Winter Storers of their NSX

10 October 2006
Chicago, IL
For those of you who have your cars stored for the winter:

When do you usually put the collision ins. back on and start to drive her again?

I'm shooting for the first week in March. Is that too optimistic/ambitious?
Hmmm I normally wait and see what the weather is like. Plus I like to wait for the heavy rains that wash the street salt away.
For those of you who have your cars stored for the winter:

When do you usually put the collision ins. back on and start to drive her again?

I'm shooting for the first week in March. Is that too optimistic/ambitious?
Well, it's really up to you; you can start driving it at any time. If you don't want to drive it when it snows, then just leave it in the garage on those days.

In terms of weather, I usually switch the cars from their winter tires back to summer tires around the second week in March. I find that snow after that point is possible, but not all that likely.

Normal high and low temperatures in Chicago, in degrees F by month:

Feb 35/19
Mar 46/29
Apr 58/37

Average snowfall in Chicago by month, in inches:

Feb 8
Mar 7
Apr 2
Thanks Ken.
Living in the city, I don't have a garage, just a deeded space. The car is stored out in Rockford in a garage with a charger and a blanket on it.
Yeah it's 80 miles away, but at least it's in a heated garage and it's free.

My impatience is killing me.
Don't be too cheap on the collision insurance for a stored car. My friend's son has a '72 corvette that was hit by an SUV that went over a curb through a fence through the garage wall into the side of the vette and then up against a tree. The Stingray looks more like a Wasp now.

Insurance won't cover the damage under comprehensive and the owner of the SUV had marginal insurance. The driver of the SUV (you could perhaps call her a pilot in this circumstance) didn't even have a a valid license. For the $200 I'd save for 4-6 months off of collision, I'd just as well leave it in place.

And yes, I realize the odds for this to happen are astronomical, but I abide by the simple rule that I don't worry about things until they happen to someone I know.

As for taking out the NSX, I usually wait for a dry day in the 40's with little or no snow melt left. In Chicago that is usually June...
Don't be too cheap on the collision insurance for a stored car. My friend's son has a '72 corvette that was hit by an SUV that went over a curb through a fence through the garage wall into the side of the vette and then up against a tree. The Stingray looks more like a Wasp now.

Insurance won't cover the damage under comprehensive and the owner of the SUV had marginal insurance. The driver of the SUV (you could perhaps call her a pilot in this circumstance) didn't even have a a valid license. For the $200 I'd save for 4-6 months off of collision, I'd just as well leave it in place.

And yes, I realize the odds for this to happen are astronomical, but I abide by the simple rule that I don't worry about things until they happen to someone I know.

As for taking out the NSX, I usually wait for a dry day in the 40's with little or no snow melt left. In Chicago that is usually June...

June? Yeah, pretty close! LOL.
This is the 7th winter I have had mine in storage and I generally bring mine out April 1.
This is the 7th winter I have had mine in storage and I generally bring mine out April 1.

Dude you soooo set yourself for an April fools comment ,but I'll leave it alone...LoL
If I had an indoor garage and a place to wash her, I would be right there with you. Washing the car in 10 degree weather is not an option. My next condo will have heated indoor parking!!
The other advantage of not driving it in the winter is that you can suspend the liability and collision coverage on your insurance, and save 80 percent of your insurance cost during that time.
Dude you soooo set yourself for an April fools comment ,but I'll leave it alone...LoL

Who you callin a fool, fool?:tongue:

I dont drive mine when theres salt on the road (mostly due to lack of traction at those temps thus lack of fun...other than power slides), BUT you guys do know its aliminum not will be ok :smile:
First week in March would probably be to soon up here in Wisconsin, but I'm 3 for 3 on April 1st. Although mine is in the garage with an automatic charger on it. It's more painful that way...I have to see it every day. :frown:

8 weeks and counting.

In storage the day after Thanksgiving and usually take it out around the first week in April. Then it over to the dealer for a change of fluids and on to the street and track.

That's the beauty of owning an NSX; low maintenence.
This is my second winter, and we've been pretty lucky with snow fall so far, so I try to get it out at least once a week on a sunny day, even if it's to do errands for an hour or go to the gym. She was dead on one occasion so I don't set the remote alarm, I just lock it with the key to save battery. Gotta admit though, it's not as much fun driving it in cold weather!
I take her out whenever its nice. I can remember some great days in Nov and Dec. Its been sitting now cause the snow but i all drive all year long. depends on the weather.
Well this thread reminded I should go start the old girl up after two months. All I got was click, click , click...LoL dang it!
I just found out that my storage/garage space in Rockford will need to be given up!! Looks like I might be buying an all weather car cover for the remaining 2 months, as I only have a spot to park in:frown:
At least I get to drive her sooner than expected!!!!:wink:
I just found out that my storage/garage space in Rockford will need to be given up!! Looks like I might be buying an all weather car cover for the remaining 2 months, as I only have a spot to park in:frown:
At least I get to drive her sooner than expected!!!!:wink:

If you want to, you can keep it down in Indy for free in my airplane hanger with my other cars :biggrin:
Im only 2 hours from Chicago.....doing the speed limit :wink: