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Witnessed a Pontiac G8 Accident (drunk driver)

12 May 2012
Plainfield, IL
Was witness to a drunk driver accident tonight, pretty crazy story.

While coming back from dinner at my brother's house, we ended up driving behind a 50 or so year old woman in a Pontiac G8. She was all over the rumble strip, erratic, etc. My wife and I said to each other "yea, she's drunk". I backed off but stayed with her - she gets off at the next exit and promptly goes off the road and hit a light pole.

I stopped as I saw her go off the road and thought for a second that the pole would come back towards me, already had the car in reverse but I was too far back - no NSX damage! Whew....

Shes okay - no injuries, no one else in the car. Full airbag deployment. I've decided that if you must have airbags go off in your face being drunk is probably what you want to be - she wasn't fazed at all.

She gets out of the car and decides that "oh thats fine I got it thanks guys I'll just call my husband" and diggs for her cell phone. Meanwhile, her car is almost sitting on the base of the light pole and she keeps getting in and out of her car with her feet very close to base. I had to constantly remind her she could get hurt if she doesn't watch where she is walking.

Me and the driver behind me wait for the cops that have already been called, but as soon as she figures that out she tries to hitch a ride with a passing motorcyclist (Honda Goldwing). He eventually declines after we convince him it wasn't a good idea, but he seemed drunk as well. There was a motorcycle accident about 3 minutes up the road so maybe it was him - hope he's okay too.

When she can't get a ride she decides its time to just walk home instead - one of the other drivers decides to walk with her (knowing that he can't detain her, and its not like the cops will have an issue finding her) mainly to make sure she doesn't walk in the road and get herself killed.

That left me to wait for the cops - wife and dog in the car. There was debris everywhere including the lightpole and without any light to actually light up the road it would have been easy for someone to hit something, so I stayed with the NSX parked where it was and used the HIDs to help the other drivers see the debris. I was by myself waiting for the cops so I took some pictures - those are attached.

Finally the local cops show up and tell me that the state cops have to handle it since it is on a tollway, they ask for my information - I'm sure they'll be knocking on my door.
Because the cop is awesome, he also asks me how many miles I have on the NSX and then says "yea, you don't see these around anymore". I smiled :)

First'off... good that were no injuries! :cool:

Secondly... that light-pole gonna cost her more than the Pontiac! :D

Thirdly... it's crazy out there after-hours! :eek:
First'off... good that were no injuries! :cool:

Secondly... that light-pole gonna cost her more than the Pontiac! :D

Thirdly... it's crazy out there after-hours! :eek:

Oh yes that light pole is gonna cost a fortune. About twenty five years ago a person I knew hit a power pole with the transformer on it, on the Fourth of July as well. He made payments on it for over a decade. He was also dwi, so insurance refused to pay for it.