Winston Wolf Pizza - We'll be there in 10 minutes.

8 November 2005
Jeannette, PA
I usually hang out Saturdays at the stereo shop where I used to work, and most times I bring lunch. Well, this day I had the car instead of the Ridgie. When I went to pick up the three XL pizzas at a place about a 20 minutes away, something occured to me.

The NSX is the perfect pizza delivery vehicle. Not only is the trunk the perfect size for several large pizza boxes, when I got there the trunk had been pre-heated by the exhaust from the drive down. And there was no chance of the pie cooling down on the drive back. Voila! Perfect temperature delivered pizza without the hassle of heat bags, etc. The perfect pizza shop idea!

Think of the potential. The name and the slogan are a given, obviously. Might have to check with Quentin to make sure it's ok, but he's a good egg. People would order from us just to see the cars pull up to their house. There's be no problem with arriving late, although I'm sure the local constabulary would get wise real quick. We'd have no problem getting applications for delivery boys. We'd have to turn 'em away daily!

I guess the biggest hitch in all this is scraping up the $250,000 or so for the delivery fleet and finding an insurance company willing to take the risk :biggrin: .
Funny you mention that.... I once drove from a pizza place to my house with the leftovers in a pizza box placed in the Targa top holder above the engine compartment for a half hour. I didnt want to stink up the trunk or interior and wonderded if it would work. It did, toasty pizza when I got home. :biggrin: ---Still I dont think I will do it again.
I usually hang out Saturdays at the stereo shop where I used to work, and most times I bring lunch. Well, this day I had the car instead of the Ridgie. When I went to pick up the three XL pizzas at a place about a 20 minutes away, something occured to me.

The NSX is the perfect pizza delivery vehicle. Not only is the trunk the perfect size for several large pizza boxes, when I got there the trunk had been pre-heated by the exhaust from the drive down. And there was no chance of the pie cooling down on the drive back. Voila! Perfect temperature delivered pizza without the hassle of heat bags, etc. The perfect pizza shop idea!

Think of the potential. The name and the slogan are a given, obviously. Might have to check with Quentin to make sure it's ok, but he's a good egg. People would order from us just to see the cars pull up to their house. There's be no problem with arriving late, although I'm sure the local constabulary would get wise real quick. We'd have no problem getting applications for delivery boys. We'd have to turn 'em away daily!

I guess the biggest hitch in all this is scraping up the $250,000 or so for the delivery fleet and finding an insurance company willing to take the risk :biggrin: .

LOL... you could have the drivers pay $5 per delivery... plus the cost of gas and insurance... and you'd still have plenty of volunteer drivers. I'd do it!!!
Funny you mention that.... I once drove from a pizza place to my house with the leftovers in a pizza box placed in the Targa top holder above the engine compartment for a half hour. I didnt want to stink up the trunk or interior and wonderded if it would work. It did, toasty pizza when I got home. :biggrin: ---Still I dont think I will do it again.

I was just about to say, the targa storage area would be the perfect place!

On a side note, not long after I got my old '92 NSX, I went to the supermarket, and as most people do, put all the groceries in the trunk. By the time I got home, the ice cream was melted. Ice cream in trunk and mid-engine car don't mix. :tongue: