Winter @#$%

29 February 2000
Lawrence, KS
The forcasters are predicting 16 inches of snow here in Southern NH. I hope they are wrong! Either way the Battery Tender has been hooked up, the insurance adjusted and the snow blower pulled out of the shed.

I guess it time to post that old NSX winter photo on the web site. I have and will continue updating all weekend.

So, if own an NSX and would like to add your name to owners online list send your: Name, Town and State, Interior / Exterior colors of your NSX and your e-mail address to me at the e-mail address below.

Or, if you have any NorthEast Region info please feel free to send it to: [email protected]

For you guys that have asked I have also posted info on ordering the NSX New Hampshire 2003 event tee shirt. There is a link at the bottom of the home page.

How many days to spring?

Rich H
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RichH said:

How many days to spring?

Rich H

Another long days of winter ahead of us... Why can't winter be only 1-2 months long (no offense to skiers/snowboarders) :(
Re: Re: Winter @#$%

TigerNSX said:
Another long days of winter ahead of us... Why can't winter be only 1-2 months long (no offense to skiers/snowboarders) :(

Well this snowblader takes GREAT OFFENSE to that statement!!
:D :D :D
The first storm from this two-parter is over and it wasn't too bad with about 4-6 inches on the ground but now the second one is coming through with about another 8 inches predicted.

I got up this morning to find a new form of transportation behind the garage to replace the NSX during the winter. If it is good enough for Santa, it is good enough for me.




Great Photo's as usual.

The forcasters up here are now predicting 2 feet of snow, in my area, by lunch time Sunday. Not good!!

I plan to decorate the puppy and get this years Christmas card shot during the storm.

So, I have plenty of time to update the web site.

Any additions??

Hope all is well.
They just increased our predicted totals to as much as 18 inches. Blizzard conditions right about now up here but it was fun to drive to the store with no one on the roads.



Nice to see our favorite B&B:D Bob keep Anne out of the pathfinder untill spring!Now I can't show this thread to anyone in Pa. because they'll shoot my monitor and put it on the wall,lol.Have a nice day!Were is our senior member?
It really won't stop snowing here in MA... :eek:


Hey, I wanted it to stop raining... and it did. Disconnected the battery,added 10lbs. of air to the tires and threw on the cover. I'll be out on a nice dry day when it happens.
already 30 inches (2.5 feet) of snow here :mad: :eek:

I noticed on TV the coast is getting whacked.

Looks like a dud just north of the MA border. I just did some snowblowing: right now 8" still snowing, but I'll be surprised if we get more than 10" .

Wimpy compared to the norm here in the snow belt.

Good luck,

pbassjo said:
We had a sunny day and clear roads so I went for a ride!
Got to get it while you can!

Me too. I took the car out Friday and drove around for a couple of hours. Now its cold again and I did not get time to wash it, so no cover until it gets washed.
Looks like we are getting 2 feet of snow tomorrow.
No nsx today,Having fun in the cruiser though!
John, you have a Toyota Land Bruiser?? Karen will be jealous:D
Yes an 02 ,great vehicle big inside not so huge outside.

It's in the 50's again today and my NSX has been travelling around the area for the last 36 hours. Where is everyone?

Miled would be proud of me because I dropped it off to get washed during lunch today and now my wheels are (temporarily at least) bright and shiny. Too bad that the brake pads Larry B. installed before NSXPO will make them black again before I can get a camera but for now Miled will just have to take me at my word.

Looking forward to seeing most of you Saturday night. ;)

Yeah, took the NSX out for a bit over the past weekend, but in Jersey (close to its winter 'den'). The weather was spectacular given the season. Nice to see a clean car in a sea of winter beaten SUVs! There is just SOMETHING about this car that gives one a smile...anyone. Who could ask for more?

Happy New Year to all. Still bummed out that we will be missing the party this Saturday!


Re: Winter?????????

RSO 34 said:
Miled would be proud of me because I dropped it off to get washed during lunch today and now my wheels are (temporarily at least) bright and shiny. Too bad that the brake pads Larry B. installed before NSXPO will make them black again before I can get a camera but for now Miled will just have to take me at my word.

Looking forward to seeing most of you Saturday night. ;)


Hi Bob,

I know how tough it can be to keep wheels clean with those type of pads you have on your NSX, so I forgive you. Well, not really... LOL - j/k...

With the past rains we had in the last few weeks, it appeared the roads were cleaned from the salt and I was planning on driving my NSX for our gathering this coming Saturday night (1/3). Unfortunately, I'm currently looking at the Weather Channel and it shows: Fri.: AM snow showers then clearing in afternoon, Sat.: Few showers, Sun: Rain. Oh well...

It's been a sad month for me... first, I found out 2 weeks before X-mas that I was losing my job. But even more devastating, I had to say goodbye to my beloved companion and loyal Belgian Shepherd/Husky friend on 12/26. He was suffering too much and the doctor (who cared for him most of his life) told me it was amazing that he held out as long as he did. If there was anything else I could have done for him, I would have. I am getting very little sleep and can't stop thinking about him and what my future holds in the job market. I'm looking forward to seeing you all Saturday night.

In loving memory: Namar - Born 9/8/90 Died: 12/26/03

You are a wonderful, talented person.
God closes one door and opens another. Wait and see, you will get a better job. I am sure of it. Have faith.
I can't say much about the loss of your pet. Words can't fill the hollow that a loved dog leaves behind.
My sympathy and prayers are yours.