
14 August 2003
Toronto, Canada
Man it feels good to take the car out from winter hibernation. I forgot how fast this car was compared to my winter beater. I also forgot how slowly the darn NSX windows roll up ;-)

Weather wise this week looks absolutely fantastic for southern ontario so I hope everyone is taking their car out!

So I was wondering -- what's the speed limit on on-ramps? As I was merging on this morning I realized I was going a tad fast and it got me thinking because of this new 50 over law. The speed posted on the ramp is the "recommended" speed but is not the maximum speed. It can't be the speed of the road that you're coming off of. Is it the speed of what you're merging onto? Is there a speed limit at all? :-)
Right with ya man!
We still have snow banks in our neighbourhood but it wasn't enough to make me wanna keep her covered up. Covers off, trickle-charged her overnight and then she was out!

Man I missed her. The blower going at full boost was music to my ears.

Sadly, it all ended today when I dropped her off at the body shop for some new goodies to be installed. :smile:
Right with ya man!
We still have snow banks in our neighbourhood but it wasn't enough to make me wanna keep her covered up. Covers off, trickle-charged her overnight and then she was out!

Man I missed her. The blower going at full boost was music to my ears.

Sadly, it all ended today when I dropped her off at the body shop for some new goodies to be installed. :smile:

ive had mine out a couple times this year already
it really is nice to have it out again

u guys still have snow in ottawa?
now what r u getting done to ur car John??;)
you'll see ;)

Just do what I do...climb on top and start shovelling it onto the road!