at 7:30pm. So lighting was not ideal to show the wheels.













I just wish that I can keep both sets so that I can change them like shoes. But I have to let one set go.
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You're right!! You DO have a problem. ;) Both look AWESOME on your car. You pegged it perfectly......The Works are stylish, without being flashy, while the Volks are indeed serious looking.

Glad I don't have your problem. I'd end up keeping them both. :)

Sorry, buddy. I can't help you here.

I personally prefer LE37Ts on Sebring silver!
I had no idea how nice the LE37s look on the silver NSX. In my honest opinion, perhaps biased:D , the LE37s look handsome, serious, and Porschesque on your NSX. Kind of like an Armani suit. They make your car appear to have more horses and race ready. OTOH, the Meisters look more leisure, street-racer, and perhaps bling bling. But if the LE37s are indeed considerably lighter than the Meister, then your choice is obviously clear.
You need to re-shoot the LE37s in daylight with side, quarters front and back shots.
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Wow... I like them both... although I am a big fan of the TE-37/LE-37... on a Sebring Silver car, they both just look DAMN good. But if I was forced to get rid of a set... I'd keep the Meisters and get rid of the TE-37. Chris, I just love your car with the Meisters!

I see you had a busy sunday :)

I am surprised at how good the LE37 looks. And you know me and my original opinion of the LE37. This may make it harder for you, the LE37 gives the car a racier look. I like the clean lines and subtlety, but "don't even try" sense that it gives out. On the other hand, the meister is definitely nice for showing.

So, the big question is which one! let me look at the photos again.., it's a tough one!

I don't know where to begin. Your car is simply amazing..with either set of rims. Personally, I would stick with the Volks, but if you want to keep both, just go ricer style, and have one set on the left, and the other set on the right.
:D ;)

either way, best of luck, you can't go wrong with either one.

So the Volks front and Works rear is not in style then, right? :p


Anyway, thanks for all your feedback. Now I'm confuse as ever because based on this forum, and my friends' opinion, it is a dead even 50/50 split. They both have their pros and cons. Just a matter of how I intent to use the car. Frankly, I really need both sets. But my wife..... Instead of blaming on my wife, I think I rather use that money on suspension mods.

So I'm going to try to sell both sets and see which one goes first.
my 2 cents worth.

Don't know if the polls are still open but keep the Meisters. No contest. They brighten the whole car and look super classy. I've never understood the dark "racing" look on a light colored car. Keep the Meisters.
Volks LE-37

I like the Volk LE-37 better. Just my opinion ... do you have some full shots of the car and these wheels you can send me? Side, Frt and rear?

Thanks ... NSX IMAGE
Re: my 2 cents worth.

NSXpnsv said:
Don't know if the polls are still open but keep the Meisters. No contest. They brighten the whole car and look super classy. I've never understood the dark "racing" look on a light colored car. Keep the Meisters.

at the end of the day, I would agree with NSXpnsv.
Volks all the way !! They really suit the Sebring silver and their lighter weight is an added bonus. Wheels are always a personal thing, you can't go wrong with either, however. :)
I've always liked the looks of the Meisters on your car. However, after seeing the pics of the Volks vs. Meisters comparo, I would have to vote for the Volks, hands down. And, I would polish the crap out of the lips and make them look like chrome. Just my 2cents.
Re: my 2 cents worth.

NSXpnsv said:
Don't know if the polls are still open but keep the Meisters. No contest. They brighten the whole car and look super classy. I've never understood the dark "racing" look on a light colored car. Keep the Meisters.
I don't usually like dark wheels but the LE37s on Chris' car look even better than Manual's wheels. Sorry Manual. I have to vote for the LE37s.
Is there another thread on the forum with the topic "How to torture CDub"? :rolleyes:

The picks were almost alternating from Volks to Works. So far, the race has been dead even, may be the Volks have a slight edge.

That's why I put both of them on the market and see if the market can decide for me. But of course, like Conrad said, I should pick the one that have more interests. The Volks so far have more "interest to buy" emails. Does that mean....

Of course I was asking for more for the Works because of the wheel/tire combo is that much more expensive.
They are both very nice, but I think keep the Volk's. They look just a little better and are lighter. Mo - Elite.